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236 · Jun 2017
Molly Miranda Jun 2017
It is always you
Always has been
Always will be

When I wake up
Close my eyes

It is always you
Since the day I met you
Heard your voice
Fell in love with your laugh
It has always been you

Somehow you are everything
My greatest weakness
And yet my lifesaver
My slice of heaven
My taste of hell

It is you
It has been
And will always be
188 · Jun 2017
Molly Miranda Jun 2017
I fall
I try to get up
But still I fall
I grasp at the air
My hands find nothing
So I fall
My legs kick
Arms flail
Nothing to stand
Nothing to grab
I fall
I fall faster
Eyesight blurred
Senses dull
No longer flailing
I fall faster
Eardrums burst as air whizzes by
I fall faster
Eyes sting
Fall faster
Lungs hurt
Suddenly- it is all over
My legs no longer have to kick
They have found solid ground
My arms no longer flail
They have something to hold
So why do I feel like I am still falling

— The End —