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128 · Jun 2020
What if we tried?
Mizuki Jun 2020
"Was it the wrong time
What if we tried?
Giving in a little more
To the warmth we had before"
- Lifetime by Ben and Ben

What if I tried a little bit more?
What will happen if I just ignore the thoughts inside my head?

Too many questions came into my mind.
Questions I can only answer if I continue. But I don't know if I'm still able to answer it, because now it's gone. I gave up.  
I think too much about what's inside my mind, but everything was true. I do not deserve you, because there is something more worthy of you. There's someone who deserves you. And that is not me.

What if I just ignored the thoughts on my head? Am I that someone?
116 · Jun 2020
What happened?
Mizuki Jun 2020
Everything around me are dark
I feel nothing but weight and pain inside my chest.
I'm not working anymore.

Why everything changed so fast?

I'm not like this before.

What happened?
114 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
even if you're super dead inside

                  you need to fight.

                                  'cause in the end,
                              you're still the one who's gonna
                                 build yourself up again.
111 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
"Does it really get better? Or do we just get used to it?"
108 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
It's very early in the morning, this is what I feel.

But, what's new?

This is what I feel everyday.
102 · Apr 2020
Mizuki Apr 2020
Evertime i wake up,
I always look forward to your message.
My day is not complete
If don't receive a "Good Morning" message from you.

Because a simple message from you
Is what makes my day perfect.
please excuse my grammar haha I'm not good in english tho but I'm trying!!
102 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
The moon was treacherous
Because he let me lose you.
The moon was treacherous.
Because he lets you step away.

The moon was treacherous because I thought you were mine. He gave me signs that you were gonna be mine forever, until our last breath.
In the next lifetime.

But he let you go.

The moon was treacherous.
Because of its slpendor and how bright they shine,
I didn't even noticed that you were already stepping away.
98 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
Everything you see are beautiful
Every people in your eyes are attractive

                 But, you. Why don't you see yourself
                    just like what you see with your eyes?
95 · Jun 2020
Mizuki Jun 2020
I've said it several times that I don't like you anymore, that I'll try to forget you, but how?

Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, the way you talk, your precious smell, your gentle hands. Everything. I can't forget every detail of you, every piece of you. You. How can I forget you?

Why do I keep remembering you, why do I keep remembering the days when we're still together, when I was still yours.  

I'm trying so hard to forget you. I tried to write poems, play an instrument, listen to music. I tried everything but nothing helps. Instead, I remember you more

Music, I can't stop playing our favorite song. Everytime I play it, I can feel your warm hugs. It feels like we're flying above the clouds. But now, it's just me.

Instruments, playing an instrument is hard but you made it easier for me. Everytime I place my fingers on the strings I can feel your hands guiding my fingers but, you're not here.

I tried writing poems to forget you but it's hard because you're always my subject.

I hope that every matching words that I make, I hope you know that it's about you.
I hope that every poems that I wrote, I hope you know that it's for you.

I'll keep trying to forget you but, you still have a place in my heart that no one can replace.
94 · Apr 2020
Your Eyes
Mizuki Apr 2020
Your eyes have a different shine.
A shine that is so blinding
yet still beautiful.
A shine that I couldn't find in others.

Whenever I look into your eyes,
I get lost.
I get lost in this beautiful galaxy.
A galaxy that is full of beautiful and shiny stars.

I don't like getting lost.
I hate it when I have no idea where I am
I hate panicking while on the road
Because i dont know where I am

But, getting lost in your eyes?
It's different.
Now I like being lost,
In your gaxies, In your eyes.

— The End —