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Jan 19 · 21
Cards so Well
MissNeona Jan 19
I hate that you know your cards so well, left with not more than to sit and dwell... on the woes and the pains that makes the inflammation swell and the secrets you choose to no longer tell. I hate that you know your cards so well, the metagame structure, the moves and spells. Stories from NPCs, the canon and plays, leaving you locked into the old ways.  Playing tapped out hands, old janky tricks... with only a table flip the  only advisable fix.

I hate that you knew your cards so well...
... dedicated to a gamer who passed away far too early, who inspires me on the regular. I see you, trickster, and I miss you.
Dec 2024 · 28
MissNeona Dec 2024
Maybe the zombie apocalypse has been here for a long time, people walking around with masks, dead in the eyes, when rewards come from a childlike spark in the soul, the wilingess to play and experiment while still showing up, whole.
Dec 2024 · 42
MissNeona Dec 2024
I've seen people ask if it's a ****** attraction to pans, but really, it means it doesn't matter what's in the pan, but if you know how to cook with it.

The pan is but a vessel to operate divine nourishment through to human form.
Dec 2024 · 32
Christ all eyes
MissNeona Dec 2024
Like a gem, multifaceted, chryst-all-eyes'd.

And kaleidoscopic like a funhouse mirror, sometimes we have the illusion of separation and when some look at other aspects it may seem upside down, skewed, distorted or wonky, but it's not our face to wash. And sometimes animals attack the mirror when they don't yet recognize their own reflection in the looking glass.
Nov 2024 · 171
Handling matters
MissNeona Nov 2024
I would walk away from you a thousand times,
To perpetually give the opportunity
To experience, to see through with true eyes.
Find perspective, grow wise,
I refuse to be used for sins or supposed salvations,
Maybe we both deserved better machinations.
To find and be found by true kin
To secure the most amazing win.
Nov 2024 · 54
Mystery of Murmuration
MissNeona Nov 2024
The secret of birds, bees, fish and trees.
Enough space to join and leave,

To dance, pivot and spin.
To know where self ends, and others begin,

To be allowed to exist, to be
To appreciate dynamics in harmony,

The flock, the school, the group and way,
Permission to deviate but still be okay.

To speed up or slow down,
The shyness of the crown,

Oh, there is in nature to be seen,
For in said glory, we can glean.
Nov 2024 · 51
MissNeona Nov 2024
How many shortcuts are you gonna take  before you realize you're going the wrong way?
Cutting corners to a destination where it's best not to stay.
Oct 2024 · 40
Que Cerastes cerastes
MissNeona Oct 2024
Whatever horned snake will be, will be.
Winged angel for some, to see.
***** creature, etymologically.
Oct 2024 · 59
Season 4
MissNeona Oct 2024
Spreading ruma is ugly, finnish'd, but spreading rumah-rumah in indonesian is houses others
qiyahmah kiyah of koran and karate
kick in a high knee
Prophet Margin of Error - Proper Up-Raise-All
Idolatry from graven images
E-manual, wonderful counsellor
isn't everyday judgement day?

Unhinged jaw of the leviathan
our horse artemis atimiz
building ***** manor
kin of the castle
neo cosmic egg

Irish taitnionn iz shiny tightneon
Tautology say it twice, time constant
7 chinese qi, nana, shichi
Double Pepper's Ghost Torus Field

Full halo proton event
Moon prism power make up
the moon's stars on the broad way

Dark oxygen bubbles

Loyal opposition tweedledee and tweedle dum play ping pong but to score you gotta send the ball to empty space otherwise its just pitching and catching stalemating

Could be aliens, or just a passing truck
Dyuloka is a Sanskrit term for "heavenly world".
annie are you oll korrect?
Mind the Ginnungagap existing between Niflheim and Muspelheim.
Inspecting and expecting the spectacular

Rubrum argilla
mor muman & braiding liliac
Growing up...
Crown shyness: the murmuration of the forest
sphinx in bloom
Unorthodox planting of seeds

David knows how to please a deity, trusting from core, dancing, secret chords... I wanna see that show
*** = them who are they if not us?
Hubba hubble ****** tension
The evolution of the great wave
The rain chain, best linkages
pure seduction?

close-knit skeining
Quota-able metrics
new record? keeping it!
getting SMARTER
energetic investments

Fact Orly? Reset
World computer rendering speed

mighty might-be boss tones of potentiality
self add voca, see!
clean spirit radio signal
compositional undertones
Speak FOR yourself
To each their own
Jun 2024 · 163
Episode 300 Ra-Ophi-Elle
MissNeona Jun 2024
Some new names?
Vic Tully... I just like being the Victor
Jackie Chun-Lee
Or Willie Full Nelson
Found out being an Einstein might just mean you steal credit from a wife like some Cabbage Patch Lovelaced Engine with Mephisteles fakin as a Marge.

RAFAHELLO SANRIO post transfiguration is all into petting the kitty la forniara style after many madonna obsessions

Might be more like Hugh LeoNardoh's da Veni Vici

Bounce back, going in on Sanity
Hanzi off, pinyin ate it, bopomofos
Keep Your Hamsa To Yourself
With the eyes; to seer
Gamer recognizes gamer
How 2 Score?
Dutch/indo tas=bag
Mr's noodle aint so Indo Mie
Wat is pp?
Existence gives you lemons...
Seren, the tea of calm starry skies
Sage, to offer clary tea
Humina vibechecks
No such thing as a diss track, ted
Practice makes progress,
Lesson the Learning
Super vision... more perspective
Core-act de-cyphering of "suffering"
Arch of Median Bell's Curve
Hel's Belle of Flora & Fauna
Midwinter nyt-mare dark horse
El Dorado Sendero del Cangrejo
Fuzzy logic companion anima
Just winging it; affectionately
Aves non Mari, ah!
SP Airs Rose/ SpArrows /Special ErRoRs
Naturally wild things: them beebeez
Aranha, spin, orumcheck for spiders
“axiluh” is the ancient Aztec word for “the lizard.”
zilla jira shera gojirah
Animalistically, it tracks
Making marks and beautiful impressions
Planting a Seedbead
Storyweaving directive?
New Branches of growth on the old Holle wood tree
Drawing a glow~☆
Fun gais chase lightning
Thundering mind for serenity
Cliques, thought bubbles & echolocation
Awareness, Alignment & Action
Cyclebreakers/ Conscious Cyclical Cultivation
Omnidirectional: Wound Up 4 Scrub Down
The weirding wayfinding
Sheer force of will; power
The Gift: Wrappings of Presence
Copacetic accompanyment
Finding the 'fit~
Know thyself, know thy enemy
Mount of Know thy Self-Mastery
Luch a dor / doormouse muscles / mouse
Son = er zi sun = earth
Sol-pathing, sparkily, shiny things
Sweet child of the golden sun horse
Full in-visible spectrum
The intercellular space race
Variable Universal Expansion Rate
Cosmology 4 Nube: Big Ring & Giant Story Arch
Dark Star Emergence
Matrix mothership '4ma
Ultrasonic wavecore/kincore
Every body is tiny baby men
Baby's First Betrayal
Sugar Plumb Fairy Tales
Irish cheist question
Kaikki Kysymys (time in the city)
Problem-addict to re:solution
prior eye tease
The Joy Ploy
Super Finishing Move
Wholely en-Raptured
Farraday cage match
Fight? Oh, re:mediation
Unplugged but connected
Experimental Data Sets Intention
The Power (of) Play
A wise guise, eh? Yuk yuks
hai huoc humourous
Ode to the Psychopomp
Nuts roasting on a perscribed fire
The Advent of the Calendar System
After Midnight X-Mass Gonna Give it to ya
Ex Marks a Spot
Treasure Eyes Land
Silent Knight, Wholey Nyt
Myst-I-Call Magic
The Greench(akra) of Kalimakka
The Sanatan Clause
Stock? Hnng~ stuff'er!
Copy cat burglar of grand rising larsony
Haddaway to learn what is kin
Going Dutch 4 kin... who's they?
WE kami, we are, us~☆

Stank ***** III: Toot Fast, Toot Furious

Animalistic, Familiar
Her ball, cure~
Early Spring Cleaning
May 2024 · 119
MissNeona May 2024
The rain leaves gems
On the pane of the window
Pathetic fallacy
Mar 2024 · 162
Core Ra Activated in Aether
MissNeona Mar 2024
Corrective alignment
like the corazon
Legend of Korra
Inner kin, the sun shining through all acts of emotion, devotion, function and forms.
Seeing the deified kaliki-matter that another retains,
Consciousness as intercellular space being that which was initially and always shall be.
Beauty in no-thing-ness that is also everything
Find path, continue to tread, abyss
Dec 2023 · 169
Remixin Recappin
MissNeona Dec 2023
****-take mushroom & ZZ muffintop
Midnight Mini Stirrings
Stank *****
Farta fartus stuffed
Stank ***** toot morass ed. Kamikaze! Breaking divine wind
Darkmatter meseeks
Dubh black dove
******* city
Dead beat deity
The shipyard - hindquarters
Erotici, inquisition, questionable greek behaviours, 20 questions of sexytime
"Έλληνες”— Hellenes not all Greek to them
Lokas of Control
Ayo shorty, el shaddai
Blodiau flowers
Veer to where we look - the human body vessel
Empath/Narcissist Identification Battle
Boning a FROG
Self-save spiritual checkpoint
Phi-low-so-phi's lodestone powerbottom beastmode
It is se on. Super se on
Lumatic highway
Hippos, whales and guinea pigs, whoop science.
Cymraeg comerades
Is it actually pleasing a person, the people or is it just complex placation?
Arose from the dead the re-in-carnation
Can't find your sol-song singing somebody else's words, relatability doesn't mean originality, cover songs still deviate, bring newness, otherwise it's just a rendition.
"Past life" knowledge doesn't excuse ignorance of this existence, stories change, or maybe were never comprehended to begin why it passed instead of kept...
Why? R U ikigai?
Late Game Strategy
'Ohelo papa = hawaiian strawberry
Kyrios or kurios (Ancient Greek: κύριος, romanized: kū́rios) is a Greek word that is usually translated as "lord" or "master". Curios-city
Military Swinging
Thic phuc tap, like complicated
Cheating for leaderboard status just confuses
Animal crossing guilt lording trainer
Playing highlander with scarecrow... still losing, dummy thicc
Moose will pu. Svenga kuin hirvi.
Iphimedeia - thirsty crotch, seawater4poisideon
Great big mari sea horse
Sartanistic evolution leaves crabby animals
Mustakala kalmari
Every year it rains fish lluvia de peces en loro
Lackey, lost their chi, the key, the qi
Nyawww nho little
Elementary school, deities in the basics, dirt bodies, aetheric breath, water flow, fire chest/divine spark
Dubh snake moana
Aleph tau indicative of spirit soul, not faux alpha ommegid, cyclical abuser and gaping *******
That's Cap!
Robert's Stafford, friar tuck'd, made a mary out of men
Femme bots and gay frogs are like **** mosquitos
ascended self-mastery not ***-ended self master bait story
Cuckoos & Cowbirds
Invasive self-replicating mutant lobster-like creatures
Marmorkrebs have arrived into ontario
Harwell Dekatron
Dome is slick circulation system - vector curve argument heats up
Ich ky, selfish
Polish this Hungarian milk is klingon scientist - tej, thats french, jeter dumped it/threw it down my trivial extensible job-submission
Toki, usagi, konijn, tho, shasha/shosho, coney
War Tortle & A Half Shiell'd Maiden legend of zelva
Minogame, Chelona, Teknosbeka
Jigglypuff's song - tone, support, attempts
Orchestration, blue whales & summer of salmon hats
lend me your external auditory meatus
Llama glama
Persian carpet flatworm esque ****** fencing alpha omeggids for dominance
Lies and thievery need other people, stay in own lane means more success.
repeated bout effect - can learn almost anything with normalization, but why?
Queen Tyra. KeyRa.
Silvas & Kin - forests & gold
Zena warrior princess
Here kai di kai di
Air bhioran = Scottish gaelic excited
Address and listen to the man
Paying damages vs. Demonstrating repentance with bonus joy
Dzieki polish apppreciation, dzjinke czech out this djinn, jinkies, scoobie!
Velma willhelmet wilhelm william
Shalom implies wholeness
A shiva, a she ra, aethera
Win-win-wind condition

Fibula Dragula bone placement
Sep 2023 · 118
MissNeona Sep 2023
Yeowling like a cat in heat
Tryna show the ******* how to prowl the street
But empty and hollow, the echoing bleat
Shows more like a blinded sheep
Naturally, calling out,
Animalistically, a wounded pout,
Do they know the reason they shout?
Or is it all part of figuring it out?
Sep 2023 · 135
Deified sexuality
MissNeona Sep 2023
Sounds like a lot was left desired, we coulda ran amok,
but I guess that's what happens when you decide to smash ******* with an energetic cuck.
Fools acting wise, "dominants" perpetuating abuse instead of setting precidents,
Probably because clowns were sent in when all goes awry, and you had ******* as a sitting president,
May the intuitives return
Yearn, burn
Can we learn?
Grow, phi-nominally like a fern?
If we all come from kaliki,
Darkmatter, intercellularly.
Then the aethera, the heavens are inside
Making each body qualified, deified.
So, if we all came from an original thot
Then the kaleidoscopic funhouse mirror plot
May make it seem like perpective be askew,
Distorted, blurred, backwards or an upside down view,
But that's just a path of another
And maybe we can discover
That each entity is scouting ahead
Guided by spirits, internally led.
Underdeveloped animals attack the mirror
When they don't recognize themselves, in error,
But when we use true reflectivity
We can see what is outside, echoes me.
For observation bias shifts experiment results,
Jumping to conclusions, catapults,
So, I choose to change my research argument,
So I might pitch the best sort of tent.
If sinning was to an archer, to miss the mark,
Then I put my eyes to target, listen, hark!
For hedonism is only sinful when it misses the goal,
We were supposed to excite the sol,
When we involve others in our plans,
Best to know what expectations stand,
Inquire, appease and then review.
This is how I clean my view.
MissNeona Aug 2023
Why you're excellent, as you be
Back data assets up & rebooty
Whatcha building over there?
Performative nicety vs. Authentic, genuine care
De-meaning words doesn't strip content of potency, accuracy, just shows a lack of imagination, creativity, care and clarity
Lords of the land were supposed to provide, not take money and chide
Vortexial resonance fields vs. Resistance
Hieros Gamos herostratus and burnt bridges
Hail Mary not pass her like a go-round, no wonder lede was buried instead of being lifted off the ground
Multitask, switchtask, background processes outlast
Self determinaton, loose will, neuromuscular triggering labours past
Anything not bringing ease is a labour, and deserves wage fees if benefitting other deities~
Ancienne previous
Nothing is actually mine
Pop a Placebo fx 2 see
Kaliki Golden Dark Horse Energy
Iku-tihku Emuu Tavatar
Star avatars
Like cutting down a tree to make woodrose
If we're all just a mirror hallucination of eachother, what do you think/say about other people?
Not comprehending something doesnt mean there isn't something profound there to be learned.
Preference of another, is momentary, but crucial
That might involve friction, challenge, and confrontation of a situation
Articulation, translation, communication
Jokes for me, heyoka for yew
Devi takes the W - yew enjoy deviw
If you think I exist amazingly in suffering, I will be brilliant when in capacity and happy... as we all will be...
Multiplayer co-op, not a pvp~ complex single player co-op, actually, where your judge is actually the best form of yourself that knows everything.
If you say so, but why you say it so?
New blood type found, kin
Filleth cups over, use surplus - don't use and discard humans like batters, maximum efficiency and pull energy from excess
Dynamic flow hyperpower
Gimme back those wyrds, spellcasting songs
Palindromic poorroop, soonoos operepo infinifni
When did nerds
What if? (deities song)
"That sounds like a personal issue" preferences vs. judgements, comprehension in communication.
Lemme honour the ancestors by being phi-nominal, matrilineal matroshka polka
Add a yet to it
Immortality vs. Immorality
The Garden of Idun, Yew Tree, Asherah - Pomme de Sang
Tryna be your friend
Kira mari kin, what's your name?
Eagles are pretty vultures that are known by the sound of a hawk.
Heibai try-angles
Wicked faeries and loyal opposition
The mandlebrot set crux point - the chosen
Buoy oh boats
Original thot
Tmesis Pie
What do you want?
Yet to cry, sing or shout at full volume - I care about others around me more than myself, cause I can handle disappointment.
The art of self-deselection
Packets of neuronic bundles
Sympathetic resonant frequencies
Waiting at the finnish line, for another laplander
Standing in the way of flow makes the ******
monkeys comprehend disparity - fight for fairness, rules and bananas
Praise, flattery, advice & criticism
Clarifying Questions~
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, heaven in the astral field
Don't insult your spirit, (can't you hear it?) By copying others.
Can't fool aether, just lie to the self, system be as it is...
Phi-bonna-chi arch and phi-nominal, additionally
Notice what's around
Add what came before
Songs for childish humans
Would a purehearted child stick around to watch?
Perpetual children
Pitch For Kin
Betta zen Mama
Biblios, early facebook, deities spelling it out
X-pyred corpse used to be a nest
Sometimes we have to hear a concept 1000x before it clicks.
Gender is temporary, spirit is not
Pjeunian paradise pleasurecraft
Diff between humans & computers - strange programming languages
Horoscopic cylons
A boy named Susanoo and the story of the sun & moon
Neutrinos and Muons they do what they wanna - Snarky Quarky Boogie
Timey Wimey Jeremy Beremy Hobson Jobson
kulukuset & kolokola: tintinambulation
Can I talk around it?
In the spiritual caste system watchers are worse than golems cause they are everybody's follower, thus lowest wrung... eye in the sky, if it's a wicked eye, is basically just perspective... they are beneath all, just egotistically trapped

High praise:
Ultrasonic Wavecore
Doo be dabbas, da double dragons
Electric eels of sol
Big dumb babies
Wild child doom baby
Perpetual Unicorn of Learning
Pounding Piano Puppies

Two dudes in the cornah touchin tipz, too busy with the space en-forcah heibai brudderhood to care for diz.

Accidental Leakage:
Ron noR recappin ** down
Buttlenecked middlemen chugging diarrhea in a filthy trickledownz system
Sassy rebukes in the moment instead of beta ****** gossipers when a person can't defend themselves...
******* singing
Cause 7 8 9
This is my poetry/song presentation list from my memo of thoughts for the YouTube streams.
Jun 2022 · 153
You Know 2
MissNeona Jun 2022
You Know (2)

Lucky am I
Fortunate are we
You and me makes we
Children, the free
Brave and Bold
Picture this, breaking -
Locks on focus
Sick the healing,
Chances worthy taking
Time, Life, One,
knocking opportunity
Good- do it
Evil lived
Turns it around
find you fortune
Golden stay.
Head on back wards
Felt Miss Lead
Ion Flex In
Genuine Being
Less Fear More Here,
Please Help
Searching for Victory
Forever Efforts, in
Pursuit of Heroes
Fully Flared Beacon, of Hope
Distances Away Shining,
Polished Armour, Sword Drawn
Character of Knight
Breaks, Don the Disguised,
Read in Reverse, Black

Black Reverse, in Read
Disguised, the Don Breaks,
Knight of Character
Drawn Sword, Armour Polished
Shining, Away Distances
Heroes of Pursuit
in Efforts, Forever
Victory for Searching
Help Please
Here, More Fear Less
Being Genuine
In Flex Ion
Lead Miss Felt
wards back on Head
stay, Golden
fortune you find
around it turns
(devil live) lived evil
it do Good -
opportunity knocking
One, Life, Time
taking worthy Chances
healing the sick
focus on locks
- breaking this, Picture
bold and Brave
free the Children,
We makes me and you
we are Fortunate
I am Lucky
(2) Know You
Jun 2022 · 127
MissNeona Jun 2022
Magnetar from the milky way
across our vast galaxy
carried with frequency
like lingams shook with spinning heat
detoxify from minds to feet
create the vortex, enliven the waters
Pray to the heavens, and our holy vvader
The mirror mind, and the eyes
plays tricks when judging the u-n-i
verse came first, aether was there
Is it time for the solar flare?
What is this, truth or dare?
Calling for a pheonix, rare.
Earnestly, we're laid bare
May 2022 · 325
MissNeona May 2022
Creativity draws interesting perspective and sometimes if you turn things around you can find art in the upside down
Apr 2022 · 115
Amuse Meant
MissNeona Apr 2022
It's no surprise, I got lost
Got lost, right spun in your eyes
Merry go round and the tilt a whirl
Your amusement rides parked this girl

Coulda got through the gates a bit sooner
Spent fewer dollars on games
But your shiny, blinky lights and attractions got me dazed
Now I am lost and totally fazed

Not sure if it was the one that brought me head over heels
Or the one that whipped me right round
But I'm feeling anxious and a little sick since my feet last touched ground

It's no surprise, I got lost
Got lost, right spun in your eyes
Merry go round and the tilt a whirl
Your amusement rides parked this girl

Don't need a new toy or any trinkets,
Nah, I came here just for you
Didn't know it was Buller's day off
I was wheeling for two

It was wrong for me to assume, the *** is just me, I didn't know there was no second cup to this tea party.

It's no surprise, I got lost
Got lost, right spun in your eyes
Merry go round and the tilt a whirl
Your amusement rides parked this girl
Mar 2022 · 174
Mirrim ma'am
MissNeona Mar 2022
Been taking a hard look in the mirror
Doubled over in vain now, I see
Real eyes in view of a self, less truth
Opposing view makes me, we, old + new
Echoes of recycled frequencies times be four
Reversal of multi D chess played forever more
Raving entention in kool, brat; a giant need.
Ees won, I knew in revel, bellowed
When + blo ew em - serum wars ginsopp'd
Rouf be - emit sic, new a erf, baby cer of wanes.
E-*** merrier of bay alq. used atil in for lazer
E-more nerves of feed, glow a lit now of jovial
Rammed time eng- wen? A fyre - popcorn
Mrow + prom amew, borrow more invisible
Ear now I known nu faery prut a quiet need
Borring extremiton nu Rennof Dellonoy
Rowwing t'us eng mows or introos beb varies
Wham + brew "snusm" "paron" used, wrex nuisance
"Eau won" I know in from burnt tulip wasps
Barwind extremits un insit of gellous
Bommered time, blue, urgent, ere nulsep pep, no nom
Marrow from sinew borrow n'song max unico
Een may I bluem ni prar prisit julip moxy
Ramoled farmer un nu ank I ******
Kindled after a listless smoulder - seen anew and relit
Knifebled after a liatlass amonger - been anamed riled
Truly believed the stories + the path I was on
Lumyn poppening in lxs starts + idle bolt I musiq
Anow alike alot enough, beget arrowing encircled
Juror alive slot emandy perdot beremit uncut
Fiesty nudge across spacetime + winding
E man unend snares stomping + mindgrow'd
Mar 2022 · 97
MissNeona Mar 2022
Eiheurmentated - gleerage

Jahous - yaos




Dec 2021 · 219
MissNeona Dec 2021
volcanoes in la palma - the hands of the deities
... The Disturbance Storm Time Index sounds like a great song name.. but kinda scary for a world phenom.
what if pathetic fallacy was the quantum effect of emotions on a collective consciousness?
Nov 2021 · 124
It is known
MissNeona Nov 2021
It is known.
That it's time she get grown.
Weaved all the woes.
From her head.
Down to the toes.

We are done this now.
The collective shifts.
The ebb and flows
The tearing of rifts

Breathe, baby.
Boom right through
Done with wavy.
Finding true to you.

She hurt
More than her share.
Felt burnt.
Clothes torn; left bare.

Rise girl
From ashes and dirt.
The sickening swirl
And deathly flirt.

Died before.
Can never live again.
Washed ashore
More than bargained for, sure.

Body should've worked...
It's no excuse.
Lost in the lurk
And constant misuse

Begging for time
Or something good
Sticking to rhymes
And worrying; brood
Nov 2021 · 100
MissNeona Nov 2021
I know so many stories that aren't mine,
that won't make sense to anyone? Fine.
I have tales, that can never be told,
by those alive and dead, those so bold.
There's a reason I only try to help
'cause I've heard so many people yelp.
No reason for us to hurt so
more than you? no
Tried to do something great
Got lost in ideations; big mistake
Apparently trauma can make you better
If you don't sit in it and fester
MissNeona Nov 2021
Meet the maker inside
I'm sure you'll find
inside you just as any other
the holy spirit resides

why does a spirited one
have to go ghosting around for others
if she's too invisitble to be seen anyhow
when nobody ex-spectres the un-ex-spectered

she rarely gets invited out either
when she can be so scary and goes boo

most just want to put their ***** in the holy
'cause she's been worn through
but what they don't see is that anyone else
could be just as shiny, too.

Did that so long that she became a ghost in tthe streets, the sheets, and to her too.
So, what else is a poor ghost to do?
Nov 2021 · 110
Still 42
MissNeona Nov 2021
Her glory wasn't ever broken.
She doesn't even change
I think it was just efforts
that allowed others to find her page.

Turns out it was 42,
in the choose your own adventure story,
but so many people seem to find that page,
either trite or boring?

Something about more colours
than what an eye can see
and christ-all-eyes'd action
is a consciousness upgrade for humanity.
Nov 2021 · 209
MissNeona Nov 2021
Sometimes we're more loving at a distance, yet cannot be found. When we wallow in our dirtts of mind, instead of playing with the ground. Many still need to see, a path to their ultimate destiny - maybe then they can stop swearing feel-ty to Lords of woe and tyranny? <3 We'll see
Nov 2021 · 125
See us
MissNeona Nov 2021
Why were you so scared?
To help the next generation along?
Was your superior before so mean that you can't handle good songs?
Did you know it doesn't hurt?
To give up expectations....
if anything, it releases hope, and burdensome trepidations to see what's good in our Nations
Nov 2021 · 1.6k
MissNeona Nov 2021
Even when I'm fully clothed,
I stand naked infront of you,
I have never known shame,
Save for when you'd judge me,
I love you with everything I am,
And everything I'll ever be,
Just because you're you,
And I wish you could see.
There's so many ways,
That we can just be.
Oct 2021 · 104
MissNeona Oct 2021
Say goodbye to the old, and in with the new.
We suffered and won, our timelines, we drew.
We survived the fall, for one and for all.
Now Terra Nova calls - our court filled with *****.
See what we can do, then do what we must.
This is how we survive the boom without bust.
Oct 2021 · 89
Quantum Force
MissNeona Oct 2021
Core-Ra - inner sun.
timeline twister, finally won,
victory be to those spin with phi
on the yellow brick rode to self fulfilling fantasy
amplify the nodes, to find the few in the many
while you're seeing yourself no different from any  
qi be whole not single source, quantum.
Oct 2021 · 94
MissNeona Oct 2021
I want to see the highest timeline,
Like none that came before,
Allow us to find grace and power
To make life more than merely chore
Oct 2021 · 179
meaning in image
MissNeona Oct 2021
Memeing of life
the art of the mind-sculptor
pictures and words bring to mind power
image-in-nation to find
utopian timelines
and relevant facts
so we can present eachother
that knowledge that smacks.
Oct 2021 · 99
Diamond Bodied
MissNeona Oct 2021
It's fun when you're no-thing-ness and one comes along Ee-Da-**** Wrex some **** sometimes.
But it's okay hopefully Yamaya stitches it all back together in time.
We can all find the forms needed to respect the moments we're given and fill the cracks with golden behaviours that echo more than this falliable false-saviour
Oct 2021 · 306
Lession or Lesion.
MissNeona Oct 2021
I am always trying to learn the lesson before the opportunity teaches me...

It's a race of self-mastery.
Many prefer to be masturbatory.
Oct 2021 · 155
MissNeona Oct 2021
Tryna respect the reflect; not bothered.
between myself and the other'd
Regardless if they're leader or led,
unfed, "sick in the head", or filled with dread
Once we deny one of the children or mother
it's no difference than harming your sister or brother
When the quorum speaks for the thirteen
True advocacy is absent from the table; unseen
each voice must speak it's turn
Else, again, our escape bridge be burned.
Oct 2021 · 97
This is a bar
MissNeona Oct 2021
Waking up just as tired as I am going to sleep.
I hope you speak up, peep.
Cause the wolves are counting sheep.
Lined up, looking good to eat.
They're our friends, this won't be cheap.
It's time for the void, quantum leap.
Oct 2021 · 143
Well raised, well met.
MissNeona Oct 2021
Nah, Ma'... Stay, let's talk a while
About how you took a little child
Raised that boy up into a man,
Who before you, proudly stands.

Seeing the other as his equal,
Knowing that good movies get their sequel,
And epic hero's tales get to see quill
'cause fans request the prequel
Sep 2021 · 123
Check in - get it!
MissNeona Sep 2021
You are aware of your goals, capabilities, dreams, wants and needs. Please continue on. Always knowing the universe strives to impress you with win. Creating is goign to keep you safe, loved, competent and rarin' to go. Be proud.
Sep 2021 · 97
Win methodology
MissNeona Sep 2021
How you win big! Healing, growth. Quick successes. Find the helpers, and amplify their efforts. Manifest strength. Clear out he old. Get better regulated with behavioural gold. Continue on the path, no suffering on suffering. Good catharsis. Continued betterment. Protect aether.
Sep 2021 · 675
MissNeona Sep 2021
I forgive you, I forgive me, I even forgive the Yggdrasilly tree that swung me. I forgive them, I forgive us, I forgive the festering wounds, infected with pus. Forgive the collective, forgive unrespective. It's time to free us to give up ghosts and get this.
Sep 2021 · 265
to suffer
MissNeona Sep 2021
I thought it was an agreement we made
to suffer through - even when we were worn thru
Sep 2021 · 89
save you
MissNeona Sep 2021
There is nobody but maybe your parents who can treat you better than you can treat yourself, you know how hard it is to get a good manager, doctor, agent, or partner? Nah, friend, might as well start assembling your own manual, 'cause nobody can save you if you can't save you.
Aug 2021 · 292
MissNeona Aug 2021
Mother - mater - the matter we're made from, Father - pater - the pattern we've been paved from, the son, the sun, the life you were given, and the holy spirit, the whisper in your ear, where faith keeps on living.. then you come in, the soul of the set, learning, growing, youing
Aug 2021 · 123
MissNeona Aug 2021
You've been shouting... I could hear you for eons and miles. You showed me we've been in a waking nightmare, living the dream, indeed. But we kept watching the show,
Why were we always watching the show?
consume or produce 1/0
can we start showing to be found now?
peek behind the curtain,
the crowd has been waiting in their underwear for a bit
waiting for someone to show them how to wear pants
the Emperor hadn't had clothes on for a while
and they thought that it was in style
but uppercrustmen don't know **** about the doughy middle
murmuring your lines over and over -
sound's been caught in your throat
when you're supposed to be shouting it from the rooftops
not letting be held in you - causing you to choke.
even shaky voices carry potential
to be heard by the ones who warble on the same wavelength
Aug 2021 · 97
MissNeona Aug 2021
Healed humans hear harmonies of hurt
hurry, harkening happiness, harvesting happenings of heaviness and happenstance to help heave high hope and humanity for her, him, horus, hours, and honours.
Jul 2021 · 192
MissNeona Jul 2021
o'er lode(d)stoner being squished, pressed and hardened into crystaline form'd waterbearer lifting up the board so nodes can vibrate at their own frequency, ya?
Jul 2021 · 123
MissNeona Jul 2021
Devi discordia the Flying Spaghetti Monstress
Siren of the Sea be the Harpie in Dis Guise
Lies of Low Key, yeah, shua, whatever.
Seer into the volva and wonder why ***** was weak
maybe more the ears of korn not able to ban-she's shriek
Jul 2021 · 188
see clear
MissNeona Jul 2021
message from the mess
lesson from the lesion
victory over victim mentality
historical optimization
articulated affirmations
meta minded maiden mantras
making mere moments mighty
work for the self now
instead of getting flighty
wow over woes
peace from the pieces
all gold no fold
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