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Sep 2019 · 69
I decided
Mantha MW Sep 2019
I do not want to die.
I don’t want this in between life
Where you live because because you are alive and nothing else
Where you woke up smile when someone is looking
No more of this life in between darkness and death, where fear is my only true friend
I just wanna live a real life asap
I think my goals have to start small
Can I dive into a world i was do afraid of?
Am I still afraid? I can’t answer that now
But I want to live.
The job I want  requires a drivers license, so I guess that’s my starting goal.
Jul 2019 · 79
My dreams
Mantha MW Jul 2019
I dreamt my teeth fell from my mouth as I talked.
I dreamt I I bled out from cuts that appeared in my skin like stars.
I dreamt my body gave up on me as I walked.
I dreamt my best friends told me was I was truly afraid of.
I dreamt the people I called family left me
behind, and with a knife in my back.
You see, half my dreams come true.
I rather see my body give up on me as I walk.
Jul 2019 · 90
Mantha MW Jul 2019
I might be afraid
I may be scare tonight
But you got my hands
That **** smile

Sayin’ “trust me” again
You got me a **** fool
But I’m not afraid

At least not with you
And not tonight
Jul 2019 · 75
Mantha MW Jul 2019
I don’t walk around like the world hates me.
I walk around like the world forgot me.
Like everyone who knew my name woke up and left me behind.
I don’t think I’m better then you.
I know I’m the worst person here.
And no one deserves me in their life.
Jul 2019 · 77
My bonfire
Mantha MW Jul 2019
One day I will throw myself to the flames
And burn all evidence of myself from this town
A fine end to my life here, I believe
Here you all spit billets and hate those unlike you
I lack this skill and am therefore hated
Those who cared for me built this bonfire
Those I loved keep pushing me to the flame
But I don’t burn easily
So I’ll burn the part of myself you love
The part some hated, funny how it’s all the same
Maybe I’ll raise from this, like a myth
More likely you will never know
My final revenge is to escape
From the town that raised me
And those who threw me to the fire
I’m not sure what to call this
Jul 2019 · 144
No goodbye
Mantha MW Jul 2019
Save that good bye and apologize
Theres no time, life is getting in the way
I’m headed west with no plan or quest
You goin east with that degree
But baby we got a week or least tonight
No time for good bye tonight
I know you gotta go but just kiss me tonight
May 2019 · 126
Mantha MW May 2019
This pain is of my own making
My mistakes and my mind
The smoke and bottles dampen
The words I speak
But not my memories
Of you and me
May 2019 · 126
I’m fighting
Mantha MW May 2019
Baby I can’t fight for too

My soul is heavy with the Battle
I’ve been fightin for too long
My smile is wearing thin
And now here we stand

I can hear your voice in my dream
But it not me you want
I’m Fighting for someone
who will never fight for me

I’ve been fighting for that smile
But it’s too late now
Apr 2019 · 80
What now
Mantha MW Apr 2019
Now I have no job
No plan
No one
No degree
The only I think I’m good at is this
And this writing thing
Is a long shot
So what now
Apr 2019 · 148
Mantha MW Apr 2019
The pain is of my own making
My mistakes and my mind
The smoke and bottles dampen
The words I speak
But not my memories
Of you and me
Wow, I’m sad
Apr 2019 · 121
Fire in my eyes
Mantha MW Apr 2019
I want to be have a fire in my eyes
To be know has the girl with brilliant blue eyes
But my fire is just a spark
And my eyes only speak of sadness and the lack of sleep
Apr 2019 · 133
Night calls to me
Mantha MW Apr 2019
The wind playing with the leaves in the clear moonlight
All the souls at rest, dreaming of better days
No one here to lie and play with me

The night calls to me like my oldest friend
A silent understanding that my words
Stay hidden in the moonlight
Mar 2019 · 207
Mantha MW Mar 2019
The page tried to escape
Wiggling to the next
Asking me to read more
To see what this tiny book has in store
“Go on” it said “just a little farther”
I let the page turn
So we are one page closer
Closer to what?
I’m not sure yet
Only my books knows
Mar 2019 · 93
Red eyes
Mantha MW Mar 2019
I know I am alone, in a locked room. But I feel her eyes on me. Always behind me, always watching me with her red eyes. I try to escape her dreadful stare by walking away. But her eyes follow me. Always following me with those red eyes. I swear I can her fiery body move. I turn but all I see are red eyes. Staring. Always staring.
Mar 2019 · 138
I can see her
Mantha MW Mar 2019
Her eyes were white; frozen in the decay. I could still see the hate in her eyes. A odd green gray tint covers her face. I could see what’s left of her favorite red lip gloss. Her perfect blonde hair is all but gone. With guilt and revenge-her eyes turn red. Anger burns through her and consumes her soul. All that’s left are red eyes

And fire.
Mar 2019 · 201
Mantha MW Mar 2019
I head is full of lie
Lies tell me to die and be alone
So alone and no one cares
But I cure so much you them
And where are they?
I’m left alone with the lies
Feb 2019 · 210
February 23
Mantha MW Feb 2019
My teeth shattered
I screamed for help
but I was mute
Words lay flat on the floor
Upon their feet
They walk over me and my words
My teeth lay in piles
Blood pools in my hands
And no one sees
Scars on my arms
I won’t amid i put them there
And no ones sees
And no cares
I had a nightmare and this the result.
Feb 2019 · 311
Mantha MW Feb 2019
Everything happens for a reason
The reason I hope it’s for the best
Yet everything hurts just a bit
Feb 2019 · 215
Mantha MW Feb 2019
I can pretend that You loved me
pretend that you cared
And I’ll pretend that you mattered
Can you pretend another day
I could use a pretend love
Feb 2019 · 192
Mantha MW Feb 2019
Wish me harm and you will be denied entry
I don’t wish you harm, I only wish the for you to learn  what you need to.
I wish you the best, but you wish me harm
And so so I must deny you entry to my life
Goodbye, my dear.
Some goodbyes are for the best...
Feb 2019 · 105
It comes back
Mantha MW Feb 2019
Why does it always come back to this?
It’s a crude cruse I believe.
Maybe a fallen friend gave it me
A act of revenge or a final cruelness
Feb 2019 · 100
Mantha MW Feb 2019
On night like these all I think is nothing
Nothing is what I feel all the time
Nothing is everywhere
Nothing is a feeling that I cannot describe
I rather be heart broken then feel this
All the tears in the world can’t wash the nothing away
Feb 2019 · 83
Empty page
Mantha MW Feb 2019
Do you ever look at an empty page?
And think what could go here?
Words of hope or words you always write?
Do you ever look at an empty page and leave it there? Because you are afraid of what you’ll write?
Feb 2019 · 135
My dreams
Mantha MW Feb 2019
I dreamt my teeth fell from my mouth as I talked.
I dreamt I I bled out from cuts that appeared in my skin like stars.
I dreamt my body gave up on me as I walked.
I dreamt my best friends told me was I was truly afraid of.
I dreamt the people I called family left me
behind, and with a knife in my back.
You see, half my dreams come true.
I rather see my body give up on me as I walk.
Feb 2019 · 89
The blade
Mantha MW Feb 2019
I’m haunted by the blade
The blade is well hidden
It follows me around
Yet it cannot leave its spot
Like a old friend, I can see it
In the faces of strangers
It’s temptation calls even when I smile
And especially when I’m alone
Feb 2019 · 152
Door of light
Mantha MW Feb 2019
A door of lights lead to nowhere
Like loving you left me with nothing
And leaving you left me feeling nothing
So let’s not learn from my mistakes
And see what this door of light have in store
Feb 2019 · 202
Mantha MW Feb 2019
We were dancing in the moonlight
That night, not a dance I dance again
But baby if it was you,
maybe I’d take that chance

Why I’d have to kiss you in the moonlight
That night

— The End —