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Moses Michael N Dec 2019
Lo, the sun fades,
The moon gives her light,
Behold kings are born,
Surely Kings dies too,
Death is the common right-
Of beast and men,
Of the rich and the poor,
The privilege of us all.

Who can tell from where comes the wind?
Life is indeed a vapour,
Fading away like stars of the morning,
Shall one live as though the earth is his?
Even the mighty men of the earth are bid farewell,
Shall they be awakened from their sleep,
Many will walk only in the part of righteousness,
Never to swagger in a shallow mindedness,
But with a better view of a world beyond,
Where joys eternal reign;
And pleasures banish pain.

Could we but climb the top mountains,
Stood and view the landscape,
Of the land fairer than day,
Not with this world's pretended good,
None could ever be charmed any more,
With earthly pleasures and care,
The later appears better than the now.

Shall all men see this light,
View in a plain eyes clearly,
With no wanton lips nor envious eye,
The giant's supremacy sort for,
Surely shall be bid farewell,
In welcome of a beautifu land,
There everlasting spring abides,
And never withering flowers;
With eternal joy, bidding the formal,
Farewell! a long farewell,
To all their greatness;
To all their pride,
To all their greed,
To all their oppressions,
And to all their selfish ambitions.
Moses Michael N Mar 2020
Lovely flocks of angels dancing on my head,
I woke dizzy and as though I am dead,
The sounds repeating from a distance,
Marching band of lovely angels,
In the realm where music originated,
Like the sounds of many waters,
Its music so soothing and so pleasant to soul,
I love paradise, the eternal hope of the soul oppressed,
A considerable future where there will be no more unhappy years,
For many just like the sand besides the sea,
There will be pebbles like pears in the eyes,
And like emerald pebbles in isles of paradise,
My greatest dream for today and beyond,
The foreseeable future of better tomorrow,
A wonderful land of soothing music,
My soul delights in them all,
With thousand voices shouting and singing for joy,
Music is all they know,
Even in the world eternal,
The ancient path shall I tread,
There is no enemy in sound,
There is no quarrel in praise,
Music is all I know,
With their wings folded,
In adore to him seated on the throne,
I woke up in awe,
And a shout I issued,
Paradise, paradise is all I long to see.
Moses Michael N Sep 2019
Like a growing child,
His heart is filled with sweet tomorrows,
Never mindful of what trouble might be,
Many could pierce themselves,
With troubles yet unknown,
He asked, deep down from his heart,
Can a mother forget her suckling child?
In his wisdom, he answered and said
Yes they can,
Sad as it may appear,
Even in a night of frost,
Comes the discernment,
Failure lies in the ***** of the fool,
The morrow is bright,
By day or by night,
In his own pathway,
Plants he the most beautiful flowers,
A garden that speaks of the future unseen,
Though living in the world of men,
Encircled by uncaring people,
Nature could speak of their cruelty too,
Upon the matter, so heavy and so tough,
Still in his heart,
Enshrined his love for mankind,
Many a blessings never ceased from his lips,
Upon every step, proceeded the most beautiful words,
He wish all could find the long awaited golden day,
With each one, little or no troubles,
With fortunes ten times more,
With sunlight shining across a thousand hills,
And bluebirds in every single tree,
With thousand blossoming flowers,
In their kinds giving the sweetest fragrance ever known to man,
With little or no worries,
And loneliness and depression,
All fading oblivion,
In every heart, the most beautiful song written,
With a single purpose of mind,
A world free of hate and wars,
At a glance, comes in the ugly picture of the day,
But he still could press on with eager step,
And that word resounding over and over again,
Failure lies in the ***** of the fool,
Though one can't win forever,
A truth undeniable,
Again, you can't be a loser forever,
For sure, the path is bright,
And the morrow is beautiful,
Upon this note,
He could rest his case,
And the weapons of hate,
All banished.
C.2019 Moses Michael N.
Moses Michael N Jan 2019
The weather is excited,
Teased in welcome of a son,
The moonlight and the starlight,
Fittingly gave their lights in harmony,
The beautiful water creatures,
Leaping and swimming in their kinds,
Their joy descending and skipping beyond,
The air is pure and the blue skies can tell,
The beauty is unspeakable, clear as crystal,
The birds of the skies, in their kind and numbers,
Singing and flipping their feathers for joy,
Love is in the air, nature can tell,
What is this all about?
What a day, glorious and clean in all its sphere,
The Maker is kind, the Heavens is merciful,
A son was given on this day of joy,
I was born today,

C. Moses Michael N 2019.
Moses Michael N May 2019
can go a thousand miles to make it known,
Will I ever cease singing?
Over and over I shall publish it,
For all to hear, for all to know,
In the plains, and over the valleys,
In the hills, and on the mountain tops,
I will shout and sing,
The most precious gift, have I,
Her beauty is beyond compare,
Her smile, so charming and pleasing,
Like a breath of spring,
Her eyes, emerald green,
Her voice like the cool gentle rain of the night,
So soothing and delighting,
Can a mortal being with such a precious gift,
Cease from singing?
Her value is more than rubies,
The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
With all manner of precious stones,
A million times will I choose her,
A gift from heaven,
What more can I ask,
I have been loved by the best.
C. Moses Michael N 2019.
Moses Michael N Sep 2018
The toiling of the day has come and gone,
The day light fading away into deep night shades.
The evils of the day, it's powers gone,
Not my soul to hurt, I am aided by the divine.
The desire of the ages shielding my soul,
The evil arrows of the day loosing it's strength.
My days are hallowed beyond the imagination of the mortal minds,
The cleansing river is ever flowing,
My soul is covered.

In my sleep I sleep,
The dark ones thought it a weakness,
To strike and to ****,
From their coven, a raven was sent
Spreading its wings abroad through my window
Casting upon my room such a thick darkness.
As though it was a dream,
I could feel another darkness other than the usual,
So strange a darkness.
I could feel the struggle in my breath,
As though a giant is resting upon me,
How can I stand in such a horror?

In my imagination I thought is all over,
The scene so horrific,
The darkness so terrifying,
The fear so tensed.
I gave up but to die,
Such a wrong option for me,
Such was my strength,
Am a mere mortal.

The angels of the Ancient One,
Came up to help and to deliver.
A strange light struck,
From above, dispelling that strange darkness,
Of the evil ones,
My battle was fought,
By the divine it was won,
Now I am feared,
The evil gone, my night guided
Safely I slept.
Moses Michael N Sep 2018
It was an epoch of incredulity a time of ups and down.
A time of pain and sorrow a period that many lost their destinations
A time of mans injustice to man.
A time and period of homelessness.
A time of sadness and a time of many wishes.
A time of many cries.
A time of many chariots.
A time of many machines.
A time of starvation.
A time where the cry of Many was peace peace.
A time without pity and a time where the love of many waxed cold.
It was a time and a period of War.
A time without love.

C. Moses Michael N. 2011
Moses Michael N Sep 2018
Many a times it appears as though the pen alone is my companion,
Amid the presence of lack and want, with the pen, am as calm as the new born,
On each page of my heart it is published, I am a survival, though the battle rage,
Indeed, the pen is mightier than many uncaring folks, a close pal,
Do not be shocked by the lack of my fraternal feelings, no one cares,
It is clear my help cometh from above in my strife to win,
I paddle alone on my voyage of success, am a champion,
With the pen in my hands, every cares fleets away like the stars of the morning,
Like a hangout with a true friend, my soul melts of its worries and pains,
Fading away like labour pains at a glance of the new born, with a cry that lightens the soul,
Mothers can tell of the joy they feel, hearing the soothing cry of their new born,
That lovely flawless tune of the baby that sparkles joy around, my heart rejoices,
Though my journey is tough, as on an old rugged hill far away,
My pains is nothing compared, as on a woman in labour,
Many a day appears gloomy and weary, like the man of the old rugged cross,
Along the trail that is winding always upward, swiftly I fly,
To scatter hope and strength to the weak minded souls, am a winner,
Just a passing touch of heavens ray, I can tell of the calmness that beams,
In my strife, I am aided, as one loved by his master, heavens bliss,
From a distance, I can hear a soothing sound so clear and pure, a sound of victory,
In a trans I see the beautiful morrow, so clear as in crystal, a lovely days ahead,
As lovely as it appears, am as happy as though the later is now, my heart sings,
That song of a warrior after the long battle is won, who can tie his mouth?
To scatter a smile and joy abroad, freeing many a soul of it's gloom and fear,
The later is always beautiful than the now, with smiles on my face,
I can speak without stammering, with a clear tune for all to hear,
My trans is real, my days are pure, I am made.

C. Moses Michael N, 2018.
Moses Michael N Jun 2020
I walked by the river,
With that cool breeze blowing,
I sudden amazement gripped my soul,
The beauty of the water creatures offers such a joy,
I could see them swimming and leaping for joy,
What a freedom they enjoy.

Upon this scene my mind plunged deep into the human race,
I could at a glance see all the pains and suffering,
I could feel the division among men,
I could see the woes,
Mankind is indeed in trouble.

I could see many questions resounding,
This has failed to fade oblivion in my mortal mind,
Oh who will give answers to all of these issues?
The brutality that exist,
The hatred and inequality,
Man is lost.

Upon this matter and the sudden burden in my heart,
Heavy lassitude setteled upon me,
I walked away from such horrific scene,
Though I have taught my mortal mind
Never to dwell much on below things,
I have seen the weariness of men,
I am a free moral man.

To will is my very nature,
But my soul delights on matters of the above,
The choice is mine,
To choose from moments of joy,
Or to live in weariness of the world
And I said I chose the formal.
Moses Michael N Mar 2021
The earth is bleeding,
Upon our hearts her tears are shed,
It is ruined, damaged, and destroyed,
One can tell even without divine interpretation,
Like burning of a flame,
And fading away of stars of the morning,
Her glory is passing away,
Swiftly like labour pains,
At the hearing of the cry of the baby.

Avid for a breath of fresh air,
He walked away from the world around him,
Deep down his soul appear calmness beyond his words to tell,
As he walked through the woods,
Leaving behind the miseries and pains the world brings,
With the pleasant sound of nature,
And beautiful colourful birds in the woods,
Speaking to him the truth of the matter,
The present reality and the future beyond,
His soul finds peace in a walk with nature.

To him is better to be alone,
Than dine in congregation of the unwise,
Attuned to the completeness of his own presence,
The absence of the outside world amounts nothingness,
Somewhere inside his heart,
Seems to reveal a hidden truth,
Separated from each others doom,
He can tell from the truth in the infallible ancient book,
Salvation draweth nigh.

Shall he cling unto the world,
His heart only will fail him,
For a wicked world has nothing to offer,
By day or by night,
Hate and violence just increases,
He can tell without much doubt,
The world is full of anxiety,
Folks who do not understand,
But walks only in the things of flesh,
Self gratification and indulgence.

Only a few understands mercy,
The throng for granted has taken grace unmerited,
With thousand more sleeping and uniting in all that fails,
At his solitude walk he affirmed true peace is divine,
A joy the world can't give,
His journey into the morrow unseen,
Is the hope of his glory,
He said as he continued to abide upon the scene.
Moses Michael N Dec 2019
She praised herself as goddess of beauty,
Her charming smile and seducing beauty,
To her is a weapon unimaginable,
Like the beautiful morning sun,
All her dreams was to be admired and praised by all,
By day or by night,
She sees herself the brightest,
Oh, if only she knew that all things fades away,
Like stars of the morning,
Her greatest achievement wouldn't ever be charmed beauty.

Though the lilies are so beautiful,
They appear so pleasing to the eyes,
How long can they bloom?
Beauty is like the season's,
One comes, and the other disappears,
Today, the wrinkles has come to stay,
That shining skin that pleases,
And sparkles shining tunes,
Congregating lustful men in her *****,
Shrinks away like the dry leaves of the tree,
Never more to be cherished and admired anymore.

Her moment of joy now appears her saddest moment,
And her beauty became a source,
Wherein grieve is born,
Her time has come and gone,
Like the summer times,
And the winter times,
The spring times and the the autumn,
None can last for ever,
Her charming smile appears to her,
Miseries of that old woman living alone,
Looking at her old mirror,
She sees nothing but her empty gums.

That shining teeth, all falling apart,
Like the child, changing teeth,
Oh, beauty,
How deceitful thou art,
A distraction to many,
And a source wherein pride originated,
She has been deceived,
She has faded,
Her time has come and gone,
Today she could say,
With tears, sorrow and deep regret,
Nothing appears same forever,
Everything comes and goes,
Never pierce yourself,
Never be deceived.
Moses Michael N Mar 2019
Heap it up! Heap it up!
When the morning sun raises
And streaks across my window,
I could tell of the things ahead,
All things put together,
The new day I know is full of things,
Seen and unseen,
On bended knees,
I could whisper,
Gently and clearly,
Lord of the morning,
My lips are unclean,
My steps I can not order,
My ways are not pure as it should,
Guide my wayward way,
In your own inward way,
Should I be on the fast lane,
A plea for redirection I issued,
Teach me, teach me,
That I may not ask amiss,
Who is man that he can direct?
My weakness are ever before me,
On thy strength divine I rely,
Heap it up, heap it up,
When the morning sun streaks across my room,
Lord of the morning,
Be thou my guide.
C. 2019 Moses Michael N.
Moses Michael N Apr 2020
We are all different people,
Different individuals,
Even though we are brothers,
Even though we're sisters,
We all have our separate parts,
Definite roles that defines us,
When I fall, you raise me up,
When you fall I raise you up,
That is what defines us,
That is what life is all about.

I am me, you are you,
A beautiful world will surround us,
If we both agree,
Though the sea may roar,
The raging wave will toss about,
Again and again the storm will rise,
So hard they may hit us,
But if we both agree,
Gaze at same point,
We can sail beyond the reefs.
Moses Michael N Sep 2019
The picture is clear,
The message is simple,
The dark ancient pathway,
That tells of many years of hate.

The man, the man,
Bounded by chain of pains,
Miseries and cruelty,
Left in the dark,
With no one to call his own.

Even in the night of frost,
And the hot heat of the day,
With burning anguish,
And rejection of who he is not,
Amid the unspeakable circumstances,
Indeed, I see a man,
Strong and focused.

With or without legs,
With sadness deep down his soul,
Only the Maker can understand,
In him lies his hope and success,
And deep down his heart,
A shout is issued,
Freedom is all he knows.
Moses Michael N Aug 2018
Though they are not rich as they could be,
They are both as happy as they should be,
Many in the riches of this age, are lost in the maze of sadness,
In their little store, life has never been this lovely,
Upon this scene of joy, their soul long for eternity in their garden of peace,
Thousand upon their much, yet still craving,
They little have, yet seek no more,
The miseries of life, trodden under foot,
The look on their face, speaks thousand words,
The joy in their heart, flowing like many rivers of waters,
With songs that could tell their bond,
That melodious song that stills the soul,
And purge it of the worries beyond.
Though many a times, life throws the hardest of stones,
Yet their soul is as calm as the still-waters,
In their hearts, the future beams with sparkling light,
The stones are thrown to hurt and make afraid,
Deep down the inner mind, they could tell of the deceit beyond,
Their soul could not be shrouded by the hunt of past errors,
Neither can it shrink in the despair of the dark age,
Though the looming woes that betide many,
Hovering so strong, seeking the weak to trap,
They couldn't be held with such cruel chase,
Their heart is ever strong, with thousand courage,
To stand and to win, with look into a beaming morrow,
The case is simple, and the matter clear,
Their hope is built on nothing else,
The Maker alone could make all things beautiful,
Many a word can't tell the sweetness of the song in their hearts,
It is ever resounding, distilling in everything around,
It is the joy of living, the joy of the Maker,
Not of gold, not of diamond, nor of other precious stones,
And like the gathering of the birds in the woods,
Singing and playing with deepest joy, with every single sound,
Spreading the message of hope and love in every note,
Their last message is simple,
Both with enthusiastic sound, could say,
The future is bright, do not worry.
Moses Michael N May 2022
I have a little store;
Yet much I give,
They gather so much a wealth,
My mind never craves;
For the earth will perish,
But love never dies.

The Maker of man is wise,
The rich and the poor,
We are all pilgrims;
Their soul only craves gratification,
Yet, no princely pomp,
And no wealthy store,
Can give that which we own not,
I am at peace with my lot.

I gazed upon the skies,
Much is being done;
Under the sun,
Lies the pains of many;
The earth never has enough for greed,
They gather so much,
I little have, yet I seek no more,
My soul is content,
Beaming with eternal happiness.

Perhaps time will tell,
We all will be there.
Yes, death comes to us all;
The rich and the poor,
Pain and misery are ever-present,
At the door of every man.
As for me, my heart is pure,
I laugh not at another's loss,
That day comes to us all.

I am rich with little store;
Many they have yet still crave.
My mind is must content,
For the earthly bliss
Only last for a night
But love never dies
Perhaps all that we need.

We all can tell,
The abundance of the earth,
Only can meet our needs,
To care and give,
Yet not for our greed,
For what is earthly pleasure?
Wealth or fame?
Certainly, they fade away
Like the stars of the morning
And her glory passing away.
Moses Michael N Jun 2020
I have taught the stones on the beach about paradise,
In order that they speak back to me,
That mystery of eternal love,
No ordinary man can understand,
Even as the lighting strike from heaven above,
And the shining of the morning sun,
Love is engraved in every heart,
Somewhere in the souls and minds of mortal man,
From classical antiquity it was established,
In eden gardens where love was first defined,
It has been taught and sang in music,
Love is my poetry,
When no man responds,
And the universe is silent,
The chanting birds in the trees,
The beautiful water creatures,
Also speak of such eternal love,
It is engraved in my heart,
Even in the dreams I dream,
His love is eternal.
Moses Michael N Aug 2018
Frantic for the freedom he long wished,
His poor pure soul, shrouded in the mysteries of dreams,
In his search for a world free of all that troubles,
His soul could find rest only in sleep,
There he could dream his dreams, of a land of peace and joy,
Free of wars and suffering that shrinks the heart of many,
The pure heart can tell of the truth he speaks,
In his real world, many a heart go broken with no remedy,
Happiness and laughter left in agony,
Loneliness and depression, looming,
An unwelcome visitor of the time,
Many around describe nothing but misery,
But in his dream he dreamed, all is fair,
A world free of men with full stores, but little heart to lend to him at the door,
What will become of all this human misery?
Come, let's go to sleep, so he said to him that cries,
So we can dream dreams, sweet dreams of freedom,
Welcome to the new age, with beaming lights that sparkle joy around,
The beautiful world of like minds, free of fake smiles,
With musics that strengthens and stirs the weak,
It is his dream world, free of earths miseries.

The wind, sifting its soft feathering fingers through his window,
The thunder, muffing even his most rancid reflections,
The waves, cleansing his soul of the darkness which terrifies,
The time is here once more,
The dim light of the moon, piercing through his window,
It is the dream world, so lovely and so beautiful,
A place free from earths miseries and worries that hurts,
It is a land of a far away strand.
The frivolous dreams he once possessed, away away it fades,
In his dreams he dreamed, the world is fair, free of uncaring folks,
The beauty therein, craving in him an never ending thought,
The lovely waters that flows, with beautiful water hyacinths,
The birds that chants in the woods, with beautiful flowers that blossoms,
The lovely night creatures that sings, with the moon giving its light,
The heavenly planetary bodies, in their kinds shining all around,
The wonderful sea creatures, in the deep leaping and swimming with joy,
The heart knows it, it is better in his dreams,
The happiness he long wish, in his dream world he could find,
A place free of earth's miseries.
Moses Michael N
Written by
Moses Michael N
— The End —
Moses Michael N Nov 2021
Happiness is.....
The sound of rock cracking
The sound of waves blowing
The taste of fresh cake
The smell of food cooking
The touch of slime on a plate
The sight of the shinning sun
The sound of people playing.
C. 2021 Gad Moses.
My wee boy wrote this 💙.
Moses Michael N Oct 2020

I am breaking my silence,
Things can not be the same,
Shall all tears not run dry?
And all that hurts and makes afraid,
Fading oblivion just in a moment?
Let your ear be attentive,
For this hope shall not be cut off,
With thousand voices blending in tune,
In adoration to Him who sat on high,
My voice shall join in that everlasting melody,
Shall it not come to pass?
With thousand assemblage of people,
With every culture, tribe and tongue,
Congregating in worship,
To Him who's name is true,
Tis shall be from everlasting to everlasting,
From one new moon to the other,
From one Sabbath to the other,
With ever flowing joy,
Streaming through the everlasting throne,
Cutting across all the new earth,
Where hunger, death and pains,
Envy, strive and hate are bid farewell,
Tis hope has cascaded my soul,
With comfort transcending the love of a mother,
I have been counted,
I have been numbered,
Tis is all grace unmerited,
My soul at last shall feel alright,
In an Eden home free of war,
With every residence in love,
That know no race and colour,
Living in harmony with every creature,
With no beast of the field making afraid,
And ever flowing streams of water,
With lovely creatures of the waters  
Leaping and flipping for joy,
And birds of the trees singing in peace,
Tis is true for His tabernacle,
Now dwells with men,
And all things made new.
Moses Michael N Dec 2020
The year has come and gone,
Will the later appear,
Better than the former?
I wish we could tell,
Shall I in silence go?
Like we could tell the morrow,
I wish we could tell.

Shall we in burdens of year go,
Into the morrow unseen?
I wish we could tell,
In pains or in laughter,
Today is mine,
Tomorrow I can't tell,
Oh I wish we could tell.

Let the burdens die,
Let the year go,
Amid her troubles,
Shall our little smiles,
Like a seed be buried?
And the sweet memories,
Like the vapour fading away,
Oh what hope lies ahead?
I wish we could tell.

Even in the means of war,
The horse is fearless,
Let the wind blow,
Let the storm come,
Let the tide rise,
Like the horse,
In the field of battle,
Cowering not in fear, I stand.

My smiles shall shine,
Like the new day sun,
It shall radiat into the morrow,
For my anchor is He,
Who only can tell the morrow,
Oh I wish you were here.
Moses Michael N Apr 2019
Though hard the journey appears,
In my heart, it is issued,
Soon my happy heart will quiver,
With melody of peace,
Though many on earth never will understand,
What hope burns within my heart,
My soul rejoices, amid many toils,
Indeed it will come and go,
The signs are seen and displayed all around,
I can feel it deep down my inner self,
Grace like a shield has become for me,
With living Creator to guide and to lead,
What fear have I?
By day or by night, the host there off,
In attendance they wait,
To give and to save,
For many lies in wait to **** and oppress,
In my heart I asked, can a mortal soul,
In fight stand for he the Maker has hedged?
They may not understand,
They may not know,
I am on a journey,
Soon I shall reach the golden strand,
With its crystal tide flowing from the throne above,
There is melody of peace,
And I have been numbered.
C. Moses Michael N. 2019.
Moses Michael N Sep 2019
Here I am again,
With same old old story,
As the morning light streaks through my window,
I could hear a voice speaking to me,
I was lost, upon such a scene,
From across the distance, sounds so clear the voice I hear,
As though the one that cries, within my room speaks he,
I could in my imagination feel the quivering of his voice,
Amid the shaky tune of his voice,
One could hear and understand so clear the message,
From a child traumatized by the present reality,
Separation and disintegration of society,
What will tomorrow bring?
Again and again the little one ask,
With fear of unseen tomorrow,
Am just a child, so he exclaimed,
Could we have faith on each other?
Could we believe on each other?
With this faith, I hear him say,
Distinctly from the original tune,
We will hew out the mountain of despair,
We will be able to transform the jangling discord of our nations,
Into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood,
And I shouted,
Let freedom ring,
Let love reign,
If this isn't clear,
I said to myself,
I know the reason why,
Is just the world of men.
C.2019 Michael N. Moses.
Moses Michael N Dec 2019
Life is but an empty dream,
Who could catch the air,
I can tell deep down from my heart,
All things are not what they seem,
For the one that slumbers is dead already.

Today is a different day,
Like the stage prepared for dancers,
Each one with a dancing step,
Shows what dance they can dance,
So, we live in a stage,
Strange as it may appear,
Everyone is an actor,
The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Many chasing shadows,
In the world’s broad field of battle,
Who retreats early,
From a dance displayed in arrogance of demeanor,
Same is counted as wise,
He trod under feet the deadliest;
Of all things ever known to man,
The old source of fall,
From classical antiquity, pride.

Tell me not in mournful tune,
I have been numbered,
I have been counted,
Should I tread on that old strange path,
I could in retreat,
Retrace my wayward path,
For long, before we were conceived,
A path clear and pure was given,
For a guide in an open arena,
Of various actors.

Life is an empty dream,
But the future ahead is pure,
We could all walk on that street of gold,
Clear as crystal, with never ending joy,
A reality that could be followed,
Only with these three things shown to us,
Simple is what is required,
To do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly.
Moses Michael N Oct 2018
Love is kind,
Love is gentle,
Like the butterfly,
It is warm and soft,
Like the rainbow,
It is pleasing to the eyes,
Like the lilies,
It is beautiful to behold,
Like the fountains,
It is pleasant to gaze upon,
Like water to the thirsty,
It is most desirable,
Like medicine to the sick,
It is a healer of one broken.

Love is kind,
Love is gentle,
Like roses among thorns,
Love is beautiful,
Like sorry when wronged,
Love changes everything,
Like the eagle among the birds,
Love is strong,
Like the honeycomb,
Love is sweet,
It thrills every soul with joy,
It lightens the air with warmth,
Love is kind, love is gentle,
It calls every single soul,
Come fest with me.
Moses Michael N Mar 2020
I have a vision and a mission,
An afterglow of something amazing,
Boom, life is a tour,
Like the love of my life,
Her beauty and smiles can’t be hidden,
So is the dream,
So is the call.

You alter my bohemian rhapsody,
My vision and mission,
The grace of God to me,
The manna that I feed to the hungry,
The peace I share to the shattered soul,
A hope that frees even the captive,
I live, yet not I,
But He, the giver of life in me.

The vision is clear,
And the mission simple,
The ancient path of truth,
To share to the soul oppressed,
A burning flame,
That ascends to the skies up above,
A light that expels,
Even the thickest of darkness,
I am that noble man,
On a mission and vision,
Of hope, and to scatter smiles abroad.
Moses Michael N Aug 2020
I struggled for something to say,
Yes is not that easy,
Everything is scrambling,
Many a heart grows sour,
Day after day,
They live without mercy.

My eyes have seen it all,
My heart bears the pains,
My eyes is growing dimmed,
My longings seems so long,
My words sounds fainting,
Everything is tumbling.

I am going breathless,
I am broken and torn,
I stare and gaze afar,
I could see a world full of evil,
It is written in the perfect book,
'Mankind is wicked',
I see this and my tears has failed
To run dry.

I looked in the skies,
Pains and miseries is all I see,
Mankind is indeed in trouble,
Some are full of lies,
Some are full of mischief,
Some are full of disguise,
Some are full of scorn,
Hate and violence just increases.

My soul is trembling,
Cascaded with untold fear,
I can feel mans wickedness,
The weak souls are crying,
Their oppressors and tormentors,
All around appears pleasing,
Do they even care?
Their heart is seared,
Evil is all they know.

Many are full of fear,
Mine eyes have seen it all,
Monsters in human clothing,
They feel strong and mighty,
They oppress and ******,
Lo, their doom is sure,
Perhaps not too long,
Liberation is blowing in the air.

My soul even in its fears,
Can feel the signs of Joy,
Can feel salvation drawing nigh,
Can feel the sound of the trumpet,
That glorious appearing,
Of Him who's name is true,
The Son of mercy,
The bringer of peace and freedom,
Even so I cry out aloud,
Oh come quickly.
Moses Michael N Jun 2020
****! how ugly the sound,
Every mortar soul should hate it,
How could you see this as normal?
When deep down thy heart there is a warning,
Saying in a soft and gentle tune,
Please dont do it.

Amid the thousand tears,
Running down her eyes,
With pains that never will be forgotten,
For many years to come,
With pitiful tune,
She ples and beg,
Oh let me go,
Yet thou sayest no,
Shame on you,
Thou ******.

My soul and my whole being abhors it,
Oh no this cant be normal,
**** is a shameful act,
Thou coward and beast,
Thou enemy of humanity,
Thou who brings ill to the society,
You are a ******.

Do you love that ugly name?
What do you imagine?
Can thou ask thy self,
What did I get by ****** a woman?
Thou cruel and dented soul,
You **** and ******,
What price have thou?
You are a ******.

Do thou love that name?
Can a ****** be a true human?
Why have thou allowed that beast to live in you?
Come on,
Please don't say she is dressed half naked,
Is all on your mind,
Give it up and never **** any soul.
Moses Michael N Sep 2018
Always like this for me,
I do not know why.
If I cry, is it wrong?
But I know, joy brings tears too,
Once it was said,
"There is no shame in tears"
If I cry, I will not hide it.

The memories are strong,
I just can't stop thinking of her.
The finest of all the women I know,
My mother, my friend.
Inside my heart, there is a little box,
A little box of memories I created,
For a dear beloved soul,
My closet pal.

Though gone,
Her memory liveth in me.
How can I forget,
All the tender care she gave,
The struggle to give us the best.
The dead indeed knows nothing,
The living can tell of their love.
Sleep on dear mother,
Your works speaks forever.
Moses Michael N Aug 2021
The day light is fading away
The moon is unveiled,
Spreading her light abroad,
With her beauty revealing
the Makers love,
We are the sons of God.

In the calmness of the night,
When the universe goes to sleep,
Lies in the heart of many the
deepest melancholy,
A time when the soul
feels most alone.

Oh my soul listen to the
tunes of my heart,
Restless and breathless,
Give life to my voice,
And bid the aching heart farewell,
And sooth the pensive visionary mind.

Listen O God, where are you
I am incomplete without you.
Like the sky, alone in the gloom,
A sad dark night without the moon,
Your words are healing magic,
Like the abode of the stars,
It is most beautiful and soothing.
Moses Michael N May 2019
Why **** yourself?
You are not alone!
You are not alone!
Though many at times,
Appears moments of pains and gloom,
With life, everything comes and goes.

Why **** yourself?
Pains, miseries,
Blues, and lack,
Will it ever cease?
You are not alone!
You are not alone!
With life, there is hope.

Why **** your self?
Don't tie that rope
No, no you don't have to,
Time is a great healer,
Though life is full doubt,
With so much uncaring folks,
With life, there is a lifting up.

Why **** yourself?
Shake up, shake up,
Why look down?
Gaze upon the sky,
Can't you see?
You are not alone!
You are not alone!
With life, comes cooling.

Why **** yourself?
Though moments of miseries,
Seems often so long,
Dark moments of untold hardship,
You are not alone!
You are not alone!
With life, there is a time of laughter,
Suicide is not the answer.

C. Moses Michael Nwokoma 2019.
Moses Michael N Mar 2020
As the day light streaks across his window,
A present reality is revealed,
Life strong challenges,
That reveals her limitations,
He took a walk down town,
Like before when all things tempt.

No more is he charmed,
The old old glory is fading away,
Like beauty of that young damsel,
In her early prime,
When nature knocks at the door,
The sparkling smiles and shining skin,
All is history,
Age, wrinkles has come to stay,
Until life is bid farewell.

But until his last breath,
In his heart proposed he never to fear,
Though life itself is a mess,
Not always what it seems,
If he could foresee the future,
Maybe he should have been happy.

Knowledge is deceitful,
Like the chameleon,
The wise sometimes fails,
Amid the struggles of man,
He chose to brood on hope and not fear,
He no more turn in and brood,
On life bitter mystery.

Though mankind has failed,
The door of mercy is never shut,
Could we turn aside and seek for Him,
He whose name is true,
Full of life and light,
Perhaps the miseries of man shall cease,
And their inequities pardoned.

Many though may feel uneasy,
Deep down their hearts,
There is no such a belief on God,
Does it matter?
His heart is certain,
Whether or not they believe,
There is one up above,
The supreme being of the universe,
The cure to all mankind's miseries,
And all the pains that plunged her to mourn.
Moses Michael N Dec 2023
I walked through the door wondering
With so much uncertainty and doubt
How bitter can life be?
Day by day, moon after moon,
Long life of pain and misery
Unbearable pursuit of all evil
Oh, how cruel can it be before  evil disappears?
This mad desire to **** and  destroy
Hmm, maybe we should disappear into the deepest realm of the immortals?
What possibilities are there?
Or perhaps we should disappear from the face of the earth?
Is this the end of this impending misery?
Well, with all the darkness and evil
There is always a place of truth and sweet liberation
The truth can never be hidden or changed.
I'm on a long journey with little but no time, But I know in whom I have believed
The invisible  has so much wisdom
Have no faith in yourself
I have looked, seen the principles floating everywhere
In the air, the earth and the sea.
Whoever goes his own way
Indeed, he will drown under the dark spell of the wicked
Behold the path as transparent as crystal
Radiant with unimaginable light and beauty,
Let the wise read between the lines
I understand I am a man of impure lips
But wisdom has taught me of the man of cleansing,
I will not be devoured.
Moses Michael N Dec 2019
Like a faded dream,
Fleeting away from a little child,
So swiftly like when the eagle soars so high in the air,
That soothing feelings of living free,
Was long gone, like a labour pain,
When the child is born.

He was hurt, not of physical pain,
His days were restless,
And his night calm,
Until morning when the darkness disappeared,
And the present day reality unfolds,
Like when the groom unveils his bride.

The time of the future is nigh,
Weather they believe it or not,
The words are true,
The legend is faithful,
The present reality, so unpleasant,
Many have wished a better place,
The now is so ugly,
Her dreams far fetched.

Who can live free on a ruined world?
Full of miseries, pains and sorrow,
The good, the bad,
The rich, the poor,
Who hasn't cry?
The end is nigh,
In the mid air he shall appear.

He, the cure of all evil,
Perhaps the end of all that's sin,
Liberation of the weak,
From the mighty one of the earth,
His mind is certain,
In the name of all that is True,
He came, he lived, he died,
He rosed, he ascended,
He will come again,
That alone is a perfect dream.
Moses Michael N Apr 2019
Love is a beautiful thing,
Love is a free gift,
Love is kind,
Love is precious,
Love is sweet,
It is timeless,
It is priceless,
It cures, and it heals.
What is the air I breathe?
In the absence of love,
Life itself amount nothingness,
The gift of love, heavens best,
Even the nights of frost,
Evening of blues,
The deepest melancholy,
A lovely touch,
A lovely smile,
Despairs every moment of gloom,
In my bower pathway,
Laid her blooms of heavenly scene,
I have got a winner in you,
Love is a beautiful thing.

C.2019 Moses Michael N
Moses Michael N Aug 2018
Sitting in front of the balcony,
With heavy heart and deep burden, in his heart,
His mind plunged deep into his early days,
An epoch marked with series of troubles within,
Not from strangers, not from neighbors,
His birth, a threat to the foes of the woman that borne him,
A mother with pure heart, with no trace of hate in her kind,
The adversaries with cruel hate, wished the death of her child,
As though they could see his beaming future, with fear of his glory,
A shout was issued in anger that could kindle an Unquenchable flame,
How could he survive! So they chanted in their heart,
He was hated and tried in orders beyond,
Deep down in their heart, they never pray he should see the day light,
Through hate, envy, and jealousy He thrives,
Day by day and in each passing moment, there envy waxed stronger,
But the banner over him was love, the giver of life could see how strong his foes,
Enemies he never could imagine, in his heart so pure and clean,
Though the days are tough, like battle of the heart to survive and to live,
He is born a winner, though the time of yielding turtles,
They that fight in vain they fought, indeed he is a survival, no more no less,
It is true that all isn't well, at the moment the weather is hash,
In his heart it is published, all that hurts are for a moment,
The crops of the field endures both the heat, thorns and weeds,
The farmer in patients awaits the bountiful harvest of his crops,
Not hindered by the oppressors, though many at times they grew taller,
In confidence the plants thrive in midst of thorns and greener weeds,
What use can it be, and what good can it offer, it is a waste unwanted,
He was cast aside, refused, hunted and considered dead,
In his heart he discern a beautiful morrow,
In his burdened soul, he still could trust on Him whose banner over him is love,
The giver of life neither sleeps nor slumber his watch over him is sure,
He is born a winner, indeed the evil ones struggles for nothing,
With a new joy in his heart, the past he waved goodbye,
In welcome of the now, the beaming glory.
Moses Michael N Jun 2020
Poetic gestures enlightening my mind
Digging deeper and deeper inside the gravity of my soul
I long for answers of many a great questions ever asked by the mortal man,
My thought has gone on a long journey,
A search of primordial forms
That pull my imagination beyond the ordinary world,
As seen by the mortal man,
Where are my thoughts leading me?
What an utter amazement,
Deep down inside of me,
I knew am lost in a paradise of thought,
Though nothing is out of tune.
My realm becomes my world,
Where is the mystery of the gods?
My soul will delight in finding answers
But how far can a mortal man go?
To him that picked an answer
Much more are unveiled,
A reality which reveals mankind's limitations,
The mystery of it all,
Nothing appears as it seems.
Perhaps my thoughts are wrong
Or maybe my imagination has failed me,
Can a mortal man order his steps?
This alone has uttered my wildest imagination,
In my sleeping and in my rising up,
But it is true a mortal man cannot order his steps,
Oh yes this to me is an ancient truth,
The more he learns
The more he desires to know
I have got a glimpse of it all
The mortal man can't know it all.
Comments are welcome. I wish to improve my writing. Thank you.
Moses Michael N Dec 2020
I am that man,
With silver and gold,
Adorned in beauty,
My lot seems bright,
My heart is glowing,
I make merry with Kings,
With wealth untold,
I am that man,
My storehouse is full,
Running over with plenty.

If I have no charity,
I have nothing,
If I have no love,
I have nothing,
If I have no kindness,
I have nothing,
Though I have all the wealth,
If I attend not the needs of Mankind,
I have nothing,

I am that man,
Silver nor gold,
I have none,
I have little store,
My tent is pitched,
Among the poor,
I am that man,
My lot is little,
I have no plenty.

If I have charity,
I have something,
If I have love,
I have something,
If I have kindness,
I have something,
Though I am poor,
If I attend the needs of Mankind,
I have something.
Moses Michael N Jul 2020
Have you imagine the wonders of the mighty deep?
Perhaps the wonders of God,
Has the waves whisper to you,
The mystery of the deep waters?
Behold the wonders of the ocean,
The colourful fishes swimming around Her graciously,
Leaping and flipping for joy,
Perhaps it is a praise to the Maker.

Behold the dolphins,
The sharks and the whales,
Swimming in the deep blue waters,
And the foaming waters laps gently around them all,
With such an awful display of beauty,
Yes it is here you find real beauty,
In the deep waters,
Behold the gracious joy of the scene
Again and again,
The waves whispers to me,
Even the stones are speaking back to me,
I can walk by all day long,
Sail even beyond the reefs,
In amazement stirring over and over the deep blue waters,
Just to feel more of this mystery.

Have you ever imagined the seagulls?
They spy while soaring,
Swooping swiftly,
Flipping and flapping,
Flying with joy,
With focused on the job,
Here if want to see the wonders of the age,
The ocean is such a beautiful place,
Full of wonders,
Full of conflicts,
Perhaps it is the wonders of God,
Urging me to follow as the wonderful sea creatures swims in the mighty deep,
Leaving a luring trail of life.

The ocean,
A home of many hidden creatures,
A home of many hidden treasure,
So full of beauty,
A place where you find hidden mysteries,
A place to ponder and wonder,
Shall I chose a different place to be,
Order than the abode of the Maker,
The ocean has it all for me.
Moses Michael N Sep 2019
Like the sound of mighty peals of thunder,
Like the sound of many rivers water,
Like the voice of a great assemblage of people,
Like the rainbow across a thousand hills,
Like the rising of the beautiful morning sun,
Like the rose and the lilies among the flowers,
Like the eagle among the birds,
So is He that holds my life.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Sounds so sweet like the sounds of the birds,
Sweet like morning dew,
The honey and its comb is nothing compared,
Awesome and powerful is He,
Perfect and just in all His ways,
Indeed He is greater than the greatest,
Mightier than the mightiest,
Higher than the highest,
Again and again I shall publish it,
Tell it in the streets, the hills and mountains,
My mouth shall sing,
With the ink and the paper shall I write,
I shall tell of this love,
Love so free of lies,
So full of truth,
Rich in grace,
Marvellous in my eyes,
To Thee Oh God,
I dedicate this piece,
For thou art worthy.

C. 20019 Michael N Moses.
Moses Michael N Apr 2020
My dreams leave off all that hurts
In all my thoughts;
It is great to see thy love in me,
My innumerable benignities with which thou smiles on me.
In the dreams I dream,
I am the image of that True one,
With all seeing eyes,
Thy love alone is sweeter than all that is sweet,
Speak thou not about pains, and miseries;
Worries, and hurts,
The love of the ancient one is stronger than them all,
Till the morning light fleets,
And the darkness vanished,
In my very tune,
My words takes wing in songs from every birds on the tree,
Indeed I am the image of God,
My eyes has seen thy beauty,
My heart is made merry,
My soul skips all that the world knows,
With all her lying wonders,
Pains, miseries,
Worries, and hurt,
Tis the power of God,
It is pure and brave,
A pathway to all that is beautiful,
My soul is jubilant,
For God and all he made,
The world is not left behind.
Moses Michael N Aug 2019
Words are spoken,
Again, and again it can be repeated,
Can it endure many a time?
So true, put it down,
Many a generation can never forget,
With this, I see the bigger light,
Though lost in the depth of doubt,
Within me, words are fading away so quickly,
It is true, but what is wrong?
I am lost, sank in the wonder of thought,
Can this be real?
Can anyone help me?
I call, it sounds so near,
But resounding from many thousand miles away,
Am I sleeping?
Can anyone wake me up?
For I am lost in the maze of thought,
The formal seems to appear the later,
But in my heart I can tell,
Without quivering in my tune,
The later is often better than the formal,
Why this thought?
Why are words suddenly fading away?
How can this be?
Suddenly my hand turned weak,
So feeble, I could tell from the follow of my words,
The ink and a piece of paper many at times makes it right for me,
What is happening?
Many a words suddenly is gone away into the air,
Like stars of the morning,
Losing their lights in the glorious morn,
So true, and so strong,
I refuse that ugly feelings of doubt,
Laughter is ever near,
A liberty of classical antiquity,
The pen, the ink, and the paper,
Never in my imagination will lose its credibility,
A powerful tools that only the wise can tell its worth,
Indeed the pen is mighty,
Melting and diminishing all that pains and hurt,
But what is wrong with me?
Again and again I asked myself,
Am I making sense?,
Again I asked within me,
Can the wonder of pure thoughts fade oblivion?
Deep down my soul there is a disagreement,
Whether they agree or disagree,
Only the free in mind can understand,
The pen is indeed great,
With the ink and a piece of paper,
I can make it right once again,
Riding off the captivity of that wicked being,
I have been shown what is right,
By the Ancient One,
In my mind, no unwanted plants can grow,
Am in love again and again with my pen and that clean white sheet of paper,
I can make it right once again,
Cant you see?
I can see the light now,
The hand again is strong.
C. Moses Michael N 2019.
Moses Michael N May 2020
I love to say thank you,
I love to say sorry,
I love to say well done,
I love to say you look good,
I love to say please,
I love to say you are forgiving,
I love to show gratitude,
I love to say never give up,
I love to say you are beautiful,
When I say all of these words,
My soul delights in them,
My heart is made merry,
My path is lighted,
My life skips all that never pleases,
Because I love to love,
And I love to say I love you,
Because that is all we need,
Like the butterfly,
Love is a beautiful thing.

— The End —