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Michael Dec 2014
Supple, calloused
Wandering, connecting, belonging
Two hearts, one pulse
Michael Dec 2014
As if to suffocate
you seal them shut
Fearing, hoping,

whether flicker becomes flame
while passion becomes....

something more?

Open your eyes
Mine own will answer
Michael May 2014
cause and correlation
love and poetry
Michael Feb 2014
Days like these
          When you haven't the time
          to notice the sun.
          And you haven't the breath
          for the sun to notice you.
Days like these
          When you've missed the mellowing,
          orange of the sky.  
          And you've missed the gentle
          wisp and pop
          as gloom's breath quells its flame.
Days like these
          you have yet to miss.
          Yet, the sun
Michael Dec 2013
Stifled is

A heart
A body
A soul
Held prisoner to
a love

Michael Sep 2013
"I'm surprised"
Is how she feels
That she fell fast
Head over heels

Apparently I'm different
"Not like the rest"
Peace, smiles, summer's warmth
I bring out her best

"But the many hurdles we'll face....."
Oh, that was the seed
That I begged she wouldn't plant
Now it's a ****

So without arms
A thousand miles long
I can't reach the roots
Now everything's wrong

"I told you this could happen"
Is this really how she feels?

Well I say
You were worth the risk
  But I'm still head over heels
Don't let fear and distance sabotage beautiful possilities

— The End —