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Michael Sep 2019
I think about her literally every day
though if I saw her I don't know what I would say

Hey I'm sorry I wasn't ready though I said that I was
I lied, I'm a liar, and I lied because

I lied because it was easy, I didn't really consider the alternative
In matters of truth, I am somewhat conservative

Every day she is the first thought that comes to my mind
Every night regret and remorse is all I can find

I should have been better when given the choice
I could have heard the truth spoken by my own voice

I live with all that, that is my cross to bear
I deserve worse, but life is not fair
Michael Sep 2019
No, I am perfect, how can you not see
Sometimes I feel like you are not listening to me

Have you met me? I'm perfect, I say all the right things
I'm an Earthborn god, an angel waiting for wings

I'm a hero, I always stand for what's right
I'm the example to follow, a beacon of light

But the person you describe, he doesn't sound so great
He sounds like a small-minded self-centered intellectual primate

He sounds like he doesn't follow the ethics he preaches
He thinks he can walk on water, but he best stick to beaches

I hope he's trying  to improve, to learn, to grow
What did you say his name was? ....oh.
Michael Sep 2019
I AM my mistakes, it *****, but it's true
Every decision you make IS a part of you

How could it not be, there's no controller deciding your acts
I offer no solutions, I'm merely stating the facts

But I will say this: Learn the value of learning
I've been there I know the pain, the burning
Your mind aches, while your stomach is churning
Every night you stay up late rethinking and yearning
Remember there is value, there is a chance for earning

Earn some perspective, some empathy, maybe a dash of grace
So next time you can preemptively wipe the egg off your face
Michael Dec 2018
It's easier to be happy when you've been sad
Forget the small stuff and just be glad
It's important to recognize all the bad
But appreciate all the luck you've had
Michael Nov 2018
There was a hill by the riverside
Once atop, you could see the whole world, wide
An image that filled most with pride
Once the result was felt on the inside
The effect on folk was hard to hide
A bounce in their step, a change in stride
Feelings of cynicism all had died

These days the hill is gone alongside
All the joy and hope it could provide.
And though the stubborn have tried
Life is hard without a guide.
There is not much to with your time, but bide
For the return of the hill by the riverside
Michael Nov 2018
No, it probably could get worse.
2. You can trace every bad day to the decision of whether to exit your bed that day.
3. If you didn't **** up **** today, there is always tomorrow.
4. Always help your fellow man, if it in some way furthers your own personal goals.
5.  Does it ever feel like everything in your life is falling apart and there is no hope? yeah, me too.
Michael Nov 2018
There are a lot of poems about love
and even more often the lack thereof

Makes sense, love's a big deal
And you gotta write what you feel
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