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Michael Rucker Nov 2015
Exponentially changing,
moods beyond comprehension,
the causation of misery.
An existence unable to comprehend simplicity,
more so vacancy,
an inept social inability,
and somber eyes.
Barely alive,
selling off a sense of satisfactory,
though false smiles,
kind assurance,
and concealed self destruction.  
Michael Rucker Nov 2015
I couldn’t get very far,
under the eyes of everyone else.
My own ambition torn between,
self-hatred and an unappreciated existence.
Severed happiness from the root,
broken free from significance.
Deemed myself unworthy,
of a life lead content,
but placed instead upon the embodiment,
of reprimanded enthusiasm,
regarding generalized animation.
Michael Rucker Jan 2017
To be honest, it's kind of a "blind distaste."
Resembling the last pill you swallow but gag on, for the simple fact it's "getting old."
It takes on the form of a psychological car crash,
no tame draw, only relentless disburse.
An art form content with an incomplete canvas.
Drunk nights, carrying a worn body down the hallway, stumbling over nothing.
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
I never considered myself anything significant.
Instead, I brought myself down.
Never letting up, and dragging everyone with me.
But the point of it all was unclear.
It seems to me now,
that I had wasted so much time.
But for what?
I'll never have an answer.
It could have been the drugs,
the overwhelming ego I had,
or just the sensation of suffering.
But I wasted my time.
Michael Rucker Oct 2016
My sea of love had only been superficial words just as any other of the teenagers out there. Something that faded away with the lapse of a few seconds. I could keep the facade up to keep two people happy (myself and my significant) but why do such an empty thing when truly it means nothing to myself or the other. Sure at the moment it feels nice to be told you’re beautiful, but self doubt floods into the adolescent mind inevitably, due to weak individuality and self-assurance. This is why love is so short lived among us all. We depend on each others thought out contributions to make each other happy out of insecurity of the others unhappiness and dissatisfaction, rather than figuring out what we can do on our own without worry of them being happy.We push to the back of our minds the fact that knowing what we do naturally creates happiness.
Michael Rucker Jul 2016
To those who cared, I cant help but apologize for the lack of communication on my end of the spectrum. I can't help but grieve the loss of myself in the sense that the way I walk this earth no longer intrigues me. I can't help but give the utmost attention to the fact that I lost many years fighting for it to all boil down to nothingness. My condolences go to those who had done everything to assist me, they reach out to those who had ever hurt me, they reach out to the world, the unknown, and the known world of which I had stepped foot on. Sure, I could go on forever about how I hurt and how my life seems to be shambles but we all know that already, we all know that I can't live in a manner in which I can't help bring myself up, I can live in a way which corrupts. No longer, should I be whole, no longer should I try to keep on. Sweet dreams to those who kept it together, sweet dreams to those who made something out of themselves, sweet dreams, sweet world.
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
I just heard a couple fight.
I don't like to hear things of the nature.
See, I deal with it on a daily.
But who am I?
The guy who also does it too.
But we can't help it.
Can we?
Hell if I know.
I'm not trying to be deep,
I'm just angry.
Not at anyone, or myself.
I'm mad for no good reason.
Maybe it's my setting.
Or the Eminem-looking ****, across  from me giving me looks.
But then again I'm not upset at anyone.
I'd never hurt that guy, he just seems misunderstood.

Am I ******* insane?
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
What really damaged me?
How about all the neglect?
My father walking away?
The divorce on Christmas?
The genetics that gave me so much trouble?
What about my mother's issues?
The dysfunctional family?
No, what damaged me was letting all these things become my own excuse.
Michael Rucker Jan 2017
I lose myself when in the rain, closing my eyes to wake. Water pushing against my blood vessels, crying for the pressure to cease. Black rings surrounding my ocular cavity, collapsing in the sand. Waves crashing, clouds rolling. The oracle speaks a message...
Michael Rucker Jul 2016
At this hour/ the streetlights have a tune/ all their own.
The shimmering light bends as the cascading particles illuminates with a sense of urgency.
A record on repeat/ the majority retire/ the ladder lack homes.
Michael Rucker May 2016
I ******* love her....
She isn't coming back,
Any time soon.
I don't know what to do without her...
I love her so much,
She was the first beautiful thing that I've ever been caught on...
And I ******* love her...
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
Coupled with cheap beer and cigarettes.
Refined to seldom notions unabridged.
Placed upon park benches, latent among nature's silhouette.

Coupled with gloom and recollective though.
Strings of the heart tattered.
Memory conceived, derived of past affair.
Michael Rucker Apr 2017
Today, the tress still swayed in the same direction.
Leafy palms, collectively natural shades of green.
The sun set in the same pattern of rise and fall,
yet still "playing god" over the scenery.
Michael Rucker Jan 2016
I hid behind my age,
depicting naive to those,
but steadily watching,
taking notes,
to promise myself never be like the rest,
to make plans,
and prosper as an individual,
despite others convictions.
I'm not going to be the kid begging for money,
or the angry pencil pusher,
even the stressed father.
None of it.
I won't let this world break me,
contrary to everyone else's beliefs.
I don't deserve to fall apart anymore,
and hopefully the day comes,
where I leave,
and don't come back.
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
I hate everyone that I know,
then I wonder "where did my friends go?"
******* poor me,
always suffering.
Everyone will let me down,
one way or the other.
One day I'll be dead and gone,
maybe then we'll get along.
I'm not holding my breathe.
What do I know?
I know nothing.
Michael Rucker Mar 2016
I'm so sick of living in the eyes of other people.
It's empty doing so,  
and even worse not knowing who I am.
Sure, I can name a few qualities,
but where does the real me lie?
Where does the days in and out of putting up with everything play a role?
I'm sick of my shortcomings being brought up by others,
spending endless nights worrying about adequacy,
when in reality my thought was the only one to matter.
Even with this realization though,
I can't begin to fathom the change in mindset,
I can't begin to breathe on my own,
I don't know how and I need help.
This world doesn't revolve around me and I know,
I have to make my own way here,
But can someone help me out?
Can someone teach me without making me hate myself more?
Can someone give me a ******* chance for once?
I'm sick,
I'm tired,
my entirety aches endlessly.
Someone ******* help me here,
someone put time into me just as I've put time into others,
I'm so tired of being on the fire.
Michael Rucker Feb 2016
Even though they're all dysfunctional,
they are mine.
I'm stuck knowing that they exist until the day I stop.
I get to relive memories and make millions with them.
Watch their lives go by,
along with my own.
See my twin go through life's trials,
watch my mother and watch father as well,
be put into the ground.
Grandma and Grandpa too.
Held forever in my heart,
embedded into my bones,
my love for those dysfunctional *******,
forever close.
Michael Rucker May 2016
She's going to leave and there isn't a thing I can do about it.
The way I plan to cope on this horrendous nightmare is the only way I possibly can. We all know what that means, and get sad to see it happen. But sometimes the pain can't be handled any longer and there is something that sends us to the end. Well, for me, this is it. This is what will do it for me, and to see her leave is something I can't live with...
Michael Rucker Jan 2016
Consider it a cry for help,
but the things I write have only been simple depictions of my mind.
Truly unstable,
completely unable to function within normality.
I'm a mess,
my mind in shambles.
It's sickening to wake up every morning this way,
atop a mountain of despair I built.
Secluded to my own suffering,
with no feasible way of escape,
my cries for help,
revolve around,
"I hate myself."

-Michael Rucker: Jan/24/2016 12:13am
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
The best gift you can ever give is to yourself,
this gift is the ever lasting knowledge, that you can feel.
Every emotion, to it's fullest extent.
Michael Rucker May 2016
I spend endless nights,
huddled on the floor.
A knife in one palm,
and in the other,
that old license of yours.
Michael Rucker Dec 2016
Look into your mirror,
bask in the essence of your aging body.
Notice yourself become more engulfed by your own life,
while becoming more and more detached,
from every one, and every thing around you.

Go to school and sit alone,
find the hallway in the isolated part,
just to eat lunch there.
Avoid your girlfriend's calls
and tell her "you've just been busy."

Become frustrated with everyday tasks,
and fall into a manic state of depression when you realize,
that you're the reason nobody comes around anymore.
Repeat the same song every day on your afternoon commute to work,
as the dreary humming of the melody carries each and every burden.

When people offer you help.
scoff at the idea and deny it.
Turn down every opportunity they throw your way,
shut out the world for a chance to finally be alone.
Fall absent of the world, conjure your body to glass.

Start to become infatuated with pretty faces,
and base your self-esteem on ****** expressions.
Smoke cigarettes on your walks down to the store,
then come home and write about how the cute clerk smiled at you
for just a single moment in time.

Buy a twelve pack every day,
sit on the same couch you placed in your dim apartment five years ago.
Drink every last beer until you're seeing double.
While you struggle to stand and slur every word you speak,
call your ex and tell her how leaving was "a mistake."

Cry beneath your blankets every night,
with the same pain in your chest you've had for ages and
lull yourself to sleep with the sweet whisper of inebriation.
A tribute to Dandelion Hands.
Michael Rucker Jun 2017
The sun shines every morning.
I dread waking up to watch it most days.
I'd much rather be sleeping.
Admiring the fantasy most associate as dreams.
I feel trapped in my relationship.
I feel trapped in Naples.
Only being nineteen,
I should have went to a university and made something of myself.
Instead, I'm stuck in the same ritual.
Cigarette after cigarette-- counting my days.
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
It began at a young age.
The stillness of a room, beckoning.
Reflecting the essence of an expensive solitaire.
Even though ephemeral, quite ravishing in thought.

It began at a young age.
Watching them quarrel day in and day out.
Becoming observant of the atrocity seen as their marriage.
Aware of the covert countenance among them.

It began at a young age.
Presented the embodiment atop later years.
Transitory associations, paired with dissociation.
The distal end on a plain, lay I.
Michael Rucker Oct 2017
My biggest fear is driving next to motorcycles,
so I hold my breath each time I do.
I come from a city that goes to bed at 11 p.m.
Where poverty never really hit our town very hard.
The street lights flicker on -- to keep everyone safe --
and the glow feels like home.

This is a beautiful place I live,
I've never seen a friend die, or encountered danger.
Only my friends and I causing trouble --
is the only adrenaline rush I've had.
"Bored" is the best way to describe it, if you ask me --
but the adults beg to differ.

I don't know if any other place was meant for me,
white walls block the view of a foreseeable change.
I'll have to leave to see.
Maybe one day.
Michael Rucker May 2016
I write to express my grief.
The countless hours of intermission,
stuck in this purgatory-like place.
Looking for a way out,
of the self-diminishing,
neglect I push toward myself.
When I look in the mirror,
I pray people see the disgusting being,
that I see when I look there.
When I'm in public,
I hope to god,
a car would hit me,
someone would hurt me more.
When I'm alone, I look for more reasons,
to add to the list of excuses to **** myself.
Michael Rucker Dec 2015
My mind remained low,
the thought of no hope only seemed to flood every part of my insides.
I broke,
every morning,
on the bathroom floor,
puking up my insides,
from last night's suicide attempt.
Michael Rucker Dec 2016
Waking up in the morning, to face hallway lights beaming through cracks in my door.
It's 6 A.M. and nobody has to work.
The sun isn't up yet.
Insect repellent, dousing the floors of the house.
My shoes were where I left them, last night.
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
I'd never be the one you need around.
I'd **** to just be the dust on your shelves.
Look at me, I exist.
I'm not some background character.
I'm important.
One day, you'll see me.
But no time soon.
Michael Rucker Sep 2016
A forced experience at my laptop, spent well wasted.
Michael Rucker Jul 2016
To my family, I care about nobody but myself.
But in my own mind, I am not mentally sound enough to make a decision and realize the weight behind it. I do care, I care about whether they sleep well at night, whether the weight of my decisions falls into their laps, and whether or not I can do things for them in the long run. I can't leave my past behind and I can't move forward when the past sits in my lap. How do I wake up? How do I come to terms with myself? How do I keep myself from just giving up and throwing my body from the office window? I don't know, but maybe time does. Just maybe.
Michael Rucker Oct 2016
speaking at me.
Beckoning forth a gift.
Bellow out, cries of this wasteland,
caress the beat of my sleeping heart.
For I, accept the gift.
Michael Rucker Sep 2016
Music, all it ever did for me was help me feel.
Michael Rucker Jan 2016
I can't express the amount of grief I feel for even crossing that line with you. I know the relationship was new, but what I did was inexcusable, petty, and disgusting. You deserve so much more, you deserve someone who gives you their entire loyalty, not some ****** up kid who doesn't know who he is or what he wants from life. You deserve a guy who can take care of you mentally, emotionally, physically, and in every other aspect that needs nurturing. Sierra, you're an amazing girl with a heart of gold that I, in no way, deserve. You don't need my toxicity in your life and you don't need to know what happened, it's something i'll take to the grave and never let loose or forgive myself for either. I love you, but I've crossed that line and threw it all away right in the beginning. I'm so sorry you had to go through my problems with me and i'm so sorry you had to deal with me every day. You kept me up for a bit but I threw it away like some ******* *****. I'm sorry I ever cheated on you, I can't live with it. I can't live with myself....

-Michael Rucker
Michael Rucker Oct 2016
"I am Christ."
A sacrilegious conviction, caused from the facade "LSD" impends.
Years of compliant living,
complacence behind their backs,
resenting every holy being,
yet now you are "Christ."
"The Messiah Complex" heeds your statement,
along with "Delusions of Grandeur,"
and "Schizophrenia."
Michael Rucker May 2017
The caged bird's whisper, white walls darken as the sun falls.
Carried myself across the hall, to watch another episode of family feud
like a typist ******* a keyboard.

Waking up to saliva on the denim couch
stumbling to my queen sized bed, wishing my sheets were less floral
another night spent
listening to the dusty box fan.
I took the time to write this when Zane and Eddie were visiting. It hurts to read it over again, but I hope the when someone see's it they know it was meant for them.
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
flood my ears.
Blood stained hands,
as the dust rises.
Combustion, the causation.
And for what?
No, greed.
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
The clock ticked,
on and on,
still set I,
the dining room table.
Around me,
still set I,
the dining room table.
Michael Rucker Jul 2016
Does she sleep as much as me?
Does she spend as much time alone as I do?
Does she even think of me anymore?
Does she recall the moments on her bed?
Does she recall the first date?
Does she think about how much I miss her?
Does she even miss me?
Does she know that I go to sleep every night in pain?
Does she know that she's the one causing the pain?
Does she know that every time I see her I hold back tears?
Does she know that as much as I want to give up, I can't?
Does she know that I can't carry on like this?
Does she even care about me?
Does she even sleep anymore?
Does she look up at her ceiling and watch the days pass?
Does she wake up, as depressed as I am?
Does she remember that I'd give her my everything?
Does she simply block me out now?
Does she know that I can't live in this world?
Does she know she'll be in that suicide note?
She doesn't.
Michael Rucker Nov 2015
From my deepest conviction,
Beyond comprehension.
Utterly undignified,
Severing simply,
Every tie,
Pushing away emotionally,
For the sole desire of absence.
Gathering ashes,
Tearing apart every piece of existence,
My own embodiment,
To this earth,
A gleaming sense of nothing.
Recklessly searching,
For someone to call something.
Blatantly false positivity,
Empty attempts to trick myself,
Into a sense of health,
Where I don’t hate,
Every part of every day.

-Michael Rucker
Michael Rucker Mar 2016
My own stability fragile,
frail like flower petals.
Simple things break me, and I never recover. I learn to move on, but hold on to memory, an iron clasp, on each and every scene, reflecting in though, so deep, each memory.
Looking back, nothing I'd change. Looking back, it stays the same. You lose more hope, as days pass by, and lose yourself finding security.
Observation proves theory, misery loves company, and the whole ship sinks. Observation proves theory, people dont change, they all stay the same, with only a new age.
Exposure to illness, like atomic bombs, you're torn apart and never forget, the feeling, the pain, the sorrow, the waves of inadequate thought, you never forget. You hold on, to each piece, from that movie scene, embedded in your mind, losing track of life, losing track of time.
Michael Rucker Mar 2016
She was much older than I.
Her backstory was much unknown to me, and it didn't matter at all,
what mattered was that she noticed my existence, the fact she's going out of her way to take a chance at something that could either be the biggest mistake of her life or something that could put a smile on her face for the last bits of her existence. It's a beautiful thing to see someone come out of their shell for another, even the slightest bit, and to see her do such a thing for a person like me was unbelievable. Speaking to me as if she cared about what I had to say and not just letting it go in one ear and out the other, but actually taking my words and holding onto them, giving me the light of day. Her insides are as beautiful as she is and the head that rests upon her shoulders is a gift to mankind itself. She is the epitome of unique and the essence of remarkable. A keen interest in her is all I've come to assume, drawn like a moth to a flame, the passion I hold onto for this individual is extravagance alone. She's what I've come to think of before I fall asleep, and the thought that becomes present in an unannounced manner. She's grown to be apart of my daily routine, and someone I'd like to keep around.

Perfezione Dolce
Michael Rucker Feb 2016
I understand why time began to fall apart in my hands.
Not only did I lose the bits and pieces of the reality I held but I lost myself in the mix.
Separated myself from everything.
Left everyone behind.
To start a new beginning,
and lead a new life.
Not only was I pushing everyone away,
but everything as well.
My family began to mean nothing,
and the friends I had held so dearly lost meaning too.
My life had lost meaning,
my lost soul,
stuck inside a fish bowl,
no depiction of time,
no sign of life,
just a hollow shell.
Revolving around my own personal hell.

Michael Rucker: February 22nd 2016: 10:21pm
Michael Rucker Aug 2016
I'm not just alone here.
But I'm alone.
The landscape, dreary.
Slow songs from that indie band, nobody has ever heard of in their lives.
Life brought me here,
for what reason? I'll never know.
At this very moment,
as the slaves take orders.
I sit and write this....

Aware that the world moves even when I dont.
I feel sympathy for our world.
So, possessive.
Casting reign, arguing with a bitter tongue.
I feel empathy for those like me, looking for solutions, leading by example, and finding nothing.

Whomever finds life outside this trap,
finds where their heart should be...
Michael Rucker Mar 2016
Look I get that you ******* worry about me ******* you over but cut me some slack dude, you take everything so offensively like i'm deliberately going out of my way to be an ******* or something when in reality i'm not even doing that at all. You sit here and talk about how you always worry about us being together and how you have all these doubts but the moment you say you want to talk about something "serious" and I worry that it's you about to say you don't want me around anymore, I'm the ******* bad guy. What is that *******? You have the ******* nerve to call me immature when you can't even have a conversation without assuming i'm trying to be an *******. Dude **** that, and *******, I don't have time to kiss your *** and try and win you over. I'm not some guy who's going to do that, you get my attention and that's it, I don't give it to every body and I don't go out of my way to put people into my life. *******, sitting here making me the bad guy when you can't even ******* have a conversation without taking things the wrong way, ******* so much you ******* ****. I want nothing to do with you right now and until you learn how to ******* act, i'm not going out of my way to do anything for you again, stay out of my life.
Michael Rucker May 2016
I loved when we first met. I felt like I was on top of the world. Sierra and I just broke it off and I was ready to move on and start again. You kept me on my toes and still do. But as of lately it seems like you just don't have time for me anymore. You're always working, you seems to hang all over Nick and move toward him, this whole week you've spent it telling me you can't spend time with me. When I see you at work, you're in awful moods and you give me this attitude like it's my fault or like I'm the person you want to take it out on. You hurt to be around now, I see you and it just makes me ache. I don't feel important to you, I don't feel wanted, I just feel as if I'm being put on the back burner, to be taken for granted and to let the *** boil over. I don't know what to do anymore. I started talking to Sierra a little bit, she tells me every day how she misses me, and to be honest when I talk to her I miss her as well. She never treated me how you do, she never took her anger out on me, we never fought, we never had days where we didn't want anything to do with each other, but I still left her for you. I left her at a chance at something maybe even better but what I got myself involved in has been nothing but fighting and drama. You always yell at me, you take all my words out of context and twist them around to make me the bad guy. You take your anger out on me, push me away when you're upset and do your best to keep your distance. I never thought I would come to say this but you're making me sad, you're taking the life away from me, you're just not what I thought you would. Now don't get me wrong, the sun sets and rises around you but *******, I'm just so sick of you treating me the way you do. It's not fair, I do my best to sit there and make you happy but you only throw things in my face and hurt my feelings. I don't know what else I expected though. I just figured things wouldn't be such a drag so often.
Michael Rucker Nov 2015
I spent most of my time on empty. I wanted to hold their hands forever, I wanted to keep them all close, I wanted to never let go of the things I loved. Abandonment was what my life consisted of, the false pretense of sticking around but only leaving when reality was the inevitable. Things fell apart, every morning on the couch, every afternoon in the home my family separated in, every evening in the shower. Countless days, seemingly endless nights, profound dreams of a future only torn apart by the bare hands of myself, my own self destruction, my own rampant mindset, fragments of a once bright child tossed into the river of disease and illness. Eight years passed by, the only thing still on my mind was demise. Things kept breaking, vases smashed upon the floor, my own body limp on the floor of the school bathroom from a failed overdose attempt. The life I led until now had only been something empty, still empty. As a child, joy was once a part of me, I didn’t seem to care much about the world but only the direct objects around me; toys, books, countless trading cards my family carelessly brought me to feed my addiction at such a young age, little did I know it would turn into drugs, a daily basis of wake up and smoke, drink in the afternoon, and crash by midnight only to do it all over again like some lifeless zombie. My life was empty for the last eight years, and still continues to be that way. Even now, as I sit here writing this ****, drunk, trying to fathom and conjure some deep emotion only felt in such a way I could, life is still an empty piece of me just as the rest of the pieces are as well. Depressing as it might be but it’s just become a way of life I can’t seem to change and sadly I’d love to feel some sort of genuine joy. I’d like to feel a part of me be whole again, but after years of abuse to myself, the only thing I feel is a burden of past mistakes and the anticipation of millions to be made through my entire lifetime if I even make it to have an entire lifetime. It hurt so badly waking up in the morning, regretting every second of the previous day, finding the flaws in every sentence spoken the day before, looking back at every scene as if it were some failed attempt at a decent reality; every part reflecting on some broken child, surrounded by only distance from others, miles at least. It makes me sick to see people happy as awful as that sounds, it breaks me because I know I don’t have that, I don’t have the comfort of a loving mother, the happiness of a decent relationship where I feel connected in every way. Instead it’s empty, each and every day, more than the last, constant disconnection from everyone, constant hate for the happy, constant emptiness. My life is something diminutive; idly moving along, seldom part of anything significant. It’s funny though, I had a lot of friends growing up. I had enough to go around, as a matter of fact. But just like anyone else, they left. My life has been nothing but abandonment, and it’s bent me, beat me down more than it ever really had to, and I never knew what to do. Today, I woke up, to turn over a new leaf, but just as any other day, those plans crumbled under the weight of my own instability. Every part of me broke over the last few years. I’ll deal with it one day, I’ll put myself on the front lines of this self defeating war step up “as a man” and deal with myself. Give all of me, a shot at a decent reality. I’ve only wanted a place to call home.
Michael Rucker Oct 2016
I took a step back yesterday and thought about nothing.

I know, the wind blows.
So walk with me my dear,
for I see clear,
once again.

We all, look away,
run from things,
scare ourselves,
to become,
different beings,
advantage of everything.

I don't
want to
be apart of it

Cause its scary to see to see,
this world falling apart
in front of me,
in front of me.

Should we fight?
Should we flee?
Should we make peace?
or become evil beings?

We hold the answer,
no man,
can take that, away from me.
Cause I know, that this globe,
was meant to be
at peace
just like wind and trees.
like birds and bees,
like the way the tide moves,
when the moon takes what it needs.

Set me free
from the chains
that bound me
take off the weight I carry
and buy me a pizza.
Michael Rucker Feb 2016
Seeing you back in November
or was it October?
The details are too blurry to remember.
What I do know is that seeing you for the first time,
and hearing you as well,
put a smile on my face.
When you came around, I didn't know what to say.
But I knew we would be close.
I knew, that maybe by this time,
we would be friends at least.
I had no clue things would ever go this far,
I didn't think that lying on your bed would put you there with me.
In hindsight it was wonderful,
and even then it was as if time had come to a halt,
and for those brief moments I was there,
total bliss overwhelmed me and left me with a sense,
conjuring itself into "This is where I want to be."
In the comfort of your apartment,
under your roof,
simply sitting with you, and listening to your day,
listening to that beautiful northern accent that seems,
to italicize vowels with such effervescence.
I found comfort in your arms,
I found comfort,
in you.
That's where I want to be,
Rose Marie.
Michael Rucker Jul 2016
She left, and didn't come back.
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