Seeing you back in November
or was it October?
The details are too blurry to remember.
What I do know is that seeing you for the first time,
and hearing you as well,
put a smile on my face.
When you came around, I didn't know what to say.
But I knew we would be close.
I knew, that maybe by this time,
we would be friends at least.
I had no clue things would ever go this far,
I didn't think that lying on your bed would put you there with me.
In hindsight it was wonderful,
and even then it was as if time had come to a halt,
and for those brief moments I was there,
total bliss overwhelmed me and left me with a sense,
conjuring itself into "This is where I want to be."
In the comfort of your apartment,
under your roof,
simply sitting with you, and listening to your day,
listening to that beautiful northern accent that seems,
to italicize vowels with such effervescence.
I found comfort in your arms,
I found comfort,
in you.
That's where I want to be,
Rose Marie.