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Aug 2019 · 260
Mia Kendrick Aug 2019
Hello Lord
You are my light and path

Hello Lord
Only you can bring me peace
Only you can love me like I’m a child

You and only you know my heart
It’s yours and always
Some days I sin
Some days I am from the flesh
But my heart is always yours

You are my love, my friend, my light and....
My way....
Jan 2016 · 480
Why do I love you
Mia Kendrick Jan 2016
Why do I love you..
You- your mind is beautiful
You- your heart is true to thruth

You- thruth- see it please
Not out of pain or hurt
But from the heart

I've loved you
I've hurt for you
I've lost you

Why do I love you
Why does a women love unconditionally

She sees the beauty in a soul
She loves the heart beat
She is blinded
Aug 2014 · 390
Mia Kendrick Aug 2014
As each day passes
Each moonlit night fades into the past
I feel each pang of wonderment....why?
What will be?

Do you love?
as deep as each never ending ocean

Do you feel?
far and wide to each galaxy traveled

You say you love
but free of all that goes with falling

How do I continue love when i've already fallen
How do I say I love, when hearts have been broken

My soul hides away into the depths of the never ending oceans
My tears travel as far and wide to each galaxy

Your heart stays free
Your soul continues to travel
One day you hope to fall
But one day may not be with me

You sing till the stars fall from the sky
but yet, alone i still fall
Apr 2014 · 461
Walking in the Shadows
Mia Kendrick Apr 2014
As days come and go
I sit and wonder of the times that have pass

The memories so clear
the outline of our time gone
slipped away into the night

Separate ways we shall go
walking in the shadows
trying to find new life

A love that felt...meant to be...
has faded into memories

The tears that cry, cry wondering why?
No longer can I take the rose color glasses

I must walk, head held high
into the present, letting go of the love that
was not meant to be...
May 2013 · 853
A Summers Breeze
Mia Kendrick May 2013
You came to me upon a summers breeze
A gentle kiss upon my cheek
Strumming your chords of song
Softly singing me to sleep

I hear your voice whispering
I feel your hands caressing
I taste your sweetness upon my lips

A summers breeze
A smile full of love and laughter
Dancing to your own drum
A winters beauty can not compete

Oh summers breeze
Come lay with me
Play your tender song

Just one more kiss
Just one more touch
Tasting your sweetness upon my lips

Oh summers breeze
Oh summers breeze
You came to me upon a summers breeze.....
Apr 2013 · 765
wisdom words
Mia Kendrick Apr 2013
Words of wisdom
What are those
Wisdom words dancing around on their tippy toes
Tippy toes, tippy tippy tippy toes...

Wisdom words what is that you say?
No I won't listen! So just stay away!
I wish to wreak havoc all day.

Fly away and be free
No wisdom words for me

Dance dance dance
Watch me dance oh wisdom words
And you shall see.. just how free I can be...

So tippy toe, tippy toe
Tippy tippy tippy toe and find another
With whom you can share
Your so called words of wisdom show.
Mar 2012 · 607
Peace that once was
Mia Kendrick Mar 2012
In my dreams you will stay
to never wander in the day

Your kisses that touch me sweetly
fade into the light

My heart wonders if thy will ever truly be mine

Each passing sun I pray for peace within  your soul
for the smile that once crossed your life

No more pain
No more tears
To dance among the spirits above

I dance a dance to bring my soul to where it
once loved....

No more tears
No more pain
Just a peace that once was.....
Feb 2011 · 1.2k
My Last Dreamy
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
Today I see that all i believed
was just dreamy

My heart is closed to all those wishes
Way up high my soul once soared
to the ground I explore

No more true love do I believe
No more dreamy for me...

I walk alone to be strong
hoping to just be...
Feb 2011 · 1.7k
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
Someday to sing that song of
passion once again

Someday to feel such love
and joy

Someday to understand that touch
of deep emotion

Someday to feel alive and beautiful
To see this in their eyes

Someday to wake up and know of
their love inside me

Someday has turned into the past
The past is no more....
Feb 2011 · 539
Logic is Silence
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
As my soul soars high above
I look down to see you next to me
inside me, taking me over

My passion is strong
My passion is true
I live by my hearts desires
Logic is silence...

The silence I hear speaks to me
as I wish not to listen
It takes me over little by little
until it's all I hear

My soul that once soared high above
now rests all alone in the silence
with just my tears to fill my spirit...
Feb 2011 · 1.8k
Careless Words
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
Her eyes sparkle as bright as the stars in the summer night
Her hopes, her dreams are as real as the love she feels so deeply

She looks up to the night sky and wonders...wonders what will
become of her.

Her passion can not be measured for she feels so much beauty with in all.
She wonders why so much hurt comes to her...why so many careless words
are spoken, when they all seemed so honest and real...
The tears that gently caress her cheeks show the pain and confusion...
Yet the love she feels helps comfort her soul.

So deep are the wounds of the past, yet she has forgiven those
who have caused so much pain...

She closes her eyes to take her to a world where no careless words are
spoken and peace fills her heart.
Feb 2011 · 613
Shadows of Our Minds
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
In the nights dreams we are together, if only for one night.
You come to me as I lay sweetly between the sheets,
softly whispering the words we have spoken..

In the shadows of our minds, we are together
knowing of our passion...

Together we will be....
Unspoken desires that once were just a dream
will awaken to our bodies, entangled...
Full of desire are your kisses
Full of passion are your touches...

The need to feel these unspoken desires, to be as one
if only for just one night, are forever haunting the
shadows of our minds....
Feb 2011 · 496
No Words
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
From the nights sky I see you...
From the wind, I hear you call out to me
No words ever need to be spoken....

I feel your touches as if you were next to me
I know your kisses as if they were always mine

Whispers come to me in my dreams
dancing all though my mind
telling me everything and nothing

Only to feel your breath, gently touch my cheek
Your hands caressing me to the depths of my soul

I dream in the night, you holding me only to hear your
whishpers that call to me

As we gaze into each others eyes...we know that
no words ever need to be spoken...
Feb 2011 · 599
The Mirror
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
In the morning as she awakes, she walks to the mirror and looks into the eyes that show what once was, but no longer there...

She once saw the young, vibrant woman with passion that carried her thru her life, twinkeling in the past...

As she looked into the mirror, she traced the outlines of a face once beautiful and alive, now aging and grey...

She asked the woman in the mirror, "where have you gone"...."No where" she answeres back. "I am still here waiting to be reborn"....
Feb 2011 · 574
Wondering Soul
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
As he stands strong and tall, with burden's heavy upon his mind. He searches for answers where there are none to be found.

He knows not of this passion lost... all while her desire surrounds him.

Her need to ease his pain., her need to end his suffering, slips by his wondering soul..

He feels not of this desire that is within him.

He wants to know her touch...He wants to share her kisses...but this emptiness inside will not let him...

Open your eyes wondering soul and allow yourself to see her standing before you...dancing...ready to embrase your touch
Feb 2011 · 509
A World Like No Other
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
As I close my eyes to a world like no other... the mist surrounds, pulling me towards you...

I hear your voice calling... taking me to your world underneath. You stand before me, so strong, so true.

As I look into your eyes, they watch my every move. I dance before you, showing that I am yours.

I fall to my knees, as the strength leaves my body.. I feel your power envelop my desire, your dagger piercing my soul...

As I open my eyes to a world like no other, you are there, ready to show me the way. You take me in your arms, I realize that I need not search anymore...
Feb 2011 · 483
It Is Time...
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
To feel the strenght of the legs as they take me to the world underneath.

She calls to me, she tells me it's time...I feel her kisses upon me as the wind fills the air. I see her love as I look into the reflection of the water. What do I see, but myself as I was before, the beauty that once was me a long time ago.

As I go into battle to fight the darkness within, I realize that the moon and stars are my guide to victory.

I feel her wonder within my soul, asking me where I have been...She is time...time to come home.
Feb 2011 · 569
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
I feel the whispers from the wind that tell me what will be
yet, I do not understand

I hear the ocean call to me...yet can not swim to get to her

This emptiness that comes from the deepest depths of my heart
Needing and yearning for answers

The desert sun that burns, torching my souls desires
The rain that falls down from the heavens, trying to wash
away my fading hope...

Tears I cry, never to feel the hand to wipe them away

I wander thru my minds worlds, hoping to open the door
that will stop my pain, my tears..
Never finding the key to set me free....
Feb 2011 · 487
One Way Road
Mia Kendrick Feb 2011
My heart wonders what is true
My mind wanders to search no more

To feel so much
The desire to just be...

To trust on faith alone, can not fulfill the
emptiness that my soul has become

Emptiness that words alone can not stop

I walk thru the shadows of my mind
hoping for the answers, finding only
a one way road...
Aug 2010 · 485
Mia Kendrick Aug 2010
As I sit on my porch on the first mornings light,
the darkenss still creeping in.

As I watch the first mornings life, I can not help but wonder...
the birds sing their mornings hello and all I hear is your silence

Silence so loud
Slence so quiet

Darkeness surrounds the silence
but yet I must move on
hoping to one day hear the first mornings life
feel the first mornings sun say hello....
Jun 2010 · 1.8k
Lascivious blunders
Mia Kendrick Jun 2010
In the depths of your minds I wander
in red and black I saunter

from your fiery hot desires I stay
to fullfill your fantasies, so I play

In my minds eye I wonder
do I exist in a world from lascivious blunders

Or am I just that.....
an empty mind and soul
exist only for your salacious cold.
Mar 2010 · 604
Restless Spirit
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
Her restless spirit flies thru the sky above
searching for a her place to be...

At peace she dreams for her soul
soaring high above the clouds
the suns rays keeping her warm

In her minds eye, she knows of this world
of greater serenity

Her restless spirit aspiring to the stars
knowing of the day she can decend
so that she may feel at peace...
Mar 2010 · 590
Warrior for My Soul
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
As i close my eyes
I travel to a world of long past
and stand before the sea, which gives me strength and tranquility

A warrior for my soul
I draw my sword of courage
and seize that which must be no more...

I awake from my past to find
I walk no path, between the worlds I am..

Time slips thru my fingers as I wonder what will be
If I will ever find my strenght and tranquility

I close my eyes once more
to find this warrior of my soul
to fight that which must be no more...
Mar 2010 · 512
I Stand Before You
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
I stand before you
my soul vulnerable to your love

A mistake made so long ago
tortures my mind, only wishing to
replay it just once more

Each night I take you with me
praying to awake with your body next to mine

The tears I cry, longing for your touch
the aching to feel you inside me
so far away, yet you are so close

Calling you in my dreams so that we can
be together. Enveloped in each others arms
lost in our passion

Tortured souls wander thru their lives
only to desire of the day when their
dreams will become one…
Mar 2010 · 744
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
To her, he is mystical and true....
To her, he is soft and sincere....

His passion is one that can not be measured, but it is there, just waiting to be revealed.
She feels his intensity and wonders....does he wonderful he is....

They sleep, dream and go on with their day...wondering....what each day will bring...

To him, she is honest and loving
To him, she is vibrant and alive

Her passion is one that can not be measured, but there, just waiting to be revealed.
He feels her beauty and wonders....does she much he wonders.....
Mar 2010 · 1.7k
Innocence Lost
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
I found you in a place full of strangers
The memories come flooding back

The saddness of missing all the years we have lost
Wanders to find a place in our hearts

In a life full of chaos where innocence is gone
The past immages of you help brings peace to my mind

The words we have spoken, the times we have spent
Reconnecting with each other, brings the innocence back

To me you are more than a memory of the past
You are a place in my heart I will never forget....
Mar 2010 · 606
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
From the depths of my mind you come to me,
Your Vision so clear, as if it were yesterday
never knowing your touch, only to dream of
the day that your kisses will caress my cheek...

So full of passion are these images..
Images that will not let me rest until the day your kisses sooth
my desires...

The song of your soul plays over and over...
In the wind I hear your call, your need to have me near,
only to feel our bodies as they become one...

You hold me tight never wanting the passion to end.. only to awake
to the sound of my song playing over and over, in the depths of your mind...
Mar 2010 · 541
All Is Not What It Seems
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
I shall see you in the night
where all is not what it seems

The mist surrounds as I lay there waiting
hoping to know you just once more

Whispers are calling you
Visions are haunting you
And all is not what it seems

My touch, my soul, are etched in your mind
never wavering from your dreams

I will come to you
I will take you
into the night, into the night
where all is not what it seems....
Mar 2010 · 496
I Never Knew
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
When I think of all the things that could have been
I wonder why...

When I look into the past
I see you as you once were
So young, so true
I wonder why...

When I look into the present
I see you so far away
only to touch in a passing day

When I look into the future
it takes me to the past
so close we were, so young, so true
and I wonder why I never knew...
Mar 2010 · 1.0k
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
As she stands before the body of water looking down
the reflection of a woman emerges from her past
always wondering who she is and where she is going...

As she immerses her body in the water, washing away her days desires
tears fall from her eyes, tears that come from the depths of her soul

The empitness that comes from years of not knowing who she is,
is washed away, cleansing her of all sorrow

The woman in the reflection comforts her
Her eyes filled with such love and passion
She realizes that she can find her way back...
back from the past and carry her on the journey
of her souls desire....
Mar 2010 · 1.4k
Mia Kendrick Mar 2010
Her free spirit soars, her blonde hair blowing in the wind
as she travels down the highway, never knowing when it will end

Stopping along the way in towns, to quench her thirst for life
The people she meets, stay in her heart and with her soul
shaping every step she takes

The road is long and hard
the sun's rays baking her skin
she awaits for the night so that the stars above
can guide her way

She wishes upon a falling star, wondering if she
will ever meet her souls desire

As her free spirit soars down the highway
never knowing when it will end
she wanders aimlessly, waiting for the falling star
to guide her way....
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
As Darkness Falls
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
As darkness falls upon their ****** souls,The hunger to taste him grows....she can feel his blood running thru her veins, she needs him...needs to know that he is hers to taste.

As darkness falls upon their ****** souls, He fills her every waking dream, he posseses her every sleeping dream. His cries...calling take him so that he may know her pleasure, her pain.....

As darkness falls upon their ****** souls, all he wants and all he knows is watching her dancing, slowly, seductively...she fills his every sleeping dream, she posseses his every waking dream....

As darkness falls upon their ****** souls, she tastes him....he is hers, forevermore....
Feb 2010 · 2.9k
We're Not Alone
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
Bump bump! What's that?
SQUEAK... SQUEAK... Did you hear that?
We're not alone, are we..

Ghouls and Goblins are all out tonight, to say hello, to say
goodnite. They wish us well, they wish we might, have a very
very scary night.

They'll jump out and say BOO! and cause a fright. You'll never
know where they'll be or what they'll look like. They might be short,
they might be tall, they could be fury, they could be bald.

There are two things you can be sure of, they all have fangs and glowing
yellow eyes to see every movement that goes by...

They only come out for one night a year.
Can you take a guess? Yes, that's right. It's Halloween! My favorite night

What is that you ask? Why is Halloween my favorite night and how do I
know what ghouls and goblins look like. I shall tell you so listen close...

I too was a child like you, till one Halloween night a man came up to me
and told me about ghouls and goblins and what they look like.
I didn't believe him and said "Go Away, I can't be bothered with what you say.
But...If it's true then prove to me so I too can believe". He said to meet him at
the cemetery at midnight, then ****! He was gone into the night!

The clock struck twelve and off I went into the darkest of nights, all brave and sure
that I was right, that there are no such things as ghouls and goblins on this night.

There I saw the man who spoke to me next to a tombstone in the cemetery.
He glanced my way and then I saw these glowing yellow eyes, and then they were gone.
I shook my head and mumbled, "It couldn't be, there are no such things as ghouls and
goblins on Halloween".

I swallowed hard and said in a stutter, Nnnow ppprove to mmme that there are ggghouls
and goblins on Halloween, and tttell me how they'll fffrighten me. He glared at me with
a ghoulish smile, then laughed ha-ha ha "it will be a pleasure my child". I then saw
something in his eyes that sent a chill down my spine! His eyes turned yellow
his teeth were long fangs. I stumbled backwards and began to scream, "Please don't
hurt me, I believe!" In reply he said to me..
"I told you my child that we exist. That ghouls and goblins come out on this night to give
all you children a great big fright!"

From that night on I truly believe in ghouls and goblins on Halloween.

You see my children there's one bit that I left eh eh, is that I too only come
out, one night a year... Can you take a guess. Yes that's right! It's Halloween, my favorite
Feb 2010 · 444
In the hearts of our dreams
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
When the joys of life are laid to rest
in the hearts of our dreams do we search

Photographs of our pasts
pass us by, wanting to take hold

Today we love
Today we hurt
Today we hope

Photographs of our future not yet to be...

In the hearts of our dreams do we search
for the hope of one day to be at peace with our souls...
Feb 2010 · 607
Soul to keep
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
He comes to her in the darkest of nights
Drums of the past, echo, calling her to him

The full moon shines her way
her soul naked, waiting for his touch
to bring her back home

In the darkest of nights, he comes to her
His gentle words carrying her to the place
she's so longing to be

Reflections of her beauty dances
in the depths of his mind
calling him to her
Her wandering soul he needs to
Feb 2010 · 752
Forest of my dreams
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
As I sleep alone tonight, the vision of your body touching mine envelopes my dreams..wondering if I shall ever feel your kisses upon my lips..

Your dark mysterious eyes haunting my thoughts. Your power, the strenght of your soul, taking me to a world of the unknown...

As I walk through the forest of my dreams, I see you standing there with your arms out, calling me to you. The mist that surronds, dancing all around us as you show me of a world so magical.

I see in a vision... you lay me down, feeling you inside me taking over my soul as we become one.

I open my eyes to see that I am alone, but the thoughts of you, ever haunting me...never leaving the forest of my dreams....
Feb 2010 · 805
I am she
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
The wind blows..there is a whisper..."I am she".

The leaves rustle in the wind..It is her kiss to us.

We never see her, for her beauty can not be captured. But she is there...she is here...all around us.

The waves crash, the clouds thunder..this is her wrath, her anger, her fury.

The moon so bright and is her smile that leads us through the nights. The stars up in the sky which shine on for a million years...These are her eyes that say I love you..

Her love for us can not be measured nor touched. But we can see it through the sunrises and sunsets...hear it through the songs her birds sing for us....

Believe in her... she is real...for she is the Goddess...she is ALL.
Feb 2010 · 868
Passing Doors
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
As I looked into your eyes
I saw the boy from years past
When I kissed your lips
I could taste the love that rains down from
the heavens above

As I held you in my arms
together is where we had always been

Dreams of you come to me in the mists of
the night
Your whispers haunt my every waking thoughts

As you wander through each passing door
you find me waiting for the day that we can embrace our souls desire

Each tear I cry takes me through each nights world
running, trying to catch a glimpse of our time together

To feel your touch, your kiss, just once more before we said goodbye and I went through each passing door...
Feb 2010 · 569
Mia Kendrick Feb 2010
Whispers.....among the chaos of life
so soft, i need to hear...

So subtle and true... i need to hear

Their cries of the heart can not be felt
Their tears of life can not be heard

Open your soul and let them in so that I can
feel whole once again....

Whispers....among the wonders of each passing thought
so strong and real are they....

I need to hear them once more so I can feel alive....

— The End —