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Jan 2022 · 241
Ahmad Almustapha Jan 2022
If you get too close, you will be burnt
If you are too weak, you will be eaten
If you fail to beat the current, you will drown
Jan 2022 · 238
Ahmad Almustapha Jan 2022
It is said that you could walk from Africa to America on the backs of her stolen children and never would a boot get wet.
Jan 2022 · 359
Ahmad Almustapha Jan 2022
The worst thing in life is to come up against your own limitations and stumble, and then in the fall you crush the one person you wished to be your best for
Dec 2021 · 226
Ahmad Almustapha Dec 2021
Fear is an illness
If you catch it and leave it untreated, it can consume you
Facing your fears isn't easy, but sometimes it's the only way out
Oct 2021 · 82
Ahmad Almustapha Oct 2021
The truth is, you play until your feet break and they carry you off the field on a stretch and it's not convenient for you

Still, they'll say: "We never promised you a golden plate, you work for and earn it"
Sep 2021 · 101
Ahmad Almustapha Sep 2021
All the memories, all the experiences
It can be heartbreaking, until the excitement of a fresh start takes over
Because you soon realize you get to make new memories, have new experiences
And best of all, fall in love all over again
Sep 2021 · 72
Ahmad Almustapha Sep 2021
At the end of the day, the show is over,
but the roles you played stay with you to the point that you can't always tell where you end and your role begins, but you learn to live with that
To accept that you might have to be different versions of yourself for different people in your life
Sep 2021 · 78
Ahmad Almustapha Sep 2021
These days it's easier to take a minute to load and view contacts status
Than to spare 15sec to say "Salaam! I hope you are good?"
So, if you take that minute to view this, to you I say "Salaam! I hope you are OK? And life's treating you better?"
Sep 2021 · 61
Ahmad Almustapha Sep 2021
Sometimes, you see yourself reflected in a mirror, and sometimes reflected in someone else.
It might be someone you miss, or someone you feel for, or it might be someone you never thought you'd be again.
And sometimes, it might just be You you're finally ready to be.
Sep 2021 · 63
Ahmad Almustapha Sep 2021
Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself, or your own reflection when you weren't expecting it, and thought,
"who is that person and how dose he look so put together?"
When what you're actually feeling is that your head is on fire
Aug 2021 · 65
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
What if it was the worst day of your life and no one cared?
Like people ignored you, walk on by or they fire empty cliché, like "you'll get through it" as they back away

You need so much for someone to just look you in the eyes and say, "you're right, this is ****, it hurts, but it's OK! if you fall apart a little, because I've got you"
Aug 2021 · 123
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
In great need of a gentle nudge it seems I’ve lost my way
Never needed a GPS to navigate my day
But now it seems my compass broke, bent needle, cracked display
I think that maybe, if you’d stay, then I’d no longer stray
Aug 2021 · 76
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
I think if you think someone is ignoring you, you are probably right
So, carry your wahala go, make things easier for both
Aug 2021 · 64
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
To fall in love with you is one thing, to fall in love in you is another, both have happened to me
It's a gift, a dream, a curse, the best thing, the happiest thing, yet also the loneliest thing in the world
I have been I love many times before, but not like this
Aug 2021 · 91
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
Remembering a simplicity
And just maybe
Remembrance of all is well
Aug 2021 · 71
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
I may not be as happy as you are, but I promise you, I am happy.
Aug 2021 · 509
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
It’s not hard to make any woman fall in love with you
It’s hard to make any particular woman fall in love with you
Aug 2021 · 303
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
In looking for you I’ve discovered so many others and I’ve loved them too
Nevertheless, I am still looking for you
Aug 2021 · 65
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
I fell asleep while writing a note, the right words got stuck in my throat
I somehow hit send instead of delete, now the wrong words are stuck in concrete
Aug 2021 · 74
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
"I'm living the dream!!"

Is what she said, while watching her being getting covered in shame.
Aug 2021 · 69
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
Are you "the one" or just "someone"
Aug 2021 · 117
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
If I shall not wake in the morning
If tomorrow never comes for me
Would you know I love you
Would you know I care
And you pray for me
Aug 2021 · 68
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
Ideas lick my brain at night, teasing me to pen the paper
But indulgence is the opposite of letting go, I must sleep now, in order to dream.
Aug 2021 · 52
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
Count your blessings, say a prayer,
spit out one and all
You're one of the survivors where so many others fall.
Aug 2021 · 67
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
I fear my thoughts are mere illusions, confusions, someone else’s conclusions.
Aug 2021 · 85
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come, Lord, help me today, show me the way
Aug 2021 · 228
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
I'm sorry I broke your heart,
before you could break mine, darling.
Aug 2021 · 326
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
When I tell you that I'm going to love you, I hope you never wonder or doubt that I will love all of you.

I will love you the most when you're falling to pieces, when you can't stand on your own two feet, and even when you hate me.

Because I'm not signing up to love you only at your best, but especially at your worst.
Aug 2021 · 200
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
You make me so happy with the mere knowledge of your existence,
yet it turns back to utter despair, cause I despise the fact

that you are there like an art, so charismatically abstract,
but not mine yet.
Aug 2021 · 436
Ahmad Almustapha Aug 2021
It takes courage to live outside the traditional expectations of society
Jul 2021 · 56
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Hello, 6 a.m!
Today you look the six years old who wrote stories.
Jul 2021 · 66
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
If I ever bought love, I'm just going to break it.
These feelings aren't concrete, but definitely belong to the pavement.  
  I could love someone complex, but make it look so basic.
Even with my heart racing, I haven't found one worth chasing.  
My love has no form, all my feelings are shapeless. And I won't go around falling in love with pretty faces.
Jul 2021 · 188
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Be the reason someone feels seen, head, and supported
Jul 2021 · 55
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Our journey on earth, is not just to Allah,
it's from Allah, with Allah, and into the love of Allah
Jul 2021 · 44
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
A man who doesn’t spend time with his family
can never be a real man
Jul 2021 · 138
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Light reflected gives new hope
as lessons learned act as tools to cope.
Jul 2021 · 212
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
And for a little while after we are gone

They will tell stories about us, some true, some false, good memories, bad memories, but only for a little while

Because after awhile we are no longer making new memories, only old memories linger, like all old memories they fade and eventually are forgotten

So in the end we are just a forgotten memory that once may or may not existed
Jul 2021 · 49
No time
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
I'm sorry if I ever hurt you
in anyway!
Jul 2021 · 59
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Y'all know it’s forbidden and yet you’ve tarried

A sin is a sin you can’t wish it away,
It won’t go away because you ignore the fact that it is

We all can be forgiven no doubt
But now is the time to take a stop, repent whilst eyes are still open
Jun 2021 · 188
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
Bauchi naman-keya, ga kitse ga tauri

Bauchi kaya bakusan nagida ba, ku keta rigan yaro ku keta rigan baba

Bauchi talala mai kamar sake, ta nesa mekamar akama amma kuma tai-nisa

Baku son kudi sai iko, ana ganinku wawaye, kuna ganin su sune wawa

Gabaruwa mejima ta Malam Yakubu, meson yini zai kwana, mai kwana zaiyi wata, me wata zai shekara, daga shekara ka zauna dabas, garin karo kuma garin harga Allah Dada

Yaro kaso fada kwari ya kare, garin kaso mutun karasa abin bashi, garu gara da naka in babu naka kare yafika
Bauchi biwai namijin gari
Jun 2021 · 92
If it's all thesame
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
I really want to tell someone about the things in my head,
but the truth is, everyone is busy with something else

I chose not to bother anyone with my meaningless problems, that they don't even want to hear
Jun 2021 · 69
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
Truth is, we all are responsible for our actions
you can choose to be good or decide to do bad, just know, someday maybe even sooner than you think, y'all will answer
Jun 2021 · 153
If it's all thesame
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
I might sometimes be selfish
but I'm not stupid

— The End —