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Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Light reflected gives new hope
as lessons learned act as tools to cope.
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
And for a little while after we are gone

They will tell stories about us, some true, some false, good memories, bad memories, but only for a little while

Because after awhile we are no longer making new memories, only old memories linger, like all old memories they fade and eventually are forgotten

So in the end we are just a forgotten memory that once may or may not existed
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
I'm sorry if I ever hurt you
in anyway!
Ahmad Almustapha Jul 2021
Y'all know it’s forbidden and yet you’ve tarried

A sin is a sin you can’t wish it away,
It won’t go away because you ignore the fact that it is

We all can be forgiven no doubt
But now is the time to take a stop, repent whilst eyes are still open
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
Bauchi naman-keya, ga kitse ga tauri

Bauchi kaya bakusan nagida ba, ku keta rigan yaro ku keta rigan baba

Bauchi talala mai kamar sake, ta nesa mekamar akama amma kuma tai-nisa

Baku son kudi sai iko, ana ganinku wawaye, kuna ganin su sune wawa

Gabaruwa mejima ta Malam Yakubu, meson yini zai kwana, mai kwana zaiyi wata, me wata zai shekara, daga shekara ka zauna dabas, garin karo kuma garin harga Allah Dada

Yaro kaso fada kwari ya kare, garin kaso mutun karasa abin bashi, garu gara da naka in babu naka kare yafika
Bauchi biwai namijin gari
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
I really want to tell someone about the things in my head,
but the truth is, everyone is busy with something else

I chose not to bother anyone with my meaningless problems, that they don't even want to hear
Ahmad Almustapha Jun 2021
Truth is, we all are responsible for our actions
you can choose to be good or decide to do bad, just know, someday maybe even sooner than you think, y'all will answer
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