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I don't know what scares me more
How easy it became to feel nothing
Or the fact I became this way
And now I see another side of me
Like I had it all wrong
The story of the Devil losing his heart
Wasn't because he loved
Or because it fell apart
Maybe I'm the Devil
Who finally broke into pieces
And I'm the poison
That turned Angels into Demons...
People say that you can't go back
It can never be the way it once was
But that's not true
Because what was still is
It always has been
It was there than and is still here today
We just lose our way from time to time is all
We drew our weapons
We've left scars
We chose to hold on to how those scars
Never do we realize that like a scar
The wound is healed
It's no longer there to cause pain
It's only there now to remind us
That we survived the pain
That once was
We can hold onto that pain
Never letting go
Or we can move on
The wound is healed
The pain is over
What's done is done
No one can change that fact
If we can learn to accept that
We can find what was lost along the way.
There was a time I could ask you for anything
Like you couldn't wait for my next question
There was a time when you was excited when I
finally would ask for help
There was once a time when I never wanted for
You made sure I always had everything
Even if I never asked
There was once a time when you never had any time
but for me you made time
Even if for only a second because that second was
more than anything to you at the time
When time never mattered but was always there
Never stoping you form having that moment you
waited all day for
There was a time when me being me was enough
You was still so happy
Where did that time go
Where did I go wrong
To change how you feel,
How you look at me
Will I ever get that time back
Will you ever just be happy
To see my face again
Like you once was
There was once a time
You begged me to talk to you about anything & everything
Just so you could hear the sound of me talking
But I didn't
Maybe that's where I went wrong
Maybe I talk to much
Maybe that's never what you wanted in the first place
There is time here & now
I'd give anything to have you look at me
The way you once did
To be so eager to only have that few minutes with
Even if it was only for a short time
To you that was everything you waited for
To want to help me with anything and everything
And be so happy that I even asked you
There was once a time when you was with me
Even for only a moment
The world didn't exist
It was only you and only me
Nothing or no one could ever take that time away
from us
Now we have nothing but time and you couldn't be
any further away from me right next to me
I stopped believing in promises.
They're just dreams that don't come true.
False hope that will never be real.
Empty words that mean nothing.
I don't believe in promises anymore.
The difference between the Angel and the Devil
in this story, was the Devil never lied
to the Maiden.
Not once...
Ironic isn't it?
Can we just be honest
I was never as bad as you made me out to be
You just needed me to be bad
So you could justify
How badly you treated me
Thank you,
For letting me go.
Because I wouldn't have walked away.

— The End —