Those gloomy days
Attributes to the sad nights
When you wanna pull someone's hair
Or knock down that chair
You have a fire in you that's not inspiration
You have a greed in you not of aspiration
There's that voice in you that's not motivating
There's those tears in you not for mourning
Those busy days
Attributes to the loud nights
When you wanna get drunk
And fight with a punk
You have questions in you not of the future
You have someone in you that's not a teacher
There's all the moments of joy hidden away
There's all the contempt leading astray
Maybe it's the job that's boring
Or the reckless parenting
Might it be the deeds of Adolf
Or my lack of belief in Rudolf
I know it's not me
It's the fault of thee
For this work is the example
And it's only a sample
It's a sarcastic poem on how we blame everyone for our problems from ****** to the reader