My legs lead,
My feet stone.
I walk this path alone.
My head mischievous,
My heart gullible.
I push on with my trouble.
My heart broken,
My pride lost.
Fighting through life—at what cost?
My pride shattered,
My hope thin.
Fighting battles I can’t win.
My head tired,
My pride gone.
I often struggled on.
My days heavy,
My nights long.
Nowhere felt like I belong.
My hands empty,
My chest tight.
I lost my will to fight.
My legs lead,
My feet stone.
I walked this path alone.
Then came you,
Steady and bright,
Pulling me back, giving me fight.
Your voice steady,
Your touch kind.
You pulled me from my troubled mind.
My steps lighter,
My heart strong.
With you, I’ve found where I belong.
Now with you,
Hand in hand,
Alone, I no longer stand.
My legs steady,
My feet free.
All because you walk with me.