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Moments in life feel cursed
Seeing my FAM in a Hurst
Broke as hell
I'll die in a Burst

Baptized by water
Puried by fire
Born with the eye of the tiger
I am mutible & inspire

In Pisces for 2000 years
A fish swimming in tears
As Aquarius appears
I'll spend the next 2000
Conquering fears
My birthday is February 26th 1986
Man in mad pursuit
One thing after another
Laboring to master the world
Bound by human limitations
Chasing after the wind
All work under the sun is vanity

Increase of knowledge
The spoken WORD
Ramble and Babel
In the end Death to the WORD.
Fear the man with the book
He’s quite savvy and talks, absurd.
All is vanity burn the books
They teach spells, they curse!
Born to die
Live to cry
Life is a river
Go with the flow!
The ringing bell vibrating with no clock to punch
Tearing a hole through time & space
Looking for levers & circles to manipulate
Ring that bell at a high rate
Witness my mind state,
Enter the subconscious then create.
As I stare
Far into the deep black sky
A twinkle in my eye
The light shines from such a distance
That it source is no longer in existence

Vast like the desert
Infinite like the universe
My heart & mind
Understanding them both
An endless moment in time

Personal Legend is the journey
Eternal alchemy is the key
Spirit in the Temple
please guide me
As I stare into eternity
Yours truly PAM!
Smiles like the sun, Affection like water
The Love Flower grew in front of my eyes.
Blooming with ambition!
In colors of joy, Tears in my eyes
The Love Flower has filled my heart.
Thank you for letting me see you bloom,
From the bottom of my heart.
Yours truly PAM!
Without food to eat the Nopal grew from the desert street.
The defending itself with thorns
Lacking water to drink
Somehow it produced tunas to eat
Knowing that they would judge the Nopal
By the fruits He bare
He was still proud, it was rare.
I wrote the poem “Nopal “ based off a Sunday church service about being judged by the fruits we bare as “Christians”. I asked myself what kind of fruit do I bare? Then I came to the conclusion that although I do not bare a lot of fruit, I produce fruit grown in the baron desert like the Nopal produces tunas. Not in great quantities, but high quality in a land of limited food. I am a Nopal.

— The End —