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443 · Oct 2018
Max Geiger Oct 2018
The rain falls
               Head over heels
        And I wonder
Why no one told it
                    That was such a bad idea.
166 · Oct 2018
Don’t be gone.
Max Geiger Oct 2018
You are gone?
You are gone?
But I did not say goodbye.

I never held your hand
And told you how
I hate to see you cry.

You are gone?
You are gone?
But you left so much behind.

With your silent strings
And sobbing peers,
How could you say it’s fine?

You are gone?
You are gone?
Please, just answer me this.

Was it worth it?
To give up and
Lose the suns gentle kiss?

You are gone?
Please, don’t be gone.
150 · Oct 2018
Max Geiger Oct 2018
Passion’s fury breaks the
day, consumed in fiery
salty spray, fill the nymph
with foam so sparkling
green, kiss red its gentle
smiling sheen, but don’t miss
the kaleidoscope of blue,
the vastness of every
changing hue, for what
has past has yet to
come, a thorny spike
Through fatigued tongue
140 · Dec 2018
Max Geiger Dec 2018
I am sorry
for all the times I wrote you
       a love poem
but addressed it
to someone else
135 · Nov 2018
Shear Weight
Max Geiger Nov 2018
She used to be mine.
With curves like dunes on the beach
and hair that tumbled in bouncing curls
When she was mine she could make
everyone smile with ease and pride
beamed on her from every eye, a beauty.
But the pain I hid behind their
joy was too much burden to bear and,
to their horror, I cut her hair.
With every strand that fell away
I shed her from me, releasing her
who was never meant to be mine.
Now I cover the dunes under ocean waves,
tuck the shorn curls into a cap,
and try to forget that she was ever me.

— The End —