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MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
She's finally back
With a pen in her right hand
A paper in the left
And a sword in her heart
MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
Tonight you'll be in my poems
From my quill's blood, you will be summoned
On every blank paper I grab
Will be filled with words, those that are sad

I need not to hold the quill
Black bloods on the paper are already spilled
As if it has its own brain
As if it also felt my indescribable pain

The words as if wild animals being freed from cage
I couldn't stop them from spilling
Tonight you'll be in my poems
Not with the happy words but the saddest ones
Wrote this 4 years ago.
MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
I bump into someone in amidst
I apologize but I notice she's in tears
I ask what's wrong
but she doesn't utter a word

The tears streaming down her cheeks
Already answered the questions in my lips
She's in pain
Rejected by a friend

I recognized her face
She's the girl with good grades
I always saw her with her friends
Laughing at the top of her lungs

But now who is this girl in front of me?
Looking so fragile and weak
I just hope she'd be okay sooner
I'm sure this pain would make her stronger
Wrote this 4 years ago.
MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
If people would ask me
To write a painful poem
I'll just simply write your name
Love, MauveMarini
MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
Only in my dreams that I am the one
That I am still the reason behind your every smile
That I am still the greatest artist that painted the sweetest smiles on your lips
That I am the only sunshine that lights up your day

Only in my dreams that your promises are still alive
That they are not broken
That they are kept inside your heart
That you are doing everything to keep it

Only in my dreams that you didn’t change
That you’re still that same guy who always cared for me
That ******-in-a-neat-school-uniform guy who always makes me laughed
That guy who shows how much he loves me

Only in my dreams that you won’t ever leave me
That no matter what happens, no matter what it takes
And under any circumstances,
You’ll always choose to stay with me

Only in my dreams that there’s still you and me
That you still care for me
That you still think of me
That you still love me

You are my sweetest dream
But you chose to wake me up
And no matter what I do
I can’t go back to sleep

But if you’ll ask me to choose between the two
Live in reality or stay asleep
I’ll choose the latter
Cause in my dreams there’s still an us
Love, MauveMarini
MauveMarini01 Jun 2020
She is not that brave
To risk everything for love
A coward she is

But because of him
She finally took the risk
To jump off the cliff

But ends up wounded
Her heart on the floor, shattered
He failed to keep it
Love, MauveMarini
MauveMarini01 Apr 2019
Magic Wand
Written by Mauve Marini

I was once lost
But you came and to find me like a rose
I was once stuck in a strange sea
But you came and rescued me

You tried to bring my old self back
Wait, no, you let me discover another side of me I never thought I have
You made me realized my worth
That in every angle, I deserved the world

And then…
Time flew fast
Fairy godmother came smiling and giggling as if she’s up to something
And yes, I was right
Pointing the magic want at us
She let love bloom in just one strike

All those…
“I’ll keep you happy, you are important to me”
“In my arms, you’ll be happy”
“Let’s conquer the world together”
“Let me take care of you forever”

One day…
We woke up asking,
What is happening?
What happened to us?
Who are we now in each other’s life?

All the promises are broken
Maybe the magic wand was stolen
Could someone please return it to fairy godmother?
To bring everything into its places forever
So we can end this with a “happily ever after”
love, mauvemarini
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