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Apr 2014 · 395
Behind my tears there lies anger
Behind my brave face there are lies
Behind my smile there is sorrow
Behind my lip gloss there is fear
Behind my laugh there are sobs
Behind my eyes there lies the truth
Behind my mask there lies my frown
Apr 2014 · 284
You gave me a reason to live
You gave me a reason to hope
You gave me so much
I can never ask for more

I wish you could see
My love for you is a large sea
I wish you could kiss
And hold me tight
All through the night

In my heart
You're the only one
I want you with me always
Till our days are done
I don't really want to say goodbye
I don't really want to leave you
But now I have to go away
Stay away from you forever

What we had was something special
Deep down from our hearts
But now I have to go away
And leave you from my heart

I try to forget but can't
I try to die yeah I can
Mind suddenly gone
My end is near
Nothing to do now
But to tell you
I Love You
Apr 2014 · 5.5k
I can't do this anymore
I can't stand these names they give me
Why can't they see words hurt
They cut deeper than any blade or razor could
My eyes fill with tears just waiting to spill
But I won't let them they can't know that I have failed
I'm just another mistake
Just another waste of space
Stupid they say and never do I argue
Ugly, fat, pathetic, *****, annoying of course I agree
How could I not be
Depressed to a fault I just have two things in mind
How can I make it this long why can't I just die?
Apr 2014 · 348
I walk these halls holding my wrists
I'm hoping that no one will see me when I'm like this
He looks at me scared as to what he will find
Never did he think that I had these things in mind
With tears in his eyes he asks "Are there anymore?"
I whisper a simple reply "Did you ever wonder what bracelets were for?"
Apr 2014 · 324
I pull the blade across my already torn and tattered wrist
I bite my lip and I wonder........Has anyone else ever felt like this?
No....Of Course not......I quickly push it from my mind
As this blade erases everything from my mind
My blood starts to flow and all the memories quickly fade away
Nothing else could possibly matter when I feel this way
I breath a single sigh of relief as this amazing release takes its hold
Why can't anyone else understand this?
It's a bad thing......or so I've been told
But only it's the bad thing
It's the thing that keeps me sane
The blade is always searching for willing flesh to play its twisted game
I'm always a willing partner
I could never say no
It's a giver and taker
And I am firmly in its hold
Never does it let me down
Always it will ease the pain
But sometimes I have to wonder if I've gone too far
Just what exactly is my blade washing away?
Is it my pain?....Is it my sins?......
Is it every dark, evil, and ugly thing that lives within?
I'm not sure and of course it never tells
It's secrets.......alike to mine are condemning to hell

— The End —