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Mary Huxley Aug 25
When the time is right
Everything will fall in place
Mary Huxley Aug 25
Looking at the stars,
My mind hovering over the still waters,
Seeing myself in a maze,
No way out.

Watching my dreams dying,
My dreams sickening second by second,
I can’t take this,
The thoughts of them dying,
Dreams being postponed.

Dreams left aside,
Still pending,
And still waiting for me to tackle them to the stars,
But am over a cliff,
Wondering how I will rescue them.

Trying not to hate myself for choosing the wrong path,
Leaving my dreams pending,
Fighting for them not to fall out.

My wish I could see what my future holds,
Success still waiting to be unraveled,
Yes am standing out for them,
Taking this new path,
A second chance for me even if it takes years,
These aborted dreams need to live,
And imma breath life into them.
Mary Huxley Aug 25
Jailed in my own mind,
Scared to walk forth,
Handcuffed by my own thoughts,
Am sentenced to infuriation.

It was this same day I killed my own happiness,
I was cold inside,
I burned with great rage,
Quenching for space but the pace and speed denied me chance.

Now in a death row,
Being sentenced to ****** of my own emotions,
Looking around in my chamber,
Here I am confidentially waiting to be executed,
I already made my wish,
Hope I will conquer this inevitable death
Mary Huxley Aug 24
Looking at you I see no reason to be sad,
Being around you warms my heart,
You’re the reason I wake up and see good in me,
The future that I had no faith in now seems perfect and set,
I can’t even tell how happy I am to be with you.

Now tell me,
Am I missing something,
Am I loosing focus,
Am I not worthy,
Am I not enough,
Is there something that I lack.

Look into my eyes,
Tell me,
That which your heart bleeds for,
That which your mind thinketh,
Why are you doing this,
Why did you lie to me?

You made me believe am yours,
That you couldn’t replace me,
You told me that I had a world with you,
A forever that now has no eternity,
I mean why would you do that?

Tell me?
Mary Huxley Aug 24
I didn’t know that I still wanted you ,
until lights were off,
When only the sound of sadness could echo in my head,
Looking back to the moments we shared,
For a moment the world was bright,
How could I have known that would say goodbye .

Unending flashes of us, The dime -like moments The stared pecks
They now haunt me,
I want to run away from myself ,
But the painful part is how will I?
My life better left to chance.

Every promise you vowed is all broken,
Every hope you built in me is all shuttered,
I look at my phone screen and there is no messages,
Not even one,how is that possible .
It was just ago that you hit my inbox with thousands of missing me text.

And now not even a call,
I miss you but can’t reach to you and if I get a chance, it’s not how it used to be,
Am only left to miss all we had ,
The haunting memories,
I look back and wish not to have met you,
I am healing from the bruises you left me with.
My very first poem
Mary Huxley Aug 24
Yes, I am not whole,
Neither did I admit to be perfect,
But my existence sparks out the ordinary,
Is it my personality,
Is it my beauty,
That radiates it all.

Yes, I'm not whole,
But what makes me unique?
I'm full of imperfections and flaws,
Are those what make me so mystique.?

They say it's not just my personality,
Or my outward beauty that outshines,
Or  how I carry myself?
And maybe it's the light in my eyes?

But I'll tell you one thing,
Embrace your imperfections,
Your energy is contagious,
You lift up those around you,
And make them feel courageous.

The beauty about you will be known by those that appreciate you,
Even after they denied me reason why i spark out the ordinary,
One thing I know for sure is,
I radiate positivity,
I don't depend on their judgement,
I stand on my grounds,
My energy is just contagious,
And that is what makes me whole.
You are just perfect.
You are a work of art
Your imperfections is what makes your whole.
You are you
You are amazing
Mary Huxley Aug 24
Ever wonder what drives someone to pen down their thought?
To prose how they feel,
From a letter to a word to a whole sentence,
Then I'll tell you mine.

While Writers are born with a pen in their hands,
Others are made out of emotions, fate and serenity of their ambiance,
But I am made out of pain,
Pain that led to a pen and paper.

It started with a heartbreak caption to a break up poem,
And when you all alone, having no one to talk to,
The diary becomes your friend,
I spent hours with my diary,
Venting it all,
Until I realised my pen had become my master.

It controlled me,
It got the better part of me,
I became a slave to my pen,
And my mind bowed down to it,
Ideas flowed like the waters of the great river euphrates in the garden of eden.

I'll tell you what,
That's how my pen was born,
Born from pain,
And it turned to a fountain of tales and here we are,
Full of smiles.

What a journey!!!
My journey.
Maryhuxley poems 🖋️
This is a simplified story of what led to me to start writing.
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