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Mary Huxley Aug 19
Does it ever end,
The pain,
The struggle,
The complications,
My mind can't handle it all,
Does it ever get better,
Or maybe it does
But, does it really align?
Mary Huxley Aug 19
In sadness, thoughts of you linger deep,
Amidst the storm, your warmth I keep,
Your departure left shattered pieces untold,
Once my peace, now lost in chaos bold,
In this whirlwind, I search for me,
With you gone, who holds my heart's key?
Mary Huxley Aug 19
Even in death,
I still find solace in you ,
Through eternity,our bond still remains a fresh
Mary Huxley Aug 19
It can't be over,
I whispered to my soul ,
Yet, indeed, it had ended.
Mary Huxley Aug 16
I want to come home,
In the shadows where I roam,
Seeking solace, seeking peace,
Heartaches grip begins to cease.

Through the darkness, a light shines,
Resilience blooms in these trying times,
In the echoes of the night's soft hum,
I find my way, where I come from.
Mary Huxley Aug 15
In the cradle of existence, a soul is born,
A spark of light, a new day's dawn.
Innocence wrapped in flesh and bone,
A journey of growth, into the unknown.

Born to breathe, to feel, to dream,
Life's tapestry woven with each sunbeam.
A symphony of moments, a dance of time,
In the rhythm of life, a soul to climb.

From the first cry to the whispered sigh,
Born to love, to laugh, to try.
In every heartbeat, a story told,
Of being born great, a tale unfold.
Mary Huxley Aug 15
In the stillness of the night, memories linger,
Shattered heart, echoes of love lost, a painful singer.
Tears fall like rain, washing away laughter's glow,
Leaving emptiness, a void hard to outgrow.

From broken pieces, a glimmer of hope does rise,
Mending slowly, scars telling of battles and cries.
Sunrise brings a new day, lessons in the heart's seams,
Strength in vulnerability, a tale of healing dreams.
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