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Mary Huxley Aug 15
In a field of flowers, colors bright,
Underneath the sky so light,
Whispers of the wind, a gentle song,
Carrying dreams and hopes along.

Stars above, shining so clear,
Guiding us, removing fear,
In the night, a peaceful sight,
Embracing love, pure and bright.
Mary Huxley Aug 13
Shall I compare my lady to a summer's day?
Nay! For thy beauty outshines any season and I'm but a humble admirer,
Besotted with thee pardon me but thine eyes hold a glimmer that doth bewitch me and I find myself entrances by thine eyes.

My lady, thy charm is like a sonnet from a bygone era,
And I yearn to be the one to pen verses of the affection for thee
In the midst of this modern world,
Thy elegance is like a piece of Victorian art and I wish to be the one who admires and preserves thee
Mary Huxley Aug 13
In the realm of endless musings, where thoughts like gentle whispers play,
A tapestry of dreams unfurls, in the quiet of the day.
Whispers of the heart, in silent reverie they roam,
In the symphony of silence, they find their way back home.

In shadows deep, where secrets lie, and memories softly weep,
Whispers of forgotten tales, in the night, they gently creep.
Echoes of the past, in moonlit dance they sway,
In the garden of the mind, where thoughts like petals lay.

So let the ink of midnight spill, upon the canvas of the night,
Capturing the essence of thoughts, in the softest, purest light.
For in the quiet spaces, where the soul finds solace deep,
Thoughts bloom like flowers, in the garden of our sleep.
Mary Huxley Aug 13
One day you will meet a girl who will walk you through a world you ought not to imagine,
She will tell you tales about the greatest love intent,
Y'll question everything you know,
She'll describe things in words you've never heard,
Her words will sound beautiful in your ears,
She will bring out a passion in you that no one knew.

Don't run away from what scares you,
You wouldn't be a hero if you do,
So don't run,
Walk through it all,
Feel the atmosphere,
Breathe the aroma of the newly love,
Isn't it refreshing?
Let the new experience teach you,
Kiss her so hard that you see stars,
Trace her scars, touch them,
Stare at her even if she's so bright that it burns

Don't run away, let if flow.
It won't always hurt.
Mary Huxley Aug 13
Beautiful words stir my heart,
I will recite a lovely poem about the king,
For my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.

You're are the most handsome of all,
Gracious words stream from your lips,
God himself has blessed you forever.

Myrrh, aloes, and cassia perfume your robe,
In ivory palaces the music of strings entertains you,
The king's daughter are among your noble women,
At your right side stands the queen,
Wearing jewelry of finest gold from ophir.
Mary Huxley Aug 13
In the realm of twilight, where shadows dance,
The last of us stood in a cosmic trance.
Beneath the eclipse, a celestial embrace,
A moment of wonder, a vision of grace.

As darkness veiled the sun's golden glow,
Our spirits awakened, ready to grow.
In the hush of the heavens, a symphony played,
Whispering secrets, as the sun gently swayed.

The eclipse painted the sky with hues so rare,
A tapestry woven with cosmic flair.
We gazed in awe, our souls taking flight,
Lost in the beauty of that celestial night.

And as the sun emerged, shining bright and bold,
We carried the magic, our hearts now consoled.
For in the last of us, hope will always reside,
Guided by the eclipse, forever by our side.
Mary Huxley Aug 10
In a world of whispers and dreams,
Where the moon dances in silver streams,
Hearts beat in rhythm, a gentle song,
In the twilight where we belong.

Underneath the starlit sky so vast,
Moments cherished, never surpassed,
In your eyes, a universe I see,
Together, forever wild and free.

Where love resides in the chambers of the heart,
Your name still beeps,
You're my happy place

— The End —