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 Oct 2013 Martine
it's hard to crack a
coconut while
sitting under the
in order to understand
the fundamentals of a
broken heart
you've got to know the
secrets of the soul


99% of human beings
are enchanted
and to lick the moon
you don't always have to
travel to mars.

Now wait.
These daydreams, they remind me of a sunset,
with blurry beginnings and abrupt ends.
You see, reality can be so easily blind-sided by imagination,
a wonderful thing actually.
Reality is dark, and when it wants a turn,
nothing goes down harder than a shot of real-life.
Next thing you know, the sun is gone, replaced by night,
and you're left in a daze, desperately trying to
reach back into your mind and escape for just a few more seconds.
*because you're afraid of the dark.
Sleeping in a hotel,
Away from home
The mattress seems cold and hard,
Like a prison floor
The body next to mine is warm,
Raising so slightly with her
Shallow morning breaths
How we got here,
I don’t remember
But the emptied bottle of
Grey Goose by the bed
Seems to be a clue
It even explains the aching,
A dull pain behind my eye
I roll closer to the stranger
Next to me, draping an arm
Over her soft skin
As if hoping to absorb,
The name of this beauty
Her hair, like straw,
A golden brown, the faint
Scent of smoke
From the night before
Soft lips press to mine
“Good morning”, she says,
Her voice seeming angelic
“Hey”, I reply,
And we share a smile,
After we rise
“Last night”, the words
Fumbling from my mouth
Before I could even finish,
“Don’t worry about it”,
The door shutting behind her,
She left me with nothing,
But I, was in love
 Aug 2011 Martine
Stephen Parker
Love blossomed in the darkest night
Morn's gilding beams to spite
Night Primrose preened by tender blight
As Sphinx Moth, soft tips caress; sugary nectar slight
Perfumed aroma doth prating, intoxicated courtier incite
Glazed petals with dewy fans stream delight
Golden cup a succouring armchair from which passions alight 
Delicate, cream veil eclipses pallid, stolid moonlight
With availing breeze your dreamy parasol on Cupid's wing takes flight
And what do I do/
With the fact that I only/
Wanted to love you?
 Aug 2011 Martine
Tyler Ebberts
For now it is the best time of day
When all the souls have vanished,
I will be wandering....
and wondering....
The best time of day is when all has calmed
When the moon casts its aesthetic spell.
When the body and soul seem to intertwine in a manifestation of love, and joy.
All is love; at night.
When the stars shine so bright they seem to calm your thoughts
I wish you would come more often
It is quite peaceful,
at night.

— The End —