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Mcris Jul 2019
It maybe just one word to hear
But so effective like a medicine
Imagine if a person is sad, a smile
could turn his whole day around
and make him happy from being mad.

If someone has nothing to give
To such needy fella who is in need
In need of comfort from his grief
A smile can also be a big help
As a first aid to make someone be relieved.

Hey my friend, would you concede?
If there is a stranger we want to speak.
We can also use a smile as first greet;
Or if we caused pain to anyone
We can also use it to reconcile.

Of all those things i said above
Is there anyone who understands
we have a power to mend a broken heart
By our sweet smile that comes from the heart
Just make it gentle, make it bright!
(By MC)
Mcris Jul 2019
Good morning to you! Great morning to you!
Today is a new gift from up above
For we are born again each morning we wake up
So be sincerely thankful for this gift that you have
Say your prayer,; be blessed by the presence of God
Take a deep breath, meditate then get up;
Be ready to start another page of your life.

Again, let me greet you good morning
How I wish I could write your full name on here
But I think It is better to let it be this way.
May the force be with you is all what I pray
I know you can get everything you want today
Good luck, have faith and get what you deserve
Smile, be blessed and be a blessing to others.
(By MC)
Mcris Jul 2019
It was another beautiful day went by
Forget all bad times that made you cry
Instead keep in heart all good memories
Be thankful for all troubles that you faced
Because not all people are fortunate to
survive those long hours like what you did.

Now just lie down and switch off the light
Say your prayer then sleep so tight
Bring those good vibes that give you delight
Dream something nice and let the night
A brand new day is waiting for you
so it is time to say goodnight..
(By MC)
Mcris Jul 2019
Inside of me, there are words
that want to come out;
Words that detained me in sorrow and in pain;
For so many years it bounds me in despair
and led me to live in a world full of dismay;
In my mind there are memories I want to fade;
In my heart there is a wound I want to be healed;
With all those nightmares, I almost gave up to live.

I wish I could shout out those words today
Release all torments to be free someday
Let these tears flow untill it gone away
I want to be free and be healed, I pray
So let me shout out those words all day!
Release me and let me be free today!
I'm not your slave, let me be free today!
You dont own me! Let me be free today!
(By MC)
Mcris Jul 2019
So many times I thought about yesterday
A day that I was innocent in every way
When I was just a little girl who was playing all day
And just cried when someone ruined my day.

A little girl who turned into a teen;
That time I started to dream of beauty  
Where I can only see kindness and humility
Which reminds us that love can give as free;

Now I became a little lady;
Today I dream of time that has no pain
A time that love will only prevail
No insecurities, no anger, no evil things!

But there is one question remaining unanswered
How could all these someday be real?
If I see people fighting here and there,
Oh my God they are everywhere;

I am hoping and always praying
Whoever read this simple poem
Would be reminded that God is real;
He sacrificed His son for us to be forgiven.
(By MC)
Mcris Jul 2019
Many years ago I was living with depression
And all I wanted was just to be alone
But now I found myself smiling with no reason
Funny that sometimes you're in my imagination
Tell me, did you use any potion?

I can"t even explain all actions that I'm doing
Even I am busy, it is YOU that I'm thinking
Rereading your messages makes me feel so interesting.
Missing you so much if not receiving your letter
Tell me, why I have these feelings?

Looking at your photos doesn't make me feel boring
'Till I found myself daydreaming like a teen
The joy in my heart, I can feel it is flowing
Despite of the fact that you are just a dream
Because I know we are too far from each other.

I am trying to ignore it but I can't
Wondering how and when it started;
With mixed emotions "scared and excited"
Guessing if what would I find at the end
Asking myself if I'm ready for another pain
Tell me, do you feel the same?

This happiness I am trying to hide
Even I don't speak, you can see it in my eyes
Even I don't admit, my heart confesses it
And now all I want is to see your face in a portraits
Tell me, how could I deny these feelings?
By: MC (07/07/2019) 10:38PM

— The End —