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Nov 2019 · 292
You see me as your own personal object
An object with a hole
A hole that satisfys  your desires and cravings
That trophy on the shelf or that medal on your chest that your friends claim to have but I beg to differ
You are willing to push morals and values aside for this thing this object this action
Is that what we’ve made ******* become ?
Something that is no longer sensual ? No longer valued nor appreciated ?
Something we do to be “in” and “cool”
Sexualize people based on their body’s, make them feel like nothing more than objects . Objects at your disposal.
I’m tired of a generation that is unable to love. We are one of the most claimed to be accepting generations but I think it’s a lie. A lie we tell ourself and each other to make us feel good or okay about shoving people into box’s and categories.
Yes come out as bisexual this is a safe space but just watch out.
We may say a few things behind your back.
It’s sad, it’s to the point where love has no hope and no trust. It’s all down the drain. We have broken people trying to love others but it’s only making the situation worse. We crave attention from anyone and everyone just to validate that we are enough. We can’t tell ourselves or empower ourselves because we don’t believe in ourselves. We need a generation who is ambitious not destructive.
Don’t know if this is even a poem but oh well. Also excuse how messy it is. It’s just a little vent.
Nov 2019 · 277
Fat shamed
The first time I was fat shamed it didn't seem to hurt that much,
Or maybe it did I was just trying to be tough.
The first time I was fat shamed I stood in disbelief
that someone could say something like that so brief.
The words rolled out of his mouth
Like he was so uncouth.
I remembered that comment for days on end,
like he was playing a game of pretend.
Years went by without another shame,
Yet that one still remained.
And just the other day it happened again,
I was left feeling even more ashamed.
This time the words were
Like a blade that left me aware ,
of the hurt and hatred I had taken in.
Left me with the feeling like I was not thin.
Whale played over and over again in my head,
As I walked along to the whale noises that people said.
I stayed curled up inside my bed
Feeling to unwell to lift my head.
I was ashamed of who I had become!
I had let myself drift away.
I begged people to stop
And just to say hey
Yet all that seemed to happen left me even more ashamed.
Dear people who fat shame me today,
Just know I'll remember this day.
Your karma is coming
Served to you on a plate.
All dished in ones sins,
and staked like ***** tins.
She who is Karma is my best friend
She will put all of this to an end.
And to all the other people who are shamed ...
Just remember you are not to blame.
You should not think any less of yourself
Because someone does not know oneself.
Do not let what society thinks of you dim your self worth and shift your whole earth.
You are who you are and never ever let that change.
Dear people who have fat shamed me
I am the queen bee
Untouched and unashamed
Do not let me reestablish this game!
This poem is where it all started. This is the very first poem I ever decided to write.
Oct 2019 · 194
My first love
Here’s to the boy I’ll always secretly love
To the boy who carried my love like a dove
So soft and flowing
Made me feel as if i were glowing
To the boy who’s smile I’ll never forget
And to our memories I’ll never regret
To the boy I loved
My love for you was never a toy
Everything I said and did had meaning and joy
But you were the commotion...
You brought joy to my life on tough days
which I’d begged to stay when the mayhem came
Except you where the commotion that left me destroyed
Feeling like a void
Unpleasant unhappy and unsatisfied
I promise you I cried
I hurt badly and kept it all a secret
I was ashamed
The stalker
Is what you called me
The boy I love left me with shattered tiny pieces
Unaware of how to fix them
I was numb
For so many years
I hid myself away
To the boy I loved
I forgive you

— The End —