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Marissa Jun 2018
she is perfect to me even though she thinks she’s fat she’s not
She’s beautiful to me
To me she is made of stardust and fire
To me her so called flaws are nonexistent
To me she is a warrior
To me she is a Queen of strength and beauty
Marissa Jun 2018
I wish my eating disorder would go away
I wish my moods could be normal
I wish that I could not take ADD meds
I wish that I could kiss her instead of her boyfriend who I’d a ****
I wish but my wishes never come true
Marissa Jun 2018
Our best talks are at midnight eating chocolate pretzels
The moonlight brings us together
That darkness brings insomnia inside of our bodies
The moonlight keeps us up
We’re like werewolves our talking like howls
We understand each other
We can say whatever we want In the dark
We’re moonlight girls
Marissa Jun 2018
I can’t be crazy or moody
Not unstable
Not an emotional rollercoaster
I have to be normal
have to be happy all the time
The manic girl they see needs to be me everyday
The ******* fire
Full of ideas and insomnia
The girl who talks fast
The girl who is pretty and skinny
Made of dreams and fantasy
-stigma hurts
Marissa Jun 2018
Your not an adult but your not a kid
I think I’d make a nice ailen
Marissa Jun 2018
1 staring at girls of different races who are hot abt getting weird looks it’s not because you Asian it’s because you’re hot
2 liking straight girls
3 liking your straight best friend
4 Coming to terms that Brendan Urie is married
Marissa Jun 2018
I most definitely need restore me collectors edition not a straight people’s book thank you
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