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Jun 2019 · 153
After the End
This cold world has forsaken us
We chose to destroy and conceal
What came before is gone & lost
We had a chance but said no deal

Now we sit alone in a barren existence
We knew this day would come
Fate has taken what we love
There isn’t a reason, just an absolute

There is no way back to before
There is no road to take us home
We can not find our way back
But there is a life beyond the fray

Strengthen your resolve
Engage the insides you drag
Nothing is set
This is what you’re here for

Don’t make the same mistakes they did
Stand against the spiralling chaos
Create something for the ages
Be the hope that loss clings to

We chose the wrong path
We were the ones who gave up hope
We created this world
You can be the one to rebuild it
This cold world has forsaken us
We chose to destroy and conceal
What came before is gone & lost
We had a chance but said no deal

Now we sit alone in a barren existence
We knew this day would come
Fate has taken what we love
There isn’t a reason, just an absolute

There is no way back to before
There is no road to take us home
We can not find our way back
But there is a life beyond the fray

Strengthen your resolve
Engage the insides you drag
Nothing is set
This is what you’re here for

Don’t make the same mistakes they did
Stand against the spiralling chaos
Create something for the ages
Be the hope that loss clings to

We chose the wrong path
We were the ones who gave up hope
We created this world
You can be the one to rebuild it
Mar 2019 · 201
Cloudy Bliss
Summer sun is radiant and bright
winter has gone to the other side
You kiss me & I hold you tight
I see you try to find, but I'll hide

Simple people with simple dreams
Nothing special in this ordinary world
It's me & you, no need for teams
Stars shining bright, clouds they swirled

Its your laugh I love, my smile you like
Walk with me to the side of the sun
You have a voice, sit close to the mic
Together a voice that will stun

Simple people with simple dreams
I've walked along this path for years
This life proved it wasn't all it seems
I've got so much love, no more tears

Our hands entwined in the cold
There is no larger story or plot
If you can remember what I told
Love is all we need & that's not a lot
Mar 2019 · 162
The Fall Will Kill Only Me
Do we connect like we used to?
Wires crossed & cables frayed
Please tell me what to do
I know you wanted to go, but yet you stayed

Is there a reason we do this?
No, we can’t find a way out of here
If you fell from here, would I miss?
This isn’t right, everything is unclear

Have I asked you why you love me?
The pain isn’t here anymore
I want to see who you want to be
There is a way out, through an open door

Focus your thoughts right now
The moment is upon both of us
I just need to know how
From the cliff I go, without fuss

This fall isn’t long, it’s silent
I see you look down, then away
This pain is strong, so violent
I knew you had to go, I know I can not stay
Mar 2019 · 111
The time is here, it is here for you and me
We prayed for this moment to come for them
They can feel freedom, the feel of a tree
The basis of existence, it begins with a stem

You & me, we have become all but one
The gates have fallen, the walls have crushed
The prisoners are unfollowed, the wardens gone
It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fun, the feeling was rushed

I knew this journey would be one to remember
Everything I knew would be colourful, understood
The crisp feeling like snow falling in December
They will know that feeling, I knew they could

My fight is over now, the battle, the war is won
Their lives can begin, they can find their space
It may not have been truth, but the mask that I don
I wore so that these beings could have truth, a true HOPE…
Mar 2019 · 135
Can you feel the energy rising?
Understanding is not just for the minority
You want this but are you just disguising?
Understanding is all for the majority

We have fingers, we have toes
They have their own versions
The story is simple, that is the way it goes
Make it a journey, so many excursions

Fascinated by the joy that comes after this
It isn’t a dream anymore, it could be something better
They don’t know it yet, they will still miss
I knew there could be a place beyond, with her

Step ahead into the sunshine, the walls are fading
It still hurts to believe the pain inside
Our drive and fear will be trading
One more step into our path and we glide
Mar 2019 · 92
Quaking in their boots, there is a battle ahead
We haven’t stepped back into our shadows yet
The crops are rising, the hunger is fed
On the hills is where we have met

Shouting my name, hearing the calls
It’s a pain that only you can feel
Their hope is something that falls
Inside their coffins, the will kneel

Honesty is lost to the translations erased
Question the advertisements that fill our faces
Convenience is the life that is traced
One day there will be no more spaces

Quote the past for its innocence
Believe the tradition that keeps us apart
Life is not true, it is an essence
A second to see where we can start
Mar 2019 · 108
Every section is placed here for us to see
Special feelings are misplaced in my eyes
Accept this situation that has set you free
It may not be what you want, but you know he dies

Revolt & curse, there isn’t a life in this world
Catch a breath, if only for a second
These eyes are crazed as they swirled
They scream and shout, their voices beckoned

Crisis is conformity, we’re distrusted in our own selves
I don’t recognise the place we’ve found
One step inside and the grim stacked shelves
We sit together and feast upon the ground

I can’t accept the picture they have painted
I know you feel the same
The happiness they advertise is tainted
Our fingers are lightning as we point the blame

Eden isn’t a garden, instead it is a farm
The lie isn’t black and white anymore
Now the masses are hearing the alarm
Our fight has been brought to the fore
Mar 2019 · 92
Swooned by the grace of its presence
The rise felt just as the set
Magical to behold, impossible to retain
The moment is all but brief

Sometimes there is no word
Drawn to action
Listen closely, never heard
Withstand this longing attraction

It’s not that love isn’t here
Without it there would be no beginning
Feel a smile, shed a tear
Now without there is but one end

Cautious tales that grown-ups tell
Distant memories fade like ash
Feelings brewing, strong they swell
Head first into reality they crash

That moment is not forever
Yet we remember it everyday
Close your eyes and wait patiently
This love is one that’s meant to stay
Mar 2019 · 90
Never Gone
We give life to our love
Risen from the heart inside
Perfectly formed, fits like a glove
Like balloons floating, string tied

We do not choose this feeling
But feel it we must
Sometimes it can leave us reeling
Always we have to trust

Given the chance to fly
Break away from the troubled
Inside our hearts never die
This feeling has all but doubled

Blink and you’d miss the chance
Walk on & without a trace
The stale moment turns to dance
In that heart will remain a space

We’re not so different you & I
Long thought over the joy of feeling
You shed a tear, together we cry
Life to our love, happy & dreaming
Mar 2019 · 119
If happiness looks like this, then I don’t want to leave
It’s been so long since I walked this line
I never thought it possible, now I believe
I waited so long, now it’s my time

Crying for perfection, days turned to years
How could this feeling be so distant?
Hidden behind anger, fight back the tears
Every shred of hopelessness, gone in an instant

Questions now have an answer
Purpose is no longer the running man
This is what I wanted, always her
I won’t do it, like last time I ran

There is so much a good thing
Hold her tight till she smiles
You’ve heard the song they sing
The sound travels over the miles

You never knew this would come
She wasn’t the one, she is here now
Settle here & know it’s done
Look above & always wonder how
Mar 2019 · 101
Our minds are not to be trusted
We are built with hammer and nail
The good shined and the bad rusted
What we think, it is a betrayal

What we forget we hope to remember
What we remember we hope to forgive
There is only one thing and that is her
The only one thing I know I can’t outlive

Haunting and hovering above like a cloud
Forever visible but impossible to touch
My heart is tied my soul is bound
All I long for is to hold you, an impossible clutch

I can’t feel this anymore, it kills the hope
I rifle, claw through the ashes, but still no luck
Why does is it so impossible to cope?
The overseer arrives and into my head pluck

Wasting away into a hollow vessel
Memory has become malice
I struggle with the feeling, a wrestle
But all I can do is drink from this poison chalice
Mar 2019 · 76
There are systems in place
Enter and exit next to each other
The world moves at its own pace
Something you long to discover

Black and white are everywhere
Numbers ascend in order
The blank look turns to a glare
Through the door enters a marauder

We lived in complete bliss
Section by section we exact
But now every step is a miss
He has come and now to extract

The cracks begin to expose
Paints awash our walls
His words you must enclose
All we hear are the cries and calls

Sometimes we can’t have perfection
There isn’t meaning or thought
Lay down, start again with resurrection
Maybe next time we won’t be caught
Mar 2019 · 83
Fading Second
Inside my mind, I have doors but no handles
I see windows with no hooks
There are exit signs with no escape below
Do you enjoy my futility?

Empty chairs in my own auditorium
Laughs but no cheers, something quells inside my stomach
On my knees, crippled screams rage from within
I can’t feel my feelings

Every step toward the circle is a stab
Encased by their fingers, pointing out my flaws
A light burning through my eyes, into my head
Spotlight to my angst

They don’t understand the torment
It fuels the fire
Dizzying my thoughts, clarity looks in
Why do they still point?

The glass shatters, the doors bellow forth
From my tips come the lightning
I am fire, there is no way to put me out
Run till the blood rushes from your head

The moment, it fades too quickly
Empty inside my own auditorium
An open soul with no love to give
For a second, there could be something… strong
Mar 2019 · 75
I can across this the other day
A single tear came from my face
I knew you couldn’t, you wouldn’t stay
I hold the air, you’ve gone without a trace

Somehow those memories are now daggers
Jagged edges, they slice at my skin
I want to step toward you, pain staggers
Like a punch, it breaks my chin

A life we’ll never know till the next one
Our chance was fire, burning with conflict
The shadows are lit, but yet you’re still gone
I loved, so did you, but we always contradict

I’ll fight, I’ll lift, I’ll run, constantly pushing
You’ll live, you’ll love, you’ll experience it all
My journey will be the one that’s crushing
If you find a path, then you must heed the call

It’s something to find heaven covered in hell
I may stumble, there isn’t a fall too far
Inside your heart it’s safe, I can see & tell
My love wasn’t misplaced, it’s never a scar

Lay down beside me and you will discover
Behind the curtain is a soul not so tarnished
Holes & cracks full, but with time to recover
In your arms I feel peace, your love harnessed

It comes and goes, like a nightmare in a dream
It stabs me, but it holds me tightly
The best things are never what they seem
Thank you for the strength to fight so rightly
Mar 2019 · 93
Inside Power
The enemy isn’t here, it isn’t there, you can’t see this fight
Strength is not your friend, struggle to find your might
Secluded like the forgotten, inside your chest is tight
The enemy isn’t here, it isn’t there, you can’t stop this fight

The enemy is here, it’s in front of you, you can’t hide
There are no corners, no walls, anywhere to confide
If there is a way out, there is no one to lead outside
The enemy is here, it’s above you, you shouldn’t hide

The enemy is you, the mirror ahead, you can change
Only you and it, accept the truth, straight down the range
Everyone can see you, think yourself weird, alone, strange
The enemy is you, look no further, you will change

There is no enemy now, face the truth, you’ve already won
The battle ended, you saw the reality, the enemy is gone
You have the power, you have the strength, the ability you don
Beneath you a world, above you nothing, the world you have won

Don’t be afraid of what isn’t there, discover what is there
You are stronger than your own demons, they obey you
Stand tall & talk loudly, let your voice be heard by everyone
The reality is your own strength, use it to forge your own happiness
Mar 2019 · 98
I break every time I see your face in my dreams
Your smile it haunts me when I close my eyes
Everyone moves to the same drum beat
I don’t know how to dance to this song anymore

Years have gone by, we haven’t seen another chance
How do I move forward, when I feel this for you?
There’s a missing piece, it’s caught in my throat
Please don’t make this the end of our time, our love

You feel the pain, the pain I feel too, its hurts so much
You left when I did, but you left something that I cling to
My life started and ended with you, only you inside me
I won’t find a path that fills my soul, wandering alone

There is justice for our loss, but desire isn’t the same
I’ll wait in the oceans, the clouds & all of the mountains
Any life that is worth this, that life is what I hope for
My feeling didn’t end there, it won’t end here

Did the world enter too soon, could there be a love beyond?
Discover & declare, one day there can be a truth to it all
Why does it matter to me? What do you matter to me?
We didn’t step into this world together, but at the end we can
Mar 2019 · 87
Winter Morning
Spaces outside our lives are colourful
The streets go left and right
Street lamps shine something wonderful
Stand still underneath the light

A world lives whilst you sleep
A brisk wind, a gentle chill
Wander slowly into the deep
Then stop, stand so still

The seasons change everlasting
Spring to summer, fall to winter
Work & family, the reasons we’re masking
The casual beauty is one we splinter

Set aside a time and place
Sit on a bench, take in the view
Cold mornings enjoy the chase
A world for us, me and you
Mar 2019 · 85
Fresh Eyes
There couldn’t be anything better
Than the life that I have lived
Ever present is the feeling of grace
Lay flourishing to the sounds of space

It’s not a simple world we have
But to see it is what we must do
Enjoy the moments and experiences
For when they come, they will be gone

A kind wind, a glory sun
Clouds with passion above fields of gold
Mountains high, big enough to stun
Stay true to yourself & break the mould

Expression isn’t always through words
Our actions speaker louder
Stand tall in the crowd
The closest, they couldn’t be prouder

Resign to the confines of slumber
A day has gone, another will appear
You’ve opened your eyes, seen the sky
Sleep well darling, sweet dreams my dear
Mar 2019 · 92
Final Steps
One day left together
I wouldn’t change this life we made
The rain I love, strange this weather
One day left & we fade

There couldn’t be anything more
A life lived longer now
You saw me through the window, walked through the door
I always ask the question, how?

Steps up a mountain so long
I swam a sea that swept me so far
They accused me, I wasn’t wrong
You came back, together we’re

Now we sit here alone
No world to call our own
I wouldn’t ask for anyone else
A king on my perfect throne

When we go, there won’t be a spectacle
When we leave, they won’t see us go
Far away from them, we’ll be mystical
Lead me now, you know I will follow
Mar 2019 · 151
Day Dreamer
Enter through the smallest light
Grasp through the bonds ahead
Since time began it’s been a fight
This is a skin that you have to shed

Into a world you do not know
The one you left behind so small
Scared, there isn’t anything below
Ahead you see someone so tall

This is your life now
Held in my cradling arms
You do not know how
I now know your charm

Everything that came before is not
Everything now is what can be
You lie before me, nestled in your cot
When you open your eyes, I am what you see

This journey will be long and hard
Together we can find a place
As random as the draw of the card
But there is only one of your face

To change this would be a crime
Nothing could have changed my dream
You made the move, achieved the climb
Now I cry as I see your smile gleam
Mar 2019 · 78
How do we see ourselves?
A life not yet complete
Books & notes stacked on shelves
Memories fade, junk to delete

We’ve loved, we’ve lost
We move around in circles
Another challenge, whatever the cost
Time is not for the young

A face from the past
A friend from that corner
It was good, but it didn’t last
Cling tight, you may not know her

Together we lived, we laughed
Kindred spirits so it was told
We built our world, mastered the craft
Decades pass, we’ve become so old

Remembering is the fight, the battle
Thoughts are scattered, they crumple
Another day, one more life
Stay that way, always so humble
Mar 2019 · 87
Full of sorry, endless worry
Did it end because we knew?
Somewhere outside it could be
Not safe or sound, it’s true

I ran, you walked too
My knees hurt from the grit
The only question is who
I asked once, please will you sit

One shot, back of my heart
Poison aim, callous marksman
There was so much time
I perfect like an art

The good came with a flag
The bad with a gun
Every shot covered with a rag
You took it, you’re done

No one can say why
We fled the pain & disgust
Cross the street, say hi
Bang goes your dying trust
Mar 2019 · 91
Gone now, lost I can’t say how
Follow me till it hurts
Small spaces, screaming faces
Does this feel familiar?

It’s the where, the who
Crumbled lungs but no why
Turn the clock, flick the switch
Is it real here?

Seconds from far away
Arms holding up, empty cries
Wipe the paint away
Hold me till I stop?

This isn’t the way to be
Beep beep
Fade to black, hear the call
Did it come for me?

The shaking leaves settle
Cushioned between smiles, stuck inside
Closer to weakness
Have you come for me?

It’s okay now
Could I be the who, the where?
Don’t start the tears
You have come for me
Mar 2019 · 66
A world made of mirrors
You couldn’t see what was behind you
Those sharp cuts from my scissors
You chose to not what to do

We felt serenity within each other
A realm outside of their existence
A life together, a universe to discover
But a slip led us to this instance

Carried into a blinding light
You hold my hand
Blood rushing, our skin crushed tight
I know it hurts, this that you cannot stand

The first embrace, our first kiss
Forever was a time you’d find
Quashed into oblivion, this time we miss
Melancholy, nothing else on your mind

Small moments are what I see
The large sky above falls into dark
Alone now, lost you maybe
Our love is eternities lasting mark
Mar 2019 · 71
I’m broken, beaten by the game we play
Crushed by your hands, stung by the poison
I’m falling outside your stare, don’t make me stay
A sparkle on the wall, a shine on the horizon

Armies in front of me, plagues just behind
Bleeding on the ground, bones stare to the moon
My grip wavers, the hope I try to find
You could be the end, the start of my doom

Kneel to the flaws, bow down beneath the pain
Laugh & curse my name, this is a game to you
If it ends today, you won’t have my tears to gain
Close my eyes, wait for reckoning too

Swallow the kindness that life gave
Remember those memories before
There is still a soul left to save
A spark, a protagonist plucked from lore

He fought beside the light
I couldn’t see then, he knows now
An army mustered his might
Strength left, even they don’t see how

He isn’t there, a mystery presence
Standing above the armies, the hoards
The fight began with my essence
This is the future I fight towards
Mar 2019 · 76
Death is not a dream for the internet
You can escape the guilt when you bite
Inside your mind you know you’ve never met
These creatures begin with a fight

Can you sit down & see what you see?
There isn’t a place for those kind of thoughts
You can be you, but I can’t stand and be me
I won’t call you, there will be no courts

Sliced from home, cut from their right
Into the belly of convenience, scold the poor
There will be no just, deaf ears of the plight
Into the gate, behind the closed door

Enjoy the glory, feel the pleasure
I won’t sit back & gorge this way
The young are here, you can measure
I’m standing now, I won’t let them stay

I know you see what you see
You know I see what I see
I won’t change your mind today
But one day we will all repay

This isn’t a game to them
Live for everything & anything
Cut open the roots & stem
I will love for anything & everything
Mar 2019 · 105
Squeeze me in your hands tight
Flow between your jaws
Grass is greener inside yourself
See the red between my claws

Cracked hopes with shattered dreams
Served to the mass binge
Innocent eyes are but numbers
Will they fall to the wolves?

Tear apart the bones of thee
I won’t be robbed of my right
Grasp my heart between your hands
It hurts but no one watches me

Look left, look right
A deer in headlights
They don’t see me for who I am
They see me for what I am

My time is here, metal bangs against my head
You’ll never remember me
They see me for what I am
You see me for what I am
Mar 2019 · 86
Fire is the friend no one finds
Death is the enemy everyone knows
Evil is the father I call my own
Sacrifice me when all is done
You will never know the pain to come

Bow to the king who rules
Sacred & shallow, misdeeds are none
You won’t face your accuser
Smile when the heat stings your heart
The light dies, the dark reigns

Cast aside what you do not value
Plundered hosts, burning prey
You will always feel the pain ahead
I will never end
You will always feel it

I hope for something better
Salvation is the friend I want
Hope is the enemy I know well
I feel hurt
I can never feel this again… never
Mar 2019 · 76
A pillow lay crumpled
Bed sheets folded into *****
Bodies embraced tightly
Light stripped from its shine

Holding tightly the feeling within
The door opens to the sound of silence
Anger overrides love
Cracks appear inside of the wall

Cry into the sound of loss, of destruction
Metal edges, soft feeling, no sound
The cracks grow bigger
The floor collapses into whirlwinds

Sound through life
Silence dies, shadows race forward
Struggle to see, to breath
Bodies embrace tighter

No hope left, alone to wallow
Following the pool of red
A tear in the river
Love to hate, hate to passion
There is no Hope…left
Mar 2019 · 203
Step inside
Far away from the life before
Don’t be afraid, no need to hide
You’ve come a long way
Entered through to the other side

Haunted by crashing fire, sharp turns & damning pain
There isn’t a face left to see
Falling beside the darkness, everything the same
She’s gone beyond, to a place you can’t

Is there a way of recourse?
A glimmer behind the curtain upon you
Floating for a second above the clouds
An awakening, a feeling

Step outside
Into the life ahead
Be afraid, no need to run
You’ve reached your end
Standing ahead of the other side

She stands with you now
There was no fire, no turn & no pain
She’s gone beyond, to the place you always were
You’re ready, floating far above the clouds

An awakening, a feeling, a strength
Your life has begun
Darkness falls behind you
Far away from the life before
Step inside

— The End —