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Jan 2020 · 156
La Llovizna
Mimay Jan 2020
Grayest sky above, the whisper of leaves,
Dancing and dazzling in the grass.
Moisture in my eyes, stomping in the puddles,
Finding happiness in lil things like bubbles.

Glorious sound of the rain, softly hitting the rooftops
As it begins to drizzle and a tiny thousand raindrops.
Her name is Drizzle, she was born in January rain,
And she always love to sing near the window pane.

Drizzle soothes my soul,
Like an angel falling from the sky.
She is sound of the rain like a magic,
She is the most beautiful music.

She is the most fearless, witty and talented creature,
She make this world bright and colorful.
God gave us Drizzle and I am lucky to have her
She's such a kind brave soul and I couldn't be any prouder.

For you Drizzle:
Without the rain, there would be no rainbow,
Without you, I don't have an amazing friend like you.
Remember this, as your sister I will protect you
And nothing will ever harm you. I love you.
Happiest Birthday to my best friend Drizzle! Ilove you so much! I just wanted you to know that I am happy to have such a wonderful person in my life. I will remember you in my thoughts forever. Thank you. For being you. Have fun on your birthday! God bless you always.
Jan 2020 · 90
Mi Rayo De Sol
Mimay Jan 2020
A golden sun started painting the dark sky into a bright blue sky,
The first rays of the sun are cool and bracing to the eyes.
Chirping of the birds are best heard in the morning while flying high,
The sun watching over everything and the wind was just passing by.

There was a beautiful golden yellow human,
Who shined brighter than the sun.
She shined so bright , her name is Rovie Anne
She's one of my Ray of Sunshine that I can call mine.

She's like a sun ray's who light up my world,
Without her rays like the Earth will be dark and cold.
I love her unconditionally, like the sun loves the moon.
She's like my angel, who makes me feel that I am not alone.

I loved her with every beat that my heart promised.
She understand when no one else does,
She got my back and I got hers.
And she always  make me feel pink when I'm in blue.

Her soul is brighter than the sun,
She is most treasured more than gold.
I smile as I stare up at the sky,
Coz I know as long as she's in my heart, I can never say goodbye.
Thank You Sun, I can see a new morning with my Ate Rovie Anne!
To my partner in crime! It's your big day and you are big hahaha! Happiest birthday to my favorite person! I love You so so so much! Here’s a little wish that will light up your day, all the best and be happy always, more blessings and good health and more years to come for our friendship! May the good Lord bless and keep you! You'll be my forever ate by heart! I will always love you forevermore.
Oct 2019 · 267
La Soledad
Mimay Oct 2019
A lonely soul crying in the lonely night
Hiding the tears that fall like rain at night.
Her life is swallowed  by unending fears,
She use to think she was strong.

She want to runaway
But where she can go?
Around people or not, still she feel alone
Yet inside lives a girl lost in confusion.

She might get through another day
Waiting for her sadness and pain to fade away
Just one hug is all she need
Just one person that cares is all she plead.
Aug 2019 · 222
Mi Sobrino
Mimay Aug 2019
The time has come and you are turning one,
May you have tons of fun
Out of the open sun
As you learn to walk and run.

Your flawless little face,
Your first tumbles and giggles,
Your first teeth and smile,
Every second worth all the while.

I will give you unconditional love,
Like the kind you receive from above.
May you blessed with the best in everything,
Happy birthday to my bright ray of sunshine!
Aug 2019 · 174
Mimay Aug 2019
You have me staring blinding sun,
A pain unbearable above my right eye, wherever I land
My head no longer wants to turn
Along my spine it starts to burn.

My eyes begin to give up on seeing,
I got easily annoyed if I hear something.
Sometimes I feel my soul floating,
And my skull feels like it's folding.

I can't even think,
It hurts just to blink.
It's a nightmare!
I can cry out in pain.
#lamigraña #eldolor #losdolordecabeza #llorardedolor#maepoetry
Jun 2019 · 251
Mimay Jun 2019
I was incredibly proud of you
You're my ever great supporter.
No matter where we are
We'll always share the same sky,
No matter what I did you were right there,
You took me in under your wing and loved me.
I have and always look up to you as a second mother,
And a great sister too..
I will love you forever
And I will always be with you
I am your everlasting
Till death and beyond
#maepoetry #cindhee
Jun 2019 · 649
Mimay Jun 2019
Oh hey dear Captain,
It's okay to have a little pain
Feel the cold of a DRIZZLE in the rain,
And smile cos you can always count on MAE.

True love smiles like a COOKIE in a jar
And you know it feels you're not that far.
CALI, the marigold in  our rainbow
Bear in mind, we love you more than you ever know.
Jun 2019 · 869
My Lady Dragon
Mimay Jun 2019
You were simply yet so lovely
One thing I'm sure,  you're my dragon,
You're my giggling buddy.
We fight once? But if we do
I will make you cry
You were someone I've always loved
You have helped me when times were bad.
For no matter where life leads us
From now until the end.
I pray for you will feel my love for you,
A lady dragon, my one true friend.

— The End —