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5d · 26
I feel loved
Where I knelt,
True love was kept,
There your love I smelt,
It makes my heart cloudy,
Like if t'was about to cry.
You then said howdy,
As the morn' sky.
My heart melt,
Love I then felt.
Just then I slept,
About you I dreamt,
What I saw wasn't rowdy,
But enough to make me fly,
Tho' still looked rowdydowdy,
To say I love you, I feel shy,
Yet in me your love dwelt,
The way love is spelt.
Off I'm swept.
To many, you are like rainbows,
In the sky when the sun refracts,
That, once in a blue moon it glows,
Though one, all eyes it still attracts.

Their gazes just see you in part,
'Cos most of your beauty you hid,
Still you glaze their views with your art,
But to me, your love has no lid.

Even when my heart is whining,
Your love is still deep in my bone,
My sky has your silver lining,
Noone else can ever be your clone.

In you, I live my world so sweet,
You cleared my eyes of teary mists,
Loving you is my fondest feat,
In my world, nothing else exists.

My love needs not wait for the rain,
My joy daily lives on your face,
My heart has a space for your reign,
My life overflows with this grace.
Those lines of waters, on my face, now dry,
They were left there by my tears that didn't cry,
They were the tears of good things God has done,
They are for battles that have just been won.

Those cakes of mucus, in my nose, now flaked,
They were from pains of a head that once ached,
They were left there by too much cry of joy,
They are for good things that I now enjoy.

Those funny cracks in my voice, when I speak,
They were from laughters just played on my cheek,
They were left there by too much joy of love,
They are for blessings just sent from above.

Those muscle weakness, on my legs, you see,
They were from the dance steps that bent my knee,
They were left there by lots of praise to God,
They are for success God placed where I trod.

Those dry sweats, on my body, you observe,
They were from the shouts of cheers I deserve,
They were from my thanksgiving and my praise,
Just for favours from the ancient of days.
Sep 9 · 26
My pain, my gain
midnight hides a fear
that stops the winter winds whizz
brr chills my spine

the night silhouette
birthed the morning joy of spring
aww flowers bloomed

sun shown in orange
for my orange trees harvest
oh it looks so nice

hot air brought me joy
heaps of orange start mounting
tut the trees thorns pricked

blood flowed down my leg
fluffs well up tears in my eyes
yuk some juice then spilt

the summer bees smiled
to make sweeter the orange
hmmm more juice filled my drums

I smelt autumn leaves
that scents the butterflies love
wow I love those wings

joy then filled my tanks
I'd dance like monkeys this fall
shhh my pain's now my gain
Sep 4 · 42
Tears that don't dry
Can this stream of tears ever dry?
It just won't stop the more I tried!
The spherics of its wetness just got bigger the more I cried!
Each of its drop is hot enough to bake me a fry.

So gentle people could fly this high,
That the best the birds could give was just a sigh,
Tho' the brightness of the sun had shone brightly by the time you died.
But mama why did you refuse to even wave us a bye?

Death has now locked your goodness in a coffin,
With bones soon left to dry out lean,
Your soul will now wear white gowns without cufflinks,
Your dance is now only to the king of kings.

You died ripe in age,
You even left as a sage,
Your wisdom so enormous are now locked in a cage,
So your birthdays will now come with no more bellies served with cakes

Adieu! As God forever liveth,
May you find a place in heaven stayeth,
May songs of victory be beautiful for your soul to forever singeth,
And may your soul forever in peace resteth.
Aug 29 · 55
Hope it won't be wrong
If loving you is an offence,
I'm set to rot in the worst jail,
With your love, far my heart will sail,
Then there I will scale any fence.

Nothing will again make a sense,
Your love will be there without fail,
It is then true love will prevail,
Our true friendship will then commence.

And if you give me back true love,
Then I'll swim oceans for your sake,
My love will sing loud your sweet song,
Then o''er all things you shall be 'bove.

Other women, I will forsake,
Hope loving you won't turn out wrong!
Aug 27 · 45
My wish for you
May you be victorious in battles,
May you be rewarded with divine joy,
May happiness be part of your chattels,
May you always have favours to enjoy.

May all your efforts be crowned with success,
May you live in peace of mind and good health,
May you be free from all forms of distress,
May you be well-filled with blessings and wealth.

May God's love forever live in your home,
May God protect you from untimely deaths,
May good fortune find you during their roam,
May God guide your steps right till your last breaths.

And when breath finally ceases your life,
May you also have a great afterlife.
Aug 25 · 41
As in my heart
In tranquil thoughts and wellness, may you dwell,
May joy's sweet warmth forever be your guide,
May favors smile and fortune's gifts abide,
May blessings bloom and flourish, all may tell.

May happiness make your heart to feel well,
May faith and hope, like beacons, shine your ride,
May life's uncertainties flee from your side,
May peace never bid your life a farewell.

And when life's journey ends, and your last breath,
May God's love be what will hold you very tight,
May His grace be what will guide you after death,
May heaven's joy be for your heart's delight,
May God's own guidance provide you with strength,
And in eternity finds you upright.
Aug 23 · 36
pears ripen slowly,
the bees thrum their joyful songs;
summer harvest's near
Today's rain is more of a doom,
But why not just spare my own room?
You just poured in without a shame
So, who will then take this your blame?

Tho', where I live is a jungle,
My life needs not be this bungled,
Because this flood was just a lot,
This is not just based on my thought.

Its' anger was unleashed too pure,
Though, not only to us, the poor,
Those at Lekki bought their own shares,
Their riches brought them their scares.

Tho' pained, but not by my soaked book,
But by the food I was to cook,
They were all soaked by this mean crook,
That turned my room to a deep brook.

My hunger cried, as the rain poured,
Everything swam, as the sky mourned,
Hunger came, as salary cried,
Debts begged, as the month-end sighed.
Dear! You're how beauty should be spelt,
'Cos deep in all hearts, you are felt,
Many oceans crossed for your sake,
Your goodness isn't a mistake,
So, your sweetness, all feet it swept.

All stony hearts, your beauty melt,
To your love, angels gently knelt,
Praising your cuteness, all partake,

In your heart, true love has best dwelt,
Good looks your face wear with a belt,
Your birthday, keeps my mind awake,
From here, on you, my love I pelt.
Aug 20 · 94
Ask me not
Ask me not whether I love you,
My heart shows it as a clear cue,
It's in the glow of my smiles too,
It's what the depth of our rooms knew,
So stop asking, 'cos we aren't new,
You already know my love's true,
Ask me just what you've no clue.
Aug 20 · 24
Oh great lion!
Oh great lion! You're called the king,
You roar; the jungle hears your ping,
Others scamper about in fear,
You then mock their fright with a jeer,
By giving them your stares that sting.

Even no monkey dare to swing,
Rather their screams everywhere ring,
For beasts of many kinds to hear,
Oh great lion!

All stubborn animals you'll wring,
Their bones you rather crush than fling,
So, where you reign none dares come near,
Less would their farewell, others sing.
Oh great lion!
Aug 20 · 33
Midnight fear
midnight hides a fear
that stops the summer winds' whizz
chills run down my spine
Aug 20 · 40
The Venice door
That's the Venice door showered with beauty!
Where loneliness is daily on duty,
By its side, a small pool just sailed two boats,
The occupants are most probably ghosts,
If they're humans, they must be real cuties.

First I saw of this was in Djibouti,
But that was left decrepit and sooty,
So, for elegance that beauty denotes;
That's the Venice door!

The decorations are made quite pretty,
It's like from a last century movie,
Flowers even near the pool that boat floats,
It's the clean surrounding that makes wealth gloats,
Stamps of opulence colors it pretty,
That's the Venice door!
Aug 20 · 32
My dinner
My dinner is often late now,
That's totally against my wish,
It is what I'll never allow,
I have to skip this late night dish,

That's totally against my wish,
I just want to reduce my fat,
I need to make my tummy flat.

It is what I'll never allow,
It's better I sleep with hunger,
I want to start looking younger.

I have to skip this late night dish,
So that I can be more healthy,
With power to be more wealthy.
Aug 18 · 190
So, I'm now fine
So, I'm now fine with misty eyes,
Right from my slumber, my heart cries,
With my weary face full of fears,
I still played guitar to my dears,
their smiles made me sigh in disguise.

My moans cajole grief to revise,
Etching joy to place me on highs;
oils of lilacs restored my cheers,
So, I'm now fine.

My newfound joy is a surprise,
Just last night, it waved me goodbyes,
Leaving me with eyes full of tears,
That couldn't be dried by all my peers;
meaning if I fall, I can rise.
So, I'm now fine.
In your life, goodness has its best role,
You made being great looks very cool,
Your success is cherished even by fools,
Your kindness is used as an effective tool.
You are more pleasant than being a dreamboat,
Your smartness is deeper than a sugarcoat,
Your goodness flows from coast to coast,
In the ocean of wisdom, your intelligence floats.

Your affectionate smile soothes many hearts,
Your compassion is beyond the fill of carts,
Your comeliness is yet to have copycats,
Your goodness is available at the drop of a hat.

May the blessings of God ever be in your life,
May you eat the fruits of your labour when they are ripe,
May all the efforts of your haters do a swan dive,
May your life be full of melodies as played on bagpipes.
She remains a chaste,
Face, with a beauty paste,
Yet love, she begs to taste,
To satiate an amorous thirst,
Old age knocks in haste,
She fears a love heist.

All she got is hate,
For love, she waits,
Her eyes have baits,
Her lips have gates,
That close late,
Yet no mates.

She looks a saint,
Though with taints:
Her neck has dents;
Seen through a vent,
In her heart, a pain,
She'll always feign.

She's just hell-bent,
It's true love she meant,
Her beauty needs no paint,
Even if only available for rent,
Let real love be in her tent,
But love whisper is faint.
Aug 10 · 50
My heart bleeds,
No blood seen,
Everyone flees,
Except a teen.

She said no!
Pain is inside,
Nobody knows,
Where it resides.

My tear drops,
She minds not,
Again love flops,
Am I going nuts?

She pitied me,
Still without love,
Her heart is mean,
The shame is 'nough!

She turned away,
That pained more,
So, still not swayed,
My heart mourns.

Her silhouette fades,
She isn't coming back,
Left in the shade,
Alone in the dark.

Only voices of birds,
On the trees,
People already on bed,
Alone with the breeze!

Then a noise nearby,
She finally appears,
Maybe to wave a bye,
To a brief affair.

She came very close,
My legs tremble,
I felt her nose,
My lips crumble!

Her kiss was brief,
Then I woke up,
The dream is a grief,
My tears filled a cup.
Your beauty is still as fresh as dew even as middle age tilts,
It's now obvious that you and happiness can never split,
The lamp of kindness, you lighten up lives with, is well lit,
It is in your life that God's favours have the best fits.

Prosperity comes into your life to dance to the best beats,
You hosted success and made it to sit on its most preferred seat,
Your cool mien remains unwavering even under the worst heat,
The air of freshness that comes out of you is always very neat.

Your blessings are well-acknowledged even when it is a fact that you don't cheat,
Your enemies run in trepidation because you give no room for their friendly *****,
That's because God has taught you how best to remove the weeds strangling your wheat,
Your smiles send joy to whoever your soul is pleased with.

Love fills your heart chambers and affection is what comes out of it,
Wherever you graced your wisdom becomes an instant hit,
Because in all situations your intelligence is used to the hilt,
Since your greatness still talks even when you give noone a minute hint.

God's favours now finds comfort in your home on a chair made out of wood of beeches,
Blessings in your life are now as plenty as the sands of the beaches,
Success paddles its boat into your home filling it with the scents of the freshness built into it from planks of a teak.
Your enemies just watch jaw-dropping as the goodness of the Lord keeps increasing in your life as the clocks tick.
Aug 9 · 36
Wings of your blings
You make your intelligence stings,
Because their knowledge to you stinks,
Wherever you are, your wisdom sings,
'Cos you got it abundant from the King of kings.

Even when your handsomeness blinks,
It shines brighter than the most expensive blings,
Not comparable to the values of any earthly things,
That's why wise people give your arms warmly clings.

With success you daily enjoy a fling,
The new arrivals in your accounts daily send your phone a ping,
It's even a broader smile when your phones ring,
Richness in your life never stops making money tings.

Emotive love is in your heart deposited in bings,
It is lots of goodness that being your friend brings,
Your greatness is appreciated by all human beings,
That's why good tidings from you can never develop wings.
Aug 9 · 43
Given so free
Darl! Let's go to Manhattan beach,
There we can catch some fish,
Then you'll cook a nice dish,
That we'll eat under the Beech.

This time, if Jennifer goes,
She'll want to eat a lot of Mangoes,
Then we'll send some by cargoes,
Like we did when we were on hol's in Fargo.

Oh! That reminds me, dearie!
Can you help me cut down this Cherry?
I am not going nuts;
'Cos I earlier made you climb that Walnut.

Just like on Long Island, If not for Jennifer;
I would've broken my spine,
When you wanted me to cut down a Connifer,
But I still got injured by a falling Pine.

Long Islands! That's where we saw many Rowans,
In a forest originally planted by the Romans,
I thought I'd find some of their treasures,
It would've made our memories more to measure.

Those are not Rowans, they are Hawthorns!
Hawthorn? That tree I climbed was without thorns,
Anyway, there's a lot of fun playing with trees,
There's no such adventure that nature gives more free.

— The End —