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In tranquil thoughts and wellness, may you dwell,
May joy's sweet warmth forever be your guide,
May favors smile and fortune's gifts abide,
May blessings bloom and flourish, all may tell.

May happiness make your heart to feel well,
May faith and hope, like beacons, shine your ride,
May life's uncertainties flee from your side,
May peace never bid your life a farewell.

And when life's journey ends, and your last breath,
May God's love be what will hold you very tight,
May His grace be what will guide you after death,
May heaven's joy be for your heart's delight,
May God's own guidance provide you with strength,
And in eternity finds you upright.
pears ripen slowly,
the bees thrum their joyful songs;
summer harvest's near
Today's rain is more of a doom,
But why not just spare my own room?
You just poured in without a shame
So, who will then take this your blame?

Tho', where I live is a jungle,
My life needs not be this bungled,
Because this flood was just a lot,
This is not just based on my thought.

Its' anger was unleashed too pure,
Though, not only to us, the poor,
Those at Lekki bought their own shares,
Their riches brought them their scares.

Tho' pained, but not by my soaked book,
But by the food I was to cook,
They were all soaked by this mean crook,
That turned my room to a deep brook.

My hunger cried, as the rain poured,
Everything swam, as the sky mourned,
Hunger came, as salary cried,
Debts begged, as the month-end sighed.
Dear! You're how beauty should be spelt,
'Cos deep in all hearts, you are felt,
Many oceans crossed for your sake,
Your goodness isn't a mistake,
So, your sweetness, all feet it swept.

All stony hearts, your beauty melt,
To your love, angels gently knelt,
Praising your cuteness, all partake,

In your heart, true love has best dwelt,
Good looks your face wear with a belt,
Your birthday, keeps my mind awake,
From here, on you, my love I pelt.
Ask me not whether I love you,
My heart shows it as a clear cue,
It's in the glow of my smiles too,
It's what the depth of our rooms knew,
So stop asking, 'cos we aren't new,
You already know my love's true,
Ask me just what you've no clue.
Oh great lion! You're called the king,
You roar; the jungle hears your ping,
Others scamper about in fear,
You then mock their fright with a jeer,
By giving them your stares that sting.

Even no monkey dare to swing,
Rather their screams everywhere ring,
For beasts of many kinds to hear,
Oh great lion!

All stubborn animals you'll wring,
Their bones you rather crush than fling,
So, where you reign none dares come near,
Less would their farewell, others sing.
Oh great lion!
midnight hides a fear
that stops the summer winds' whizz
chills run down my spine
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