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356 · May 2016
MRH May 2016
They ask me why i still care
I ask myself that **** question all the time
Why do I think of you when that song comes on?
Why am i wanting you when i have him?
Why do i feel the need to hear your voice when im all alone?
Why do i still love you after all of the things you have done to me?
Everyone has someone they think of when they read this
why does the person i think of have to be you?
286 · May 2016
Nothing Else
MRH May 2016
You came
And you went
So quickly
And repeatedly
It was almost like
An annual plan
Which made US
Feel like a lifetime
A lifetime of
A lifetime of
And a lifetime of

Everytime it ended
It was really just beginning again
I am better off being alone
And wanting you
Than being with you
And you not wanting me
And again i let my mind wander
And again i let my mind remember
The strands of hair falling into their unwanted place on my face
You grabbing onto my waist
But the thing about remembering
These things is that
What i saw as perfect imperfections
you never saw them
The way i did
You saw them as they were
And nothing else
229 · Apr 2016
MRH Apr 2016
Here i am in bed
Only having my own hand to hold
Ever since you left me all alone
I will not cry or scream or whine
No matter how bad i want you to be by my side
227 · Apr 2016
Bad Habits
MRH Apr 2016
It was supposed to be a new year
Where i tried new things
And made new memories
To drown out the past ones
But instead
I went back to old habits
And The things that once broke me
Like you ..
191 · Apr 2016
forgotten love
MRH Apr 2016
I was in love
or at least I think i was
I never truly knew what love was or what it stood for
I just knew it was something that some people felt and some people didn't
Maybe I just felt like it was there because I wanted it to be there
I remember wanting to be with him all the time
It all became too much too fast
if I could have another day with him being mine
I definitely would do anything to have that happen
but that's not how it works
You have to learn to move on  pick up the pieces of your heart and put them back together yourself
You have to forget
Believe me when I tell you If you don't forget
you drive yourself completely and utterly insane
You have to forget

— The End —