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MJ Feb 2020
Mom is the little bird at first light

Eager for sunshine

Yet happy

Snuggled in her nest
A good morning poem for my wife
MJ Jul 2019
Clever, clever
If I ever
Found a way
Into your never

A place of awe
Of old direction
A face on water
Yet no reflection

I walk on rocks
Near the shore
You’ll find me there
MJ Jun 2019
I hear your pain
I just want you to feel
the smile of a stranger

A gift of hope
A slice of cake
Placed neatly on a plate

A sweet for you
Dear Reader

I want so much
for you to taste

I pray you find it
Or it find you

- An Unknown Friend
MJ May 2019
Life needs
the middle

So many sides
As if we aren’t
In a mixing bowl

So I mix it up
I push the sides
to the center

I pull them
I turn them
I mold them
I mesh them

That is how
To make waffles
MJ May 2019
I cannot find you
You will not find me

I saw you one day
spry little red fox
camouflaged by dawn
slowly climbing down
the high autumn field

I always imagined
your strategic prance
narrow yet refined
It was then the time
to meet your wisdom

But no, our gaze met
we both knew the truth
was the beginning
and the end
You vanished
as if
you were never found.

I will keep looking
Even as life moves on
hiding last minutes
Beneath doors
As the mouse
Journeys to the field
MJ Apr 2019
Life is not easy
  So many twists and turns
People trying to find happiness
Who likely have no clue to it’s whereabouts
  As if it were a trinket to be found

Sometimes I wonder
  Even if they knew how to be happy
Would they choose to be happy
or are they just
  To want something just because they know they do not have it

I don’t envy them
  Those with happiness I mean
I respect them.
I have it sometimes too
I find it in the twists and turns
  Life is not easy
MJ Mar 2019
Dear weary soul, are you aware
  there are more stars, than grains
    of sand?

Did you know, the places you would go
  the stories told, through the wrinkles
     of your hand?

Though you feel small, you shall rise
   Like Maya, it is no disguise.

  Everyday you wake, you see a new light
    You made it again, you veteran
  You can do this, now fight!
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