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Jun 2016 · 332
Maria Rodriguez Jun 2016
If you want to stop the hurt
Build me fire so that I can burn
Place it by your wide gulf
Protect me from the wind's cold
Talk to me some more
In this warm, warm shore
Let me hear your melodies
Your company is my remedy
Apr 2016 · 454
A flor the piel
Maria Rodriguez Apr 2016
Un rencor que no es nuestro
Un odio viejo

Delicado es el lazo
Entre hermanos

Un moreton
Una ambulancia

Yo de ti ya me olvide
Por un odio que no empese

Mi familia yo perdi
Por algo de que nunca fui
I wrote this 2 years ago
Apr 2016 · 277
Maria Rodriguez Apr 2016
Anxiety is;
reflecting on the present on a daily basis
Anxiety is;
regretting the future before it has come
Anxiety is;
cleaning your already clean room
Anxiety is;
dreading each step outside your door
Anxiety is;
Hiding from the unknown
Anxiety is;
Taking comfort on routine
Anxiety is;
Living each day in fear
Anxiety is not;
a normal thing to be
Jun 2015 · 373
Set me free
Maria Rodriguez Jun 2015
fading in
                 fading out

                       this feverish haze
                                                    is beginning to make haste

                                                                        no more please i beg
                                                               this is more than i can bear

                                      falling now
to the unknown

                                                 just what does it take
                                                     for you to let go

                                                                                              you pull me right
you pull me left

                                            all i want is to walk straight

to live a live of my own
                                         to a place you can't take me from

                                                                                                    I'm tired now
                                                                            my all hurts

                        i fear there is nothing left

                  my visions are gone
there's nothing left

                distant memories
gone with the wind
                                                                       ambitions that i never lived

                       you held me back just enough
to fell the warm that i could of have

                                                                                   no more

i beg of you

                                                           let me leave
          let me live

                                                                                        i can't always be here

                                    i know you fear for your baby girl

but I'm not the baby i was before

                                                            I'm broken
                                                                                        I'm hurt

cant you see?

                          I've become everything i never wanted to be

let me go
                                                                                                  I need to breath

                                                        let me live
Jun 2015 · 342
My Sweet
Maria Rodriguez Jun 2015
Sweet little thing
How nice it must be
To not know a thing
Of how you came to be

Sweet little darling
Innocent and naive
For you we fought
To see you live

Two years now
How much you have grown
From a small potato
To a pumpkin

You are growing
To fast to keep up
Breaking our hearts
A little at a time

My sweet little darling
Is not so little any more
He is growing now
Growing strong

My sweet little boy
So tall and so strong
I fear the day
You leave home

I'm growing old to old to follow
But there is still a long road ahead
There is still time
Until morrow
For my mother and baby brother
May 2015 · 272
Four and beyond
Maria Rodriguez May 2015
Four years I waited

You never returned

If this how we break
Is this how we fall?

What happened to those days,
When laughs came naturally,
Smiles where plenty,
When we were each others eternity?

Have you forgotten,
Those endless days
Laying in the grass
Wishing time would stop?

It was those moments
That i looked forward too

Those too short hours
That we would spend
Talking nothing but nonsense
Basked in our own innocence

We were bout kids
Too young
Too naive

I still remember those words
You once said
And the places
You once graced

I know I should leave
And let go these things
But it was you
Who made me believe

Let it be four
Or five
Perhaps even an eternity
I'll make you remember
And feel what we once did
May 2015 · 319
Mother's stories
Maria Rodriguez May 2015
in that bed
where not once you slept
laying at your side
reading me tales of wonder
making my mind wonder

drifting me to the sea
on a fine evening

i saw the salty drop
of a twilight dew
falling away

windy evenings were the best
with our house eyes wide awake

the gentle wind who would
whispered sweet dreams
whisking me to a world of sleep

ca-coned with your love
and those honey rays of sun

folding me
packing me
like a love letter for your darling

ever so slowly
closing the lid
falling off to sleep
childhood memories
Mar 2015 · 263
playing the %'s
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
should I say it?
should I wait?
how about I make a bet

if the sky were to fall
I will drop it and turn around

if the sun were to shine
I will go on and say it out loud

but if it rains
I will cry from pain
(playing the percentages)
Mar 2015 · 365
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
we who give the poweR
to those who do not matteR
suffer the consecuencE
for own own lack of copetencE
we who see trought the lieS
pry to open other mindS
to see trought the hazE
halting this demented cursE
Mar 2015 · 847
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
At the time
I never thought
That you would become
A crucial part
Of my life
Your split created
A never ending storm
As large as
Jupiter's red eye
A strong  as Neptune's
Raging ties
From what you gave
The only thing left
Is a discord
And my own
River of sorrow
A close friend of mine left with out telling me....
Mar 2015 · 357
When did he grow so much?
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
When I first meet you
Your eyes were wet and timid
Your hair was raised to end
And you had such a small frame

Small and blue

When I saw you last
Your eyes were anything but what they were once
You stud tall and proud
And walked with strength that could shake the ground

Large and tan
Mar 2015 · 571
What of the other hues?
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
If the sky were red;
Would you be scared,
Or simply not care?

If the shy were tangerine;
Would you be angry,
Or buy a tamarin?

If the sky were yellow;
Would you find it mellow,
Or eat a bowl of Jell-O?

If the sky were green;
Would you think it weird,
Or hide behind a tree?

If the sky were violaceous;
Would you be jealous,
Or think it outrageous?
Mar 2015 · 324
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
what am I to do?
if what you wish for
is the only thing I cant make true

what can I say?
after all this time
you haven't said a word

what is stopping you?
if you would say the word
I might just stay

Tell me those words like you always do
Tell me you don't want me to

my world revolves around you
say the word and I am yours

two words
is all it takes

let me leave
or make me stay
Mar 2015 · 344
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
there are words inside my mind
I wish you could hear them
I wish you would see them
And the hours fly by
Like the wind at night

There's a fright in your heart
Just relax and let it slide
Don't worry about he hours that tick by
The stars will have our backs

Don't turn back
Run for the sky
Have fun
We only have tonight
Mar 2015 · 394
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
Our time together has been lovely
Every day better than the last

But now that I am leaving
Your memory turns to sand

I tried to grasp you firmly
But you slipped trough my grasp

I wish for things to be differently
But this is my last chance

To tell you my feelings
Before I depart

To pack up these memories
Before I embark
Mar 2015 · 387
Why be envious?
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
Why complain
Over others gain?

Can't we do just the same
Or perhaps even better?

What keeps us from moving forth?

Is it not ourselves?
Mar 2015 · 659
When the mask falls
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
When the mask falls
What will await?

Would we all pretend to be blind
And some how unite?

Or will we become rejects of each other
And unfriend our own brothers?
Mar 2015 · 451
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
At that time
With a selfish command
You were there
Feeding me your warmth

You never left
Even when I slept
You were there
Waiting for my wake

I was weak
Nobody wanted me
You were there
Always with me

When all was said and done
And those times were gone
You were there
And never left

Of all of those there
None really stayed
You were there
And never left

Even when I ran
To explore other land
You were there
Waiting for me to land

Even when you are gone
Six feet under ground
You are still here
Waiting for me patiently
Mar 2015 · 797
Our evolving hunger
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
A child turns from his full plate
Goes off to play

A greedy teen licks it clean
And asks for more

A man who cannot taste
Takes what he can before leaving for work

A grown man takes what he gets
And enjoys every drop of the taste
Mar 2015 · 552
At our own phase
Maria Rodriguez Mar 2015
We know not where we are to go
Or what our future holds

We fight each day
With all our strength

We fall
We rise
We walk
We run

We cannot stop the flow of time
We cannot stop our ever changing hearts

Each day
Each week
Each month
Each year

We grow and grow at our own time and phase
So that we can reach that place
I'm new here, this is my first poem.

— The End —