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6.4k · May 2014
MALodramatic May 2014
Conformity, conformity, conformity...
Consumed by society.
Breaking under your hands
******* with the same old bands.

Becoming the curves and corners
The support group have become mourners.
When I look in the mirror, I see who I am.
But society wants me to be a different woman.

You don't always have to follow the trend.
Don't press enter, don't send.
Conformity,conformity, conformity...
Consumed by society.
Poetry sesh in drama today. :)
1.6k · May 2014
MALodramatic May 2014
You may look pleasing
And slowly but surely I'm realising
Your personality was deceiving.

Why are you led by, and follow the flock.
You've turned a nightingale into a bird that mocks.
I'm not a pebble, to be thrown around,
I am rock, I will stay on this ground

Even when my head is in the clouds.

I stand out not just now and then,
I let people walk all over me even though I am stronger than them.

I am not the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,
I am not the girl that all the boys chase,
I might not have swag, but I have grace.

I may walk like a fairy princess,
But to me, that makes all the difference.

So I might be the ugly duckling,
To find myself, I might be struggling...

So you'll see my collecting my Oscar, the third.
I'll be grateful for being the ugly duckling, and not a mockingbird.
408 · Jul 2014
Wise One
MALodramatic Jul 2014
Hi, oh wise one.
Isn't it fun?
The way she says "everything is fine."
Clearly you can't read between the lines.

You tell her what to do and how to do it.
Hi there, you're suffocating her spirit.

She once represented a dancing flame...
But you turned her into a spark of shame

She tries her best to keep her chin up.
But you have pushed her,beyond enough.

Hi there, oh mighty wise one, why don't you take a look at what she has became...

We'll the thing is, what has she become..?

You marched on her liberty,
And built a wall in front of her destiny.

Oh wise one, look what you've done

Now, mighty wise one, I hope everything is fine...
Because, you'll never find someone of her kind.

— The End —