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Godknows Majuru Jul 2019
…when their love story is too good to be true. I mean, when its too perfect to such an extent that upon hearing it in full length, you cant help it but feel like the story has somehow undergone a serious modification process so that it can perfectly fit a certain scenario. However, you cant question probably because you don't want your love story if juxtaposed to appear a shame as such, the only thing you can do is to try and think of the nature of bricks and mortar they are using in building such beautiful relationships and most importantly, the kind of foundations they are laid on. Yes it is what it is, we all spice it up so that it appears as if kumba kwedu kunonakidza kudarika kwavo. Don’t stress or listen to them because it is not what it is, it's all fake. Enjoy what you have kumba kwenyu. Cherish all those good and bad memories, ups and downs and most importantly, learn and grow from those mistakes because hakuna chinonzi a perfect relationship.
Godknows Majuru Jul 2019
Have you ever given a thought?
To countless reasons why,
many are times you caught.
Your heart dancing to that which you own,
but with money wasn’t bought.
I mean, that which even if you traveled oversees,
searching on water using a boat.
You were never to taste unless maybe,
the heart felt like sinking deeper chocking your throat,
even though like a warrior so hard the feeling you fought.
Painting a vivid picture of love is what I sought.
Without going any further I sincerely hope,
the above lines to you an understanding have brought.

So this one fateful night.
December the 3rd, 1998.
All alone, seated on a crippled chair,
slightly leaning to the right.
In a battle consumed by the above same feeling,
which I found unable to fight.
Questions and only questions,
playing hide and seek in my mind.
How did I end up here?
When did I lose sight?
Desperately looking for past clues,
but I couldn’t cite.
a war was brewing between the heart and the mind.
On her the heart was holding so tight,
but the mind pessimistic and diverging,
as it saw a future which wasn’t bright.
Dilemma crippling in, the heart or the mind?
Which one to follow?
Well, your guess is right, I couldn’t decide.
I wanted to be rational thus,
I didn’t pick a side.

All these troubles began,
when I brought her home.
“Mom and Dad, this is my sweetheart Lorain”.
This I said without losing my form.
Both motionless and surprised as if seeing *******.
Disapproval written all over,
their faces could inform.
Of cause they tried to hide it,
But their faces couldn’t transform.
I didn’t understand why,
since I thought I was doing the norm.

Hours passed by,
now Lorain had gone.
I was outside,
enjoying fresh air all alone.
Father approached,
discussing business on his phone.
You’re young son,
don’t worry it’s not yet done.
This he said softly,
before violently another tone,
started making irritating noise,
on his other phone.
He answered,
and the next minute he was gone.

Should a child’s love choice be disapproved?
Worse doing it in this fashion.
His words reaped my heart out,
yes, he did without any compassion.
His behaviour resembled pure Satanism,
completely swiping away any shred of passion.
I could hear my heart screaming for mercy,
the pain felt so unbearable.
Why are some parents like this?
Why being so unreasonable?
I couldn’t answer myself,
as I felt so miserable.

Maybe it’s true what they say,
we should marry to please fam.
But, she makes me happy.
My heart is totally with her.
This is so true,
if I am being fair.
What would you have done?
if this was your affair.
                            The end.
A poem about parents disapproving their son's love choice as such he's put in a predicament of having to chose between what his heart wants and what his parents wants.

— The End —