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3d · 139
hurting to sleep
crying to sleep
ever so quiet
so they won't hear
my hurt
waves of hurt
hurts so much
make it stop
no, don't
they can't know
this is all I have
all I know
all I am
crying to sleep
all I want is sleep
all I want is peace
peace of mind
I had figured
that I would meet peace
at my grave
you understand,
don't you?
4d · 80
Hot Showers
Hot water rains on my skin
The fog it creates holds me

Like you once did.

I breathe it in,
let it  travel   over     my           body
as your       hands          once            did
like I used to breathe you in
and the reminise our love-making left
in the air.

I close my eyes and let my mind float,
like the vapor,
to you and I
when we were still "us."

I loved you.
You loved me.

My hand detatches from the wrist
and turns the heat
Until it burns me.
Like you did, with your burning sweet caresses.

The steam fills the room
Fills my body;
an empty hot vessel without you.

This acid rain from my shower head,
It hurts so good.
Like our *******.
Like before.

Now that we're you an I instead of we and our,
I’m just left longing
For the kind of hurt,
For the kind of love,
For the kind of everything that a hot shower can’t give.
never experienced this personally, but this is about missing a toxic, dependent relationship.
7d · 395
Hate swallowing pills.
Reminds me of memories
I rather forget.
not a proper haiku, i know
Mar 17 · 74
The Good & The Bad
Things I'm good at:
- Keeping A grades
- Public speaking
- Making people happy
- Pretending to be okay
- Sleeping
- Making a fool of myself
- ******* up my body
- ******* up other people's life
- Crying
- Giving up

Things I'm bad at:
- Guitar
- Patience
- Managing my emotions
- Self control
- Self care
- Sleeping
- Socializing
- Communicating
- Being a good friend
- Being a good "daughter"
- Being a good Christian
- Being a good person
- Being a person
- Being anything

- Poetry?
Mar 12 · 482
You cut me and left self-inflicted scars,
You tore me open and apart with my own hands,
You took something away from me that can't be replaced,

And now I will never be whole again.
A piece of my poem "Torn"
Playing on the multiple interpretations of the title.
Mar 12 · 360
Bad Days
Is it okay,
That I don't really feel okay today?

Everyone else seemed real happy
But I just felt out of body.

Everything felt like too much,
And I couldn't stand the smallest touch.

...Is that okay?
Okay that I'm having a kinda bad day?
Mar 11 · 109
Inside voices
They find ways to argue
                                      with their inside voice
                                                                              so that when anyone asks

They can say I was just being dramatic.

                                                                                    I pretend to not listen
                                          Keep my headphones on
Ignore my own inside voice

                                                                                And pretend its all okay.
Mar 6 · 134
too caught up with
to be writing poetry.

its all
circulation notes, immunology test
trigonometry with the tangents and roots
the middle ages, why Christians were jerks
3D printing rocket ships and bridges from sticks
the fifty-paged reading assignments
and, pourquoi est-ce que je n'ai pas tiempo?

but wait, its all wrong
falling behind, failing with 85s
of course it wasn't B *******,
and it was Franks all along
structures don't meet the load capacity over mass ratio,
and the hypothenuse - opposite - adjacent ratios tangle,
like how spanish is now undifferentiated from french
and theres still fifty pages of reading

and still assignments due 11:59
get it right on time
before and after Christ
the rise and fall of Rome
the fall of your sanity, rather
and heck, just ******* lie!
say that enzymes denature and B cells die
and the reason you cry is for your innate defenses
and pathogens and
not because its too much
its too much
its too much

who has time for poetry?
****, who cares about poetry?
me? hah, don't care about nothin',
just that I'm still fifty ******* pages behind.
school has been stressful as ****. I feel like theres constantly projects and tests and I've been going to sleep near midnight every night and I haven't had free time in forever.
I just feel tired, honestly.
Mar 5 · 208
I'm a spectator, maybe even an occasional commenter,
But my borders limit me.
The bubble, it magnifies everything,
And shifts waves so that I see all in a different light.

It's truly beautiful,
But you have to understand how my world view and experience is different from yours.
An ant to you can be a world to me.
Often, its too much,
But you think I'm just being dramatic.

Its isolating, to be trapped within it.
I can't quite reach out to others,
So I'm always just at the border.

I graze my fingers over the surface.
Just past it, normalcy.
I'm so close
Yet so
Your greatest poem.
Its okay if its not perfect yet,
You have time to make edits.

Don't mind the typos and awkward bits,
The "flaws" of it all is what makes it you.

It is to be dedicated to you and you only.
**** what others want,
This isn't about them.

This poem is constantly evolving.
It doesn't have to make sense,
As long as its truly yours.
Feb 27 · 55
Gone bad
I'm stale, spoiled, way past my due date
And yet I'm still here, in the back of the fridge.

I know the cold is meant to keep me around for longer,
But the prolonging was meaningless when my demise was inevitable.

I'm without purpose, without notice
I'm not quite sure why I'm here really.

I wasn't supposed to be around this long.
Just pour me down the sink already,
Theres no chance I'm getting better now.
Feb 27 · 153
Family Tree
I am the apple that fell off the family tree.
They say I don't fall far,
and its true.
Its impossible to completely rid of my roots.
But I still have the power to do what those stiff branches were too stubborn and fixed to:

Grow from their flaws and generational hurt.
Plant the seed of healing which will grow with the generations to come into a new tree with deeper roots and riper fruit.

It hurts to detach myself from my history,
But it would hurt more to put my children through the same pain.
Feb 26 · 160
Nothing works.
Nothing works,
I took all they gave.

And they took all I had.
My sense of self.

All to get "better."

It seems that nothing works.
I'm just the same as before.
Or - I can't remember before,
I don't think I was there for that,
I was off where my own thoughts couldn't hurt me
(Maybe it got so bad because I wasn't there. I let go of my body and let It take the steering wheel and steer me towards my death.)

All I know is that right now, I feel like

You were supposed to fix it.
What happened?
Why does nothing work?
All that I'm doing is losing its significance, and as I continuously fail at basic human interaction and my motivation to do anything that makes me noteable, I fear that I am too losing significance.
Just slowly slipping into the numbing, pulsing pain.
Feb 24 · 61
Keep it in the house
Just act like you never knew
Sleep to the sounds of hurt at night
And in wake have not a clue
Wear that bright smile
Like you always do
Keeping it in is most important
As long as it doesn't affect you.
About the bystanders of abuse
Feb 23 · 229
Just be
You are the main character of your own story, so you better start acting the part.


Treat yourself.
Boast shamelessly.
Feel pretty.

Be childish.
Be emotional.
Be angsty.

Be human.
Be you.
Just be.
I feel that people restrict themselves from basic human qualities and end up feeling miserable. We don't have to be what the world wants us to. We should just be, shamelessly.
Despite what you might think,
"I don't know"
Is an answer.

Stop telling kids they have to know,
Right when they're asked to.

Take your time.
The best decisions stem from
"I don't know."
I was an indecisive child, criticized for never knowing what to do or what I wanted. It only made me more insecure and anxious when making choices. Now I'm struggling with the pressure of having to know my undetermined future.
Patience and thought is key. It's okay not to know yet.
Feb 21 · 135
What is poetry
Poetry isn't the description of the unique, never before heard.
Poetry is the carefully crafted common
The familiar and mundane
As an abstract art.
adore alliteration
Feb 21 · 83
Remember to love
Not only your beloved persons or unrequiteds,

But that kid that always sits across the cafeteria with their head buried in their sketchbook.
That old man flipping through the contents of the half-abandoned little library.
The boy resisting the leer of sleep as he nods of on the bus,
And the lady that walks her dog as the sun meets the horizon.

Remember to love long hot showers,
The moments of serenity between wake and sleep.
Dancing with young children,
or listening to their plotless stories.
The last period of an essay.
Late nights writing poetry.

Most importantly,
Remember to love
Feb 20 · 1.1k
The park
I like walking in the park
I like to hear the birds tweet

I like the flowers in the springtime in the park
I like to draw with chalk in the park
In the summer, I can throw water balloons and have fun
I like all of the grass and all of the trees around me
In the fall we can make a leaf pile and jump into it!
In the wintertime, we can make snowmen and snow angles
And also a snowball fight!

I can race with my friends
I love all the fun you can play with your twin sister, maybe your twin brother, maybe a friend
Or maybe a big sister, or a little one -
Or a big brother, or a little one
You can play with your doll in the park
Maybe play with your robot

You can do so much fun in the park!
Written by my 6 year old sister (or rather, recited while I wrote)
Feb 20 · 150
Hell on Earth
I walk into church and know I don't belong.
Feel the eyes tracking me down like its the final judgement.
Put me down like a dog for my sins that are emphasized by the lens of stained glass,
Then hang my beat body to be "saved."

(Y)our lord and savior died on that cross for the salvation of humanity, yes?
Then it makes sense why you dehumanize me, because I seem to not be on the roster.
I can repent all I want but it won't change who I am, only whose mask I wear for the holy supper.

Tell me I'll be eternally ****** for my estrangement.
Thats alright. I'm practically already there.
The religious folk won't like this one
Feb 19 · 148
Puzzle Piece
I fear that I'm an insignificance of the universe
Lost in the marvelous stars and moons

But, even the pieces in a puzzle that are but a fragment of ocean or sky that have so many others like it
Are the only one of its kind

But, they're only noticed when they've gone missing.
Feb 18 · 73
Mariana Trench
I'm sorry I let go.
I know I promised, its just

We were the wild children,
Never where the adults needed us to be,
For the world was our playground.

We were one,
Joint at the hip.
I thought that we would never get lost as long as we stayed together.
But as the illusion of childhood dissolved, so did you.

You used to look up to face the adventures of the day,
But eventually your head grew heavy with the foreign disease
And you could only stare down at your shoes,
And then you couldn't even lift it off your pillow.

I didn't understand why you no longer wanted to explore.
You told me you were tired.
But how, if you were always in bed?
I was told that you were sick.
But I thought fevers and colds left with rest and time?

I waited for you,
Sat at your bedside,
Missed out on my own adventures with the hope of more with you once you got better.

But you never got better.

I know that I told you,
Promised that I would follow you to the ends of the Earth.
But as your heart hardened and your mind wandered,
I no longer could find you inside yourself,
And there was no one left to follow.

Thats why I let go.
You were sinking, drowning,
And I couldn't too lose myself in your Mariana Trench.
Feb 18 · 182
Gender Euphoria
It feels like

Taking a deep breath and
Breathing for the first time.

Looking in the mirror and seeing someone familiar
Instead of that stranger that only grew more foreign with time.

A weightlessness from letting go of the heavy load
That had accumulated over the 15 years.

If feels like
Utter, pure joy.
Got my first short haircut
Feb 14 · 53
If feels like giving in,
Like all the progress was for nothing.

At least this makes me feel something,
Even if that something is nothing more than a dull burn beneath my lemon-orange socks.

I don't know why I do it.
Why I try.
Why I cry every time,
Why I can't just ******* ---
Feb 9 · 78
Out of mind
I never thought I could get in trouble for staying quiet.

It was a form of self-protection, I suppose.
A coping mechanism, you can say.
Every time something that brought pain or confusion or any complicated feelings,

I just
my body.
I'd be there
not really.

You can always get in trouble for spilling too much, I thought.
So if you don't say anything at all, don't let anyone in, don't let anything out -
You'd be safe.
I was supposed to be safe.

But when I was threatened with the psych ward for staying silent
I realized
that wasn't true.

I'm not safe
I'm not safe
I'm not safe

I'm not
This is supposed to fix me,
supposed to make me okay,
why am I not okay?

I am
drowning in

That's the only thing I can do now.
Now it's all just lies,
I'm a lie
I'm a lie
I'm a lie -

Don't you wish you never asked?
Feb 9 · 62
You left me.
But you're still here.

How could that be?

How could you be so close,
But disappear every time I reach out?
Every time I need you -
Do you understand that I need you?

To everyone else you act so real
But when I am near you fade away like mist into nothingness -
Like a rainbow.
You're full of lies,
You intangible thing.

Do you understand how you lied?
Do you understand that you left me?
Do you understand that I love you?
I love you
I love you
I love you

Just say it back,
I love you too
or - at least an
I hate you.
Anything, anything to prove your existence,
Anything that gives me some sort of sign of what to do, what to think-

You can't just leave me like this.
Feb 8 · 74
Reach past barriers
Fingertips press like a tender kiss
Or like your body when it melts into the ocean.

And never enough.
Feb 8 · 89
distant stars
stars inches apart
or light years from each other
so close yet so far
Feb 8 · 98
Burden friend
I can tell
By the side-glances
Awkward pauses
Forced laughs
Empty texts

That you don't actually want me around.
Do you pity me?
See that I'm just some sad excuse for a friend that you're too nice to abandon?

I'm sorry, then.
I'm sorry for being a burden friend.
Feb 8 · 58
Love me hard
Love me hard
Love me so it hurts
Love me 'till you can't
Love me forever after
Feb 8 · 66
I am fine
Go ahead, Turn blind eyes
Ignore the signs

'Cause I am fine
Theres no mental decline
And its not like I hate this life of mine

I'm fine
Totally fine inside the mind

When I say "goodbye"
For the last time
Don't gasp and cry

Couldn't you see past the glass lies?
Couldn't you see that I wasn't truly "fine?"

Or were you willing to simply stand by
Only caring to care when I had already died.
I'm still a child,
in most senses.

I would be one to say no child deserves to die.
And so I don't deserve to die.
Feb 5 · 131
Child-Parent Love
Don't say your parents don't love you.
I wish my parents loved me.
They're not liars, at least not in that sense,
But I fear that they love the concept of their daughter more.

Don't paint them to be loveless monsters.
They're not, I know they're not.
Thats what makes it hurt more.
The fact that they hold so much love
That I am simply unworthy of.

Don't you love them?
I do,
But aren't I allowed to love myself more?
Just to think of how I have to chose between their love and my happiness.
Feb 5 · 58
While I cry to you all the wrong of the world.

Hold me
While you whisper to me all of her beauty.
Feb 5 · 315
stupid kids
you blame your past self
say you were so **** stupid...
but they're just a kid.
It wasn't your fault
Feb 5 · 261
Say no
He tells me to just say no.
I know what he means, right?
Just say no.
No to what?
"Well, you know,
When you don't say anything they take it as a yes,
So you just have to say no."

Oh, I know now.

He wants me to lie.
Well, maybe he wouldn't know its a lie,
He doesn't know anything.
Nobody knows

When the therapist asks you if you've been feeling depressed,
When the therapist asks you if you've thought about self-harm,
When the therapist asks you if you want to **** yourself,


Thats okay, I know how to lie,
My life is one big lie after all.
Feb 4 · 66
Hear me out
What if I just like,
stopped trying?
You can't open  the session with,
"How suicidal have you been feeling?"
And expect me not to immediately shut down.

"[Deadname], I know you're not..."
Choose your words carefully.

"I know you can do it, you just choose not to."
It was never a choice, just a response.

"Come on, [deadname], just talk to me."
How am I meant to tell you to tell you of the deepest darkest parts of myself when you don't even know
my name.
Really hating therapy
Jan 31 · 67
Mama and papi
Fighting over whose paying the mortgage.

Gotta spend less on vacations,


Mama and papi
Fighting over how they're splitting bills.

Saying he pays too much,
Saying that he can handle it.
Saying she gets anxious,
Saying how he's in pain.


Why do thwy do this anyway?
Asking, asking,
Why they'd sacrifice so much?

For you.
Yeah, for you.
You ungrateful waste of space, time, money.

Jan 30 · 213
My sculptor, my love
My love,

I missed you,
The way you held me and caressed.
Distracted me from all else
and kept me safe from my fears.

You traced my body like I was a sculptor
That you just had to make perfect.
I wanted so badly to be perfect.

I didn't mind fitting in the cusp of your hand, edge of your blade.
But they say you chipped away at me, make me smaller.

Isn't that what sculptors do?


They took you away from me, my love, I'm sorry.

But as I let go,
I was able to rebuild what you broke.

It was never you who broke me though, was it?
It was me, really, allowing you to do so.
And just as I am enabled destruction, I am able to recover.

My scars heal,
But still they remind me of you.
I miss you, so much so that sometimes I go back,
But I now know that I am more than your rigid sculpture,

I am the ever-changing product of my own acts of creation.
About self-harm and healing
I'm tired
But not sleepy.

I'm nothing
But not weightless.

I'm lifeless
But not dead.

I'm numb
But hurting still.
I have yet to fall in love.

I can't go without falling in love,
and having someone catch me
and hold me
and love me back
and promise to never let go

and then never let go.
I'm desperate
Jan 27 · 146
The right way to love
Please, if you're going to say you love me,

Say that you love me the way you love the sunrises on school mornings,
City nights where the stars are shining bright enough to touch,
Plants flooding fire escapes,
Stained glass windows nonexclusive to churches,
Sweet watermelon on a salty beach,
The beady-eyed plush dinosaur I carry by my side,
and the waxing-gibbous.

Oh, please love me the same as the waxing gibbous.
I love the waxing gibbous <3
Jan 27 · 68
Who are you really?
Who are you really?

Are you the person you were born as?

The people you love?

Your memories of the good,

the bad,

the parts you can't quite remember?

The accomplishments they capture on picture frames,

Or the smear frames in-between?

The hurt you've endured,

The struggles that you surpassed?

Some predetermined soul with some predetermined personality,

Or the product of your own acts of creation?
or all of them together,
or nothing at all?
What's your guilty pleasure?

Guilty pleasure?

Yeah, like, sometimes I would lay face down on my pillow and try to resist my humanly urges telling me I'd die if I don't lift my head. It's strangely satisfying to feel life fleeting away before I catch it once it's almost gone too far.


So, what's yours?

My what again?

Your guilty pleasure, you idiot.

Um… does writing poetry count?

What - of course not! Thats so lame, "My guilty pleasure is poetry, I'm a nerd-"

Jan 27 · 197
Sometimes when I'm bored
I would count on my fingers
Searching for haikus


My disgust and horror

Greatest Rose
makes more sense on paper-
each line represents a different piece of paper
Jan 24 · 100
Dear Mr. President,
You can't eradicate me,
Mr. President,
Just because you say I don't exist.

You can't speak me into nothingness
With words full of bigotry and lies.

I'm still here,
Mr. President,
We're all still here.

Even if it isn't safe for some of us to be ourselves openly,
Even if some of us haven't found ourselves yet,
Even if some of us are 6 feet under because of the people who believe in your definition of an American -
One that excludes anyone you don't understand,
Anyone that challenges your beliefs,
Anyone remotely different from you -

We're still here.
We're still here.
*******, Mr. President.
- Individual supposedly not recognized by the United States government.
Jan 24 · 102
haiku for the misnamed
How can you love me
When the name you know me by
Isn't truly me?
you can't
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