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Lu Jan 2018
I need to feel


I need
a sign that I am still here
and alive

And that I haven’t entirely
my sense of self


That I haven’t been

and left empty
And numb.
Lu Jan 2018
The last of the sun shining upon her face

Her eyes open and close to the view of darkened water  

Bubbles rising to the surface

As her lungs release what’s left
of the sadness inside her

Beautiful earth
Take me someplace better’
Lu Jan 2018
i saw you
you saw me

and there was

the beginning

of a painful love story
Lu Jan 2018
and like every flower

i was only picked

to be placed

in a glass bottle

to look pretty
Lu Jan 2018
i knew you

i knew every little thing about you

and you knew me

my fears



but then it stopped

and we went back to being

the ones who walk past each other everyday

and act like we don't recognise

who we are

and it was painful

to see you

pretend i wasn't there
Lu Jan 2018
We are all strangers

not only to one another

but to ourselves
our own skin


Lu Jan 2018
Each morning we plaster on another face

and each minute outside our homes
it starts to brake

slowly rupturing
pieces falling from the sides
again and again
but when we return again that night
whats left of that face,
brakes away
and our skin begins to crack

so we look away
and instead
ignore all our imperfections and flaws
as they come tumbling out

we don't dare to even glance
because seeing means feeling and accepting
we live in fear of them
we hope that they'll disappear

but they never will if we fight them
and only recently
i realised this

so i wore my face

confident and clear
my true face

and decided that i will not hide myself any longer

i decided to be free

and throughout this
i learnt
we have to love our flaws
and cherish our imperfections
instead of making them non existent

as hard as it may be
we must do it
for our own good
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