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Lu Jan 2018
I'm standing face to face

with the demon from my past


all i can do stare it straight in the eyes
it stares back

this is the final test
to see if i have overcome
what i use to fear so strongly

it tilts its head
thats when the flash backs begin

they spin

- continuously -

in the back of my mind

for a second
i think ill crumble

but i resist

something inside me is stronger
more fearless than before
i can feel the motivation build up inside me

the demon begins to fade
slowly at first
then all at once

and i feel free

and lighter

and happier
i feel undaunted

i feel new
Lu Jan 2018
Enclosed in a glass building

i see the trees
i watch them sway and bend

i hear the birds
i listen to them chirping and singing

but i can't feel


the way water runs down off the leaves when rain hits them

and i can't feel

the soft gush of air that pounds off a birds wings during takeoff

i can't because i'm stuck

in a glass building

for everyone to see


for everyone to hear

but for no one to touch
for no one to love
Lu Jan 2018
she watched
but never spoke

she thought that by making herself invisible

she could stay away from it all
away from the lies
the truths
the sadness
the regret
she thought she was better off that way
she thought she was actually alive


she grew so lonely
not even my company was enough

and i tried to tell her

"if no one can see you, your not really alive"

but she carried on

ignoring the signs
that told her stop
the signs that asked her
to leave the thoughts behind
the signs that told her
she needs to live

and i could feel the very moment
she began to doubt it all
the very moment she truly let go


after that
i knew i couldn't stop her
for it was all in her head

and her head chose to ignore her heart
to ignore me


i always thought that i could change her

then i met a wise old lady
who told me
"you cannot change someone, who doesn't want to be changed"

and it was hard for me to except at first

i just didn't understand

why she chose

death over life.

but as the year's went by
there wasn't a day where i wouldn't be thinking about it
about her
my dear friend

and it must have just clicked
because i finally understood

that i couldn't have saved her
nor could have anyone else
it was her choice
and that was that
Lu Jan 2018
It tears through me

ripping me apart
inch by inch


like a bullet hitting flesh

Lu Jan 2018
I wonder

if we'll meet


at a place

where everything is perfectly alined

just for us


just for what we could become


both our sparks

bright in a world of dark

shining with no hesitation
with no restraint
Lu Jan 2018
it makes days darker
thoughts foggier


it makes me feel alone
even when i'm surrounded


it makes me wonder
whether it's worth it
whether life is worth it


but mostly
it makes me feel
like i'm floating away

into a place where i can't be saved
a place where i'm

Lu Jan 2018
He painted her

with colours

that demanded to be

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