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Lucy F Jul 2024
Like a river flows
getting stuck behind the stubborn rocks
I try to find the words to throw down
through my words come.
It stays silent while my mind writes
that could be
framed and hanged in palaces all over
the world.
Jul 2024 · 69
Her silver hands
Lucy F Jul 2024
The silence.
Holds nothing, but everything
The silence.
Holds the universe
in her hands
Holds me in her silver hands
Wraps me in her blankets of

While I lay under
Birdsong and
The angels of
Jul 2024 · 77
The gentle Giant
Lucy F Jul 2024
I met a sleeping Giant today
           I climbed up onto her and gently walked around
I laid myself down
            on her one soft green hair
as my ear touched the earth, her soft whispers
Dulled the noise
silenced the business around
as she pulled me deeper and deeper down into
like gently falling.
                       away from this earth....
Jul 2023 · 95
The unseen
Lucy F Jul 2023
Such raw beauty
        Are the trees that blow in the wind
it’s roots unseen, holding it down
As I perch beneath, an atom in comparison yet the same intelligence running within us
Connecting us to eachother
Unseen by our eyes
Yet felt in the stillness of time
Nov 2022 · 136
Empathy? what is that?
Lucy F Nov 2022
There he walked
Alone and glum
Down the forest
Of fame and glory

She saw him laying
On the worthless sea
Gulping remains
To stay sane

She empathized for she
Had been there too,
Cutting rags for affection

Only she had walked faster,
Faster up the forest
   Of fame and glory
Nov 2022 · 296
Lucy F Nov 2022
still yet in constant motion
seagrass dancing in the wind
motion of water going out with the tide
the birds singing
But yet
the calm is overwhelming
the strong resilience of the trees
the soft yet courageous ground
beauty of unity all intertwined
as time trickles on
seasons change
clouds come in, the rain, the snow, wind, the blossoms
but yet all remains the same
all remains one
as all is God
and God is one.
Jun 2022 · 272
Rediscovery of a past
Lucy F Jun 2022
It’s been awhile
While since I’ve opened that part of my creativity
A lot has happened since
Since my past life time
Another reincarnation you say
Well that’s what it feels like
A new me
But the same me
Living co-inside
All let go and flow we go.
Jun 2019 · 143
Lucy F Jun 2019
light in the heart
you might say what does that even mean
it means the feeling you get
when you do what you love
knowing everyone you love is healthy and happy

healthy and happy you might ask what is that
happy is an emotion
an emotion so strong it fills your body sends vibrations
it lights you up and opens opportunities to do good

do good, what is that
to do something "good" is to do anything
that helps anything or anyone
good: trying with everything
bad: giving up
Jun 2019 · 196
Pot of Gold
Lucy F Jun 2019
why live in the present when you can live in the future
or even past
You woke up to the feeling of ambition but no drive
and sound of nerves and chills

why live in the future or past when you can live in the present
I woke up to the feeling of rays and bliss
to the sound of silence with wings
barely making a sound traveling miles on end

you tell me don't leave the *** of gold for a chip
but in the end the chip
is worth more than the sun
the truth comes from the small coins
not the *** of gold or diamonds
Jun 2019 · 162
"distorted" he said
Lucy F Jun 2019
A kid, homeless, ***** by strangers
abused by passing men
eyes giving ***** looks
the kid crying night by night
under the bridge where the cars cross
inside the cars hold the humans
the humans that drive day and night
never stopping
Lucy F Jun 2019
hands clinking rocks into spears
hands shooting arrows toward mammals
hands carving meat off the bones
and hands stroking through hair

mouths spilling words into ears
mouths talking to enemies
mouths singing to ancestors
and mouths cannot hurt others

hands. pulling the trigger
hands. pushing onto another
hands. puncturing
and hands. trading

mouths- killing
hands- killing
hearts- killing
ears- killings
words out the mouths into the ears out of the hands

outcome: good or bad
happy or sad
living or death
love or hate
Apr 2019 · 169
Eternal Longing
Lucy F Apr 2019
The baby blue house is weird
afloat the dry brown sand
the brittle pink door is always left ajar
the sounds of clasping tea cups
emerging from the basement cracks
inside you will be left to find
red cats purring to the sound
of your beating heart
Apr 2019 · 217
Weightless hearts
Lucy F Apr 2019
you can't do that
why do you want too
cover me up
present me to your white, sensitive, equantives
like a shiny gold token
shining through your broken dull heart
Apr 2019 · 137
Dont do that
Lucy F Apr 2019
When emotions come
spit them out
let them become the raging ***** of fire
they want to be
When emotions come
and you shove them down
you will regret it
they will come out
later in your longevity
they will come out
through liquid
liquid and flames
out the crevasse of your head
Apr 2019 · 229
Lucy F Apr 2019
She she walked into the enclosed cement building
she covers her face
puts her hands in her pockets
Looks down

When she takes her hands out
they are drenched in water
and are burning with red
her face starts to turn red

when she leaves the building
her hands turn tan
they dry up
she is free again
Apr 2019 · 369
B e H a p p y
Lucy F Apr 2019
we are taught as kids this is right and this is wrong
don't hangout with the weirdos
they eat green fish and drink kombucha
don't hangout with them they sit in circles
they wear every color of the rainbow (even brown)
they don't raise their hands
they always seem like they are talking to spirits
But they
they are happy
Apr 2019 · 712
Extinction cause
Lucy F Apr 2019
lush growing trees
Bright blue water flushing down the rivers
dainty flowers dancing
cheetah racing
birds spreading their wings as far as they can spread
Dead pelicans covered in brown chunky liquid
two headed lions biting each others heads off
monkeys barely surviving in the deserts
the smell of burning fur, scales, epidermis

the cause: **** saphians the ancestors of
what now only remains
the skeletons and decaying atoms
the creators and the destroyers
in the blink of an eye what was
once a glimpse of eternal sunshine
is now a gray worthless cloud

better luck next time
when the radioactivity shuts down
maybe on another planet
called "trying"
Lucy F Apr 2019
"**** in"
click click
touch press post
ahh there we go
sara_johnson liked your post
ugh no comment
Sara_johnson commented on your post
Body goalzz!
ugh yeah right
dinner time
one apple
one piece of sugar
mmm that was good
"want more"
Apr 2019 · 321
Delivery of the screaming
Lucy F Apr 2019
The craving
The hunger
The waiting
december 1
January 7
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
Whats it for
Lucy F Apr 2019
Smelly perfume sinking into my skin
heavy powder breathing on my face
black liquid dripping off my eyes
shiny red punching me

Alex I want to be a lawyer
                                  a doctor
                                   a teacher
                                  a president
more importantly I want to
eat lush greens
lay next to death on the sandy orange beaches
watching the pink elephants bounce,
bounce up and down until they break their legs
and start jumping on their hands

I want to see my grandma smile
I want to see a terrorist hugging a white southern man
                                 The ocean will turn green
and the land will turn blue.             in 3002
Apr 2019 · 147
The death of a "nobody"
Lucy F Apr 2019
breathing heavily
his hand puncturing my skin
like a mosquito
******* my blood
taking my soul

dripping red
soaking rags
gasping for breath
snap.           crack.

— The End —