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Lovebird456 Aug 2014
When someone dares me
I don't do it (most of the time)
I think it's stupid like the game truth or dare
I can see its not me playing the game it's the side of me that's bad
I wish it's the side that's good
            U wish I would be me
Lovebird456 Jul 2014
when im bored i feel hopeless and alone i dont want anyone to feel alone anymore
Lovebird456 Jul 2014
When u cry its feelings that are bilt up so much that u can't hold them back anymore
When I cry I'm either sad hurt or feelings bilt up
The rain that doesn't hurt is when ur so happy that u cry tears of joy or when it rains outside hard but the suns out
U can walk outside in that type of rain and say "It's romantic rain"
I wrote this for all how have bad times even brake ups but remember brake ups r things that happen so get up and live life to the fullest and never give up even if times r bad
Lovebird456 Jul 2014
Yellow, black
Round, fast, hard
Fun to play with
A game for girls to play
I love that sport
Lovebird456 Jul 2014
Friends are there for u when ur sad when ur felling down and when u need someone to talk to

Everyone will find that friend and u will love ur friend no matter what

U will fight and cry but tears will not fix things
It's my favorite one
Lovebird456 Jul 2014
Love is hard to understand when u fight its because ur in love and will never ever leave each others side

— The End —