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Louis Kent Jul 2015
The way you used to make me feel was finally something real. But now there's so much pain that I am starting to go insane. I don't want to think I just want to do I just need to see you the way we used to... Even if it's not the way we used to I just need to see you before I blow out my brain. Because as I've said I'm going insane. I just can't keep feeling this pain. Because insanity is taking over my brain.
Even if it's not the way we used to I just need to see you before I blow out my brain. Because as I've said I'm going insane. I just can't keep feeling this pain.
Louis Kent Jul 2015
I used to be afraid of the world ending but mine already has. I feel no fear now that my world has disappeared. Without fear I now only feel sadness rising inside of me. As it grows greater and greater I just want to finish off what's left of my world, but then I think back to how it used to be and fear starts rising in me again and I finally give in and end it all to the sweet thoughts of my old world.
Louis Kent Jul 2015
I still cry at night haunted by those words. I feel sadness rising as I think, I can't stand the pain that they bring me anymore. I would just end it all if I knew there wasn't a chance of it. Those words haunt my memories, as thoughts of the past flow through my head, making me dizzy and sick just trying to let the pain out some how. I finally fall begging for mercy from the wrath of the three immovable words that seem to never go away.
                          I Love You....
there are words far more dangerous than pain because they cause a pain like I've never felt before and that pain won't go away
Louis Kent Jul 2015
My dreams and your dreams are our dreams. I love you more than words could ever describe and can’t wait for you to be my wife. Because in every dream I have your in my life. Sadly those are only dreams reality ***** I wish I could sleep forever because that's the only place we can be together.
Sadly those are only dreams reality ***** I wish I could sleep forever because that's the only place we can be together

— The End —