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Louie Joe Aug 2018
Flowers blooming colors glow
Greet the morning sun hello
Scent of fragrant breeze refreshing
Gentle warmth was so inviting.

Normal people walking out
Busy streets and roundabout
Children playing hide and seek
Just nother day of the week

Silver wings of airplane high
Wonder as it cross the sky
A tiny object fall beneath
What could be this special gift?

With no second, a blinding light
The sun was humbled of its might
Then the houses, trees so tall
Crumbled down, began to fall

Burning figures, swirling blaze
Shadows gone without a trace
I lay helpless want to help
Deeply wounded found myself

Rivers flowing, ****** red
Cradle filled with sleeping dead
Cherry blossoms fell like tears
For motherland with all her fears

I still hear those horrid screams
The painful sight of broken dreams
This picture always kept inside
The fateful summer of '45
908 · Aug 2018
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Trapped in the night sky
Forever pretty
In a mere second
Die graciously
In that moment of sacrifice-
Utmost brilliance..

Reflect in your eyes
This moment
Shared sweet silence
As their wings fall
So does my heart
In your palms glow faintly

In this garden so dark
Hold my hand
In this blinding sadness
You are my sight
Do not flicker
Stay with me 'til sunlight.
Louie Joe Aug 2018
I should be one with the moon
Tonight, carried by the silver lightning
You know, the one you struck me
Killing my youth, my yesterday

I should be dying with a smile
Eyes wide open, accepting the fate
Of eternal you
Of the late unexpected gift that was you

I should be without shadows
But in the darkness I am followed
Hollowed yet dragging with weight
Of the old unworthy me

I should not bleed as much
When the goddess closed my wounds
As she held me up from the battlefield
I wanted my last breath with Angels

I should not be like this
Blissful yet oblivious of the obvious
That the footsteps I leave behind are red
As I walk away from victory half dead

I should not follow the light
But I did, and it burns
The warmth engulfed me In flames
Yet my ashes try to retain as much of me
273 · Aug 2018
Dance of the Rainmakers
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Drums beating echoed above
Feet are shuffling out of love
Prayers sent with utmost praise
Send us water Lord make haste
The heavens pour genrously
Tears upon the barren trees
Alms for the forsaken wild
Come forth, Oh! A newborn child
Smiling faces, thirst endure
Promised gift of mother nature

Sunshine is covered with gloom
Clouds dominate the horizon
Leaves all dance ecstatically
Against the gentle monsoon
The thirsting earth be nourished
With a downpour of blessings
The land embraced them-
Glistening crystal rainfall
Life rejoiced, rejuvinated
The reign of drought has ended

Weaving river out of dust
Waking greens along its path
Lovely to witness all these things
The darkened soil, puddling
Children being kids outdoors
Playful with the drizzling trees
Workers ready arm your steeds
Farmers gather sow your seeds
Cheerful spirits invigorating
These are precious times indeed
240 · Aug 2018
Opium in a Plume
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Another night, my room and I
Why are the walls closing in?
Am I under the spell or influence
Of that miracle drug in my vein?
Need no needles, tubes or ember
I just injected ink on paper
Then flowed the magic medicine
Which bred a fiery urge within

Fantasies kept secretly deep
Mental euphoria slowly creep
Outside the boudaries of reality
Command my hands to artistry
I'm about to make a crime scene
Execution of rhymes with rhythm
Verses run wildly unstoppable
Words of a mad man undeniable.

The red webs nesting my iris
While I stare the empty white,
Kaleidoscoping imagery enigmatic
In my mind confused and chaotic
Cannot pause for a drink or ****
Masterpiece I shall finish this
Still in my blood, will always be
This lingering lust for poetry.
236 · Aug 2018
Louie Joe Aug 2018
I dwell again in these thoughts,
That awoken me to a dream:
About daylight and darkness
And how they cannot be,
About the empty and half filled
And everything in between

Open to possibilities
Exempting the impossible
****** me with sweet false hope
In a trance of questions
Where to whom, what is why?
Lust for truth insatiable

Be it then, cause nowhere now
The bitter sweet liason
To believe the passion of belief
Betrayal to the mind, unfaithful
Placebo of the midnight moon
I surrender to reason

Tell me spoken silence now
For maybe later heard somehow
Secrets cannot bleed more lies
The honest gleaming in those eyes
This is the dream I dread is not
These are the thoughts I think of lot
235 · Aug 2018
The Undefeated
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Challenge him not
The winningest opponent
He who dares unbend to his will
When time comes, shall succumb
Awfully and be distraught

Though our nature is to avoid,
Many believe otherwise
Do not break stare, spit on his face
This is proposal for duel
Adversary: Death Himself!

Is it fearless spirit that govern
The souls who dared to dare?
Or do they fear having not done so?
When man meets hell and live to tell
Glory is thirst insatiable

Saddle up daredevil
Ride your bike ablaze
Across inferno of steel and stones
Never mind your blood and bones
Death taunts you once more.
235 · Aug 2018
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Strip away my heart of all the torment
Set this spirit free from imprisonment
The sands of time are slowly fading
Regret by my side as I lay down watching
Every fragment of yesterday burn with time
As the cancer keep eating what's left inside

I am merely the shell of my former self
For years the product of withering health
Bound by chains of flowing medicine
The air I breathe- borrowed from a machine
And when I 'm alone I ask with self pity
Since when did movement become a luxury?

Now the truth has come before my eyes
The reaper is smiling with imminent demise
I am ready for death, let me welcome him
If my hand can obey, it will be a whim
So one last favor before I kiss the mud
I beg you please, pull the trigger.. Pull the plug!
225 · Aug 2018
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Fingers sinking the foaming blue,
Was not the final glimpse of you
Staring eternal, darkness consume
Making sense yet not immune

Sleepless, watched the gaping dawn
I knew this feeling yet unknown
Turned all to ever nothingness
Thoughts descend to meaningless

Under the shade of comfort bliss
Yesterday and the days amiss
Your colors shone, blinding sweetly
Like early falling blossomed cherry

Lingered essence slowly fading
Into the wind while slowly piercing
My veins with poison truth, I’m weary
Your breath my prisoned sanctuary

The bleeding image wounded me
While seeping through my sanity
Silhouettes now and then interval
Of pristine you my dream eternal

Final struggle, gasp for air
Trembling fingers run your hair
I reached for you, unreachable
I searched for you, invisible

I tried dearly for death instead
But tears have drowned you in my head
Or so it seemed this very moment
A smile amidst the sweetest torment
202 · Aug 2018
Whisky and Beer
Louie Joe Aug 2018
We have it easy, you and me
Hot or cold we set us free
Smiles and laughter ever after
I see your eyes on me forever

Brewing slowly, slow and true
Deepest feelings, I have for you
Time together be non at all
Let me taste your kiss and fall

Lead me on and let it linger
I dont mind, pull away if ever
You taste the bitter of my lips
The coldness of my fingertips

But if my flavor shall allure you
Whisper your desires for me to
Feel worthy of a sip and do
What lovers love, dont overdue

Liquor, wine, our juice will flow
What’s your poison? Let me know
Share a midnight one or two
Cheers for lovely me and you
198 · Aug 2018
View From a Cliff
Louie Joe Aug 2018
The sea whispers my name
Caressing my face with morning breeze
The blue temptress smiling, glimmering
Impure thoughts conjured by her beauty
Mesmerized by crashing waves
I gaze at the tides curious, unquivering
How do you embrace the rocky shore?
The way tides are welcomed endlessly

Suppose on this cliff, my eyes shut tight
I approach half-hearted, the edge of reason
Will I be overwhelmed by fear of falling
Or will loneliness overwhelm fear itself?
I want to leave all burdens behind.
What treasures are there beneath to find?
Peace in the arms of abysmal darkness
No pain and suffering in that dream sublime.

My mind thirsts for answers
And my spirit yearns for rest
Urging me to leap for the wonderous deep
No more misery in that eternal slumber
The wailing wind and weeping clouds
Swept me away from that lucid trance
I open my eyes, found myself walking away.
My last ounce of sanity sighing
Not today, not today...

— The End —