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Louie Joe Aug 2018
Trapped in the night sky
Forever pretty
In a mere second
Die graciously
In that moment of sacrifice-
Utmost brilliance..

Reflect in your eyes
This moment
Shared sweet silence
As their wings fall
So does my heart
In your palms glow faintly

In this garden so dark
Hold my hand
In this blinding sadness
You are my sight
Do not flicker
Stay with me 'til sunlight.
Louie Joe Aug 2018
The sea whispers my name
Caressing my face with morning breeze
The blue temptress smiling, glimmering
Impure thoughts conjured by her beauty
Mesmerized by crashing waves
I gaze at the tides curious, unquivering
How do you embrace the rocky shore?
The way tides are welcomed endlessly

Suppose on this cliff, my eyes shut tight
I approach half-hearted, the edge of reason
Will I be overwhelmed by fear of falling
Or will loneliness overwhelm fear itself?
I want to leave all burdens behind.
What treasures are there beneath to find?
Peace in the arms of abysmal darkness
No pain and suffering in that dream sublime.

My mind thirsts for answers
And my spirit yearns for rest
Urging me to leap for the wonderous deep
No more misery in that eternal slumber
The wailing wind and weeping clouds
Swept me away from that lucid trance
I open my eyes, found myself walking away.
My last ounce of sanity sighing
Not today, not today...
Louie Joe Aug 2018
Flowers blooming colors glow
Greet the morning sun hello
Scent of fragrant breeze refreshing
Gentle warmth was so inviting.

Normal people walking out
Busy streets and roundabout
Children playing hide and seek
Just nother day of the week

Silver wings of airplane high
Wonder as it cross the sky
A tiny object fall beneath
What could be this special gift?

With no second, a blinding light
The sun was humbled of its might
Then the houses, trees so tall
Crumbled down, began to fall

Burning figures, swirling blaze
Shadows gone without a trace
I lay helpless want to help
Deeply wounded found myself

Rivers flowing, ****** red
Cradle filled with sleeping dead
Cherry blossoms fell like tears
For motherland with all her fears

I still hear those horrid screams
The painful sight of broken dreams
This picture always kept inside
The fateful summer of '45
Louie Joe Aug 2018
We have it easy, you and me
Hot or cold we set us free
Smiles and laughter ever after
I see your eyes on me forever

Brewing slowly, slow and true
Deepest feelings, I have for you
Time together be non at all
Let me taste your kiss and fall

Lead me on and let it linger
I dont mind, pull away if ever
You taste the bitter of my lips
The coldness of my fingertips

But if my flavor shall allure you
Whisper your desires for me to
Feel worthy of a sip and do
What lovers love, dont overdue

Liquor, wine, our juice will flow
What’s your poison? Let me know
Share a midnight one or two
Cheers for lovely me and you

— The End —