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  Jan 2016 BardOfTheNorth
Joshua Haines
  is born pure,
    I think.
Imagine red-hot
  ****** metal.

Clay is given to two
  people. Two.

Sometimes one person leaves.
  The metal is too hot.

  Hey, this isn't for me,
he or she says.
  Shame if it's the mom.
Push it out. Check out
  of the heartbreak motel.

  But it's all the same,
I suppose:
  Mom or dad.

Red-hot ****** metal,
  sitting at the playground.
Teacher says,
  Play with the other kids.
Teacher says,
  Does the world seem big
    because it's so scary?
Teacher says,
  What is your nature?
Teacher says,
  Play with the other kids--
    think of it as

  Time to graduate.

You ******* queer,
  said the news.
Yeah you,
  said the news.
Look over here,
  said the news.
Bombs, ****, *******,
*******, *****, spics,
******, school shootings,
drugs, suicide, famine,
STDs, rap music, Jews,
Obama, Putin, North Korea,
  said the news.
By the way,
  said the news.
Have you seen
  Miley Cyrus'
nip slip,
  said the news.

Graduation night.

  Rumbling 'round the
warm, bath water
  city lights.
Her hand in his.
  She looks over,
What is your nature?

I had a teacher
  ask me that,
he said.

They ****** underneath
  an apple tree.

This is what the rain is for.
This is what the rain is for.
  To get us wet?
No, *******.
  Because I already
    had you wet.
Ha-ha. Very funny...
    No, it's for washing away
      memories of ***
        under a tree.


Two people. Two.
  Let's name him,
she said.
  Let's fail him,
he said.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
Glide your hands down my curves,
Squeeze my hips tight and jump my nerves.
Pull me close without a sound,
And kiss me until the sun goes down.
Let me feel your warmth against my skin,
Please let us make this one more sin.

Run your tongue across my neck.
Push me up against the bed.
Eat me up, indulge in me.
Let us both be free in this eternity.

Please darling, touch me in my fantasy.
Feel my breath and hear my gasps,
Hold me close, don't turn back.
Keep going, and liberate me
From this lust that's inside of me.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
Cars, what are you going to do?
One day they're fine, the next you see they are  poo.

Bad wiring on a headlight, not too bad.
But a front and rear main seal leak,  worries me a tad.
Where am I going to find the money,
Will I be able to fix my honey?
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
"O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis;
et velata
mihi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!"
Written in the early 13th century. Later translated into song by Carl Orff, in Carmina Burana.
  Apr 2015 BardOfTheNorth
Try to please too much and you'll lose who you really are
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
I'm a coward, I know this to be true.
All I do is run and hide from you.
Don't be mad, it's all okay.
I'm always here for you at the end of the day.

Everything is still the same,
We just have to make things a little bit more tame.
I just wanted you to know you'll always be my best friend,
Right down to the very end.
Even though things don't always turn out right,
There's always a chance of happiness at the end of the night.
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