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  May 2015 Astrid Ember
If you ever wanna be in love
I'll come around
  May 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
Every artist has dabbled here and there with everything from
Making your own artificial clouds into the night sky
Letting tabs of lysergic acid diethyl amide melt onto your tongue
There are those who not only put pen to paper
But put needle to skin
There are those born with ideas, and those who sniff them up with rolled up dollar bills
And there are theses who’s best thoughts come from nose bleeds and a heart rate of 150 bpm
There are those who lay putting all effort into form misshapen words on a blank canvas
and there are people over medicating falsified illnesses with the contents of yellow little bottles
There are those who drown themselves in self apathy, and agony
  May 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
Alex in second grade was sharing cookies and kisses on cheeks
Jacob was fourth through sixth grade, he was holding my hand soft and calling me by my new name "girlfriend"
Cory was summer, swimming pool, stolen kisses, and a new name "sweetie"
David was seventh grade, english class, whispers and giggles, passing notes
Austin was dancing, he was crying, he was soft kisses and the playground
Eighth grade was Grant, he was a week, he was promises that were never kept
Cody was the spring, he was new, he was old, he was out of school, and he gave me a new name "sweet ***"
Zack was summer, he was the begging of school, he was skipping, he was the one with his hand up my skirt
Anthony was a secret, he was ***, he was pushing and pulling, he was bruises
Caleb was innocent, he was steamy he was passion, he was long days, and short nights
Danny was the mall, late night facetime and long talks
Dallas was hard cold raw *******
And you
  May 2015 Astrid Ember
Ellie Shelley
I will call you lover
Because thats all you are
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