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575 · Jan 2019
Touch Me.
Loryn Jan 2019
I crave the feeling
Of someone's touch
I want the feeling
Of someone's mouth
I need the feeling
Of someone's love
I miss her
489 · Jan 2019
Loryn Jan 2019
I give you every single part of me
Every. Single. Part.
And god it hurts, so badly
to be away from you
and know you could be searching for more.
I want to be all you need.
And still,
you're talking to her
and her
and her.
Why can't I be enough for you?
Sometimes I want to rip out my heart and throw it away.
It hurts so badly and I feel so drained.
I know she's,
in every way.
But why can't it be me?
I just want you to love me.
I love you so much.
Love me.
215 · Jan 2019
The Terror.
Loryn Jan 2019
you're terrified of feeling complete
you have a fear of becoming whole so
you've accepted being broken
Broken Hearted
207 · Jan 2019
Loryn Jan 2019
I wish I wasn't such a coward.
I wish that I could end my life without guilt.
If I wasn't such a coward I would have done it by now.
I wish I wasn't so scared.
Of death.
If I wasn't so scared I could have died by now.
I wish I wasn't so unhappy.
Maybe then my family would want me.
Maybe then my girlfriend would want me.
Maybe then I would want me.
Live or Die?
189 · Jan 2019
Loryn Jan 2019
I trace these scars with a pink pen
Wishing that the pen was a blade
Knowing that all this pain could go away

I trace these scars with a pink pen
Feeling a little bit better but
Still unsatisfied

I trace these scars with a pink pen
There's so many but still not enough
Never enough


Stay with me.
176 · Jan 2019
random thoughts entry #2
Loryn Jan 2019
i miss my baby, my princess, my everything
i wish she was with my right now
the love i feel for her is so great
and i hate not being with her
where she is right now, i don't know
i want her to come back to me
i miss her
come home to me baby
I love you
173 · Jan 2019
My Love.
Loryn Jan 2019
I'm sorry I did these things to you.
I'm sorry I left you with so many scars.
I'm sorry you have so much pain.
I'm sorry life is how it is.
I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything you ever wanted.

All I ever wanted was to make you happy
and I failed.

You wish for death
You wish to be free.
I wish for your love.
I wish you knew how much I loved you,
love you.

I hope that you will be happy
with someone
with yourself.
I hope that you never forget me.
I hope life begins to treat you fairly.
I hope you learn from me.

I forgive you and I love you.
all i ever wanted...
172 · Jan 2019
Loryn Jan 2019
The day goes by fast,
in a blur.
The tears prickle in the corners of your eyes,
and you wonder
how you got here.
How some thing could change
in an instant.

You're drowning.

Soon enough,
the world goes black and you're stuck
in an inflinate loneliness.
Though you're alone,
you're calm
and it's peaceful.

Your mind quiets and you listen
to the sound of your heartbeat,
wishing there was someone else
to listen with.
168 · Jan 2019
random thoughts entry #4
Loryn Jan 2019
i dont know why we cant remember what our past lives were like
i also wonder what the point of life actually is
like what the actual point of a life is
it seems like all life is for is to make money and do other things
but i really dont understand what the whole point is
i dont understand why money is a thing
i dont get why there is war and conflict
and why people are always fighting all the time
i dont get it
confused as ****
165 · Jan 2019
Loryn Jan 2019
Is she a she?
She'll never know
Is she okay?
She won't show
Is she alone?
Forever slow
153 · Jan 2019
random thoughts entry #3
Loryn Jan 2019
i think about a lot of things
i wonder what i was like in my past lives
what was i passionate about?
who was i?


i think about a lot of things
i wonder what i am like in my current life
what am i passionate about?
who am i?
i dont know anymore
151 · Jan 2019
random thoughts entry #1
Loryn Jan 2019
there are times when i feel like im walking on thin air
where i feel like i know im moving but i dont know how
my feet feel cemented to the ground but somehow im still going forward
even when im meant to be going backward
i wonder how i came to this conclusion
how the conclusion is that i need to end my life
i know thats what i want because i want to be free of all of these demons
theres so much wrong and im seeing blurry
everything has gone to black and white
all or nothing
live or die?
135 · Jan 2019
The Gray Area.
Loryn Jan 2019
I met this boy, girl? boy.
Gray? D'Arcy.
He wears these ugly *** shoes
and god it's hilarious.
He's like my best friend and
he makes me laugh so hard.
But he's leaving soon
and then I'll never see him again.
It's sad, I know.
But It'll be okay I guess,
I don't know.

— The End —