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Apr 2019 · 181
You Inspire
Alexis Caldera Apr 2019
The truth in your heart radiates through your eyes.
Upon a light twirling,
caught amidst a dance
of serene musing,
your glow inspires even the stars.
The stars as they fall
into the palm of your hand,
greet hello and dream
through your eyes
Keep it a’blaze.
Keep a’flowing
upon a light twirling.
The noise knows not the magnitude of your glow.
Darling, you are nature’s harmony.
So burn, burn like a wildfire
show them just how beautiful
love’s strength can be.
Apr 2019 · 125
Alexis Caldera Apr 2019
Here I am, listen. Listen a little closer now.
The air is cold and still.
Spring, like our love, is blossoming
yes as we progress further with the light of our star.
Oh sunlight, where do your brothers and sisters go in the day.
Can you show me again so I may elatedly share the flow of this wave anew
with this beauty reflective of you?
In her eyes I see the embodiment of night and she tells me.
“I know not the light without this darkness yes, so with me embody balance.”

Humbly I surrender my heart to you, Sol.

— The End —