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I wish I could touch your skin
Rather than the sun,
the air,
and the rain
kissing your lips every day.

Lizzie Bevis
In peaceful darkness,
my heart stood still,  
Four minutes were lost
against fate's will.

My quiet breath,
the silence was vast,  
In that fragile pause
I faced my past.  

Then the hands of angels
pressed firm and true,  
until CPR’s rhythm
finally broke through.  

I was lucky to rise,
I danced with light,  
and from the edge of death
I won the fight.
In 2015 I suffered an out of hospital Cardiac arrest, I often count my blessings and feel extremely lucky to be alive.
Fragrant breeze whispers,
Blossoms bloom in vibrant hues,
Nature's symphony.

          Golden sun shines bright,
          Warm rays caress sun-kissed skin,
          Summer's vibrant dance.

               Leaves ablaze with gold,
               Crisp air whispers change is near,
               Autumn's dormant song.

Snowflakes drift and fall,
Icy winds howl through bare trees,
Winter's stark beauty.
Gazing into the mirror,
blotchy eyed, unkempt and exhausted
as dull light casts shadows,
framing my weary face,
as I search for any strength left in this aged reflection by recalling fearless days.

Adrift, all conviction is lost
yet, in my mind I still tread water,
as despair’s chill takes hold and I drown in torments deep depths,
each breath a heavyweight as I slowly sink under.

My heart remains guarded,
I count each fragile vulnerable beat
and I deeply pray for solace as frailty continuously snuffs out my spark.
The anxiety grips steadfastly to reality
and my self-esteem dissipates under this malady.

I cower from this fear,
I do not wish to die in calm solitude indoors
whilst the world outside seems like an impossible mountain to climb.
Why must my existence be reduced to nothing more than an imperfectly broken soul?

Because, this is not me…
This is not me at all.

Lizzie Bevis
Like a cluster of dandelion seeds
in time we will grow
yet, eventually, with a gentle puff and blow
we will sail along the breeze
by the long grassy meadows,
over babbling brooks or flowing streams
gleefully dancing with tall leafy trees.

Spinning and gliding
the adventure,
the brief rapture...
as I land amongst the dust
separated and alone.
I am destined to nurture all I have left
as we drift apart
into scattered and distant memories.

Lizzie Bevis
Please do not feel sad
because the world will stop
if your smile ceases to exist,
akin to warming rays
cascading from the heavens up high,
brightening our days and making life worthwhile.

Please do not feel worried
you will always find the light
within the darkness due;
Please remember
your radiance and your kindness
and that my heart is always with you.

Please do not pity and wallow
because of everything that has been,
try to be kind to yourself
I hope that you will find peace
with chaotic thoughts
and find hope by casting aside doubts.

I can only hope that the song
that plays over and over within
becomes the sweet melody
of happier thoughts and memories,
soothing you at times when you feel down and will forever bring you comfort,
as a welcome good morning
and good night.

Lizzie Bevis
My grey blue eyes look for something
to grasp onto in the torrent of my emotions, but I need not look any deeper
than my love for you.

Although, I have despised you,
when you berated my name
under your breathe more than once
but I still found myself loving you again.

Your mindless antics threw me to the wind
when our love was a double-edged sword,
mingling our vigour and passion
as bitter words were spat and scored.

This burning strength of mine
was once a weapon yielded tightly
as my heart beat faster, and my thoughts were once a force to be seldom reckoned with.

Yet, when infuriated I found peace quickly,
and I finally understand why at times
I fought so hard for you,
and why I chose to make a stand.

I did not want to hurt you but,
I longed for you to see
that I wanted you to love yourself
as much as you loved me.

I did not want to hurl my words
and create a storm across an ocean,
but instead to love you as deeply
as the tides of my emotions.

Lizzie Bevis
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