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Oct 2014 · 532
A Poet's People
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
The thesaurus is your lover;
the dictionary is your best friend.
The blank paper is your enemy;
the broken pen is an acquaintance.
Grammar can sit in the corner;
and rhyme can have it's own chair.
The trashcan's favorite food is crumpled paper,
and you do so love to feed it.
And who could forget,
your hands and your mind?
They are you,
and you create art.
This is incredibly light hearted compared to my usual stuff.
Not sure where it came from.
Oct 2014 · 303
Don't look
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I feel so exposed,
as if I am a flower with the petals
ripped off and thrown to the ground.

Delicate, I once was.
Virtuous and dignified.

Exposed, all I feel is shame.
I do not feel delicate and beautiful and wanted.
I feel abused and torn and *****.

All I can ask is:
*please don't look at me.
Oct 2014 · 2.5k
Self Conscious
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
My mother once told me
To watch my weight.

Now, all I do is watch my weight.
Eat too little, work out too much.

All because of three little words,
*watch your weight
Oct 2014 · 449
A prince
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
The little lady will do anything for you.
Kiss her hand,
Watch her melt at your every word.

You know how desperate she is for your acceptance.
Act like a gentleman,
Your intentions are anything but.

Royalty faces no consequences, after all.
Oct 2014 · 320
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
It's a gift,
To be innocent, that is.
I would give anything
just to have it back.

But I can't have it back.
He took my innocence
in the harshest way.
Taking advange of a naive girl.

He pinned my arms
ignored my pleading
And took my dignity
And my hope
And my innocence.
I just want it back.
Oct 2014 · 273
Just Another Day
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
Wake up, unplug the clock.
Get up too late,
skip a meal and hurry to leave.

A disappointed lecture,
a promise to do better.
Flip through the papers, forehead meets desk.

Leave for lunch.
Order nothing.
Stare at the blank wall with shadowy corners.

More papers, more flipping,
more disappointment.
Grab the keys, start the car, sigh to the empty seats.

Return to the empty room,
smile to no one, pretend to be happy.
Alone, go to bed, the cold blankets don't embrace like a lover.

Rewind and repeat this lugubrious existence.
Oct 2014 · 768
What Does Broken Mean?
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
She was broken
And she acknowledged it.

But what does that mean?
A broken human is surely different
From a broken toy.

You cannot replace the batteries
Or superglue the cracks.

What does it mean to be broken?
It means to be human.
And not quite fixable.
This feels unfinished. Or unfixable.
Oct 2014 · 225
Untitled #3
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I can't seem to
Pick up the pieces
Of my life.
So for now,
I'll stay shattered
And hope
That one day,
I'll be whole again.
Oct 2014 · 190
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
Her eyes were so empty.
There were not even tears to be shed.
Light did not exist
Colors were dull.

Those eyes will haunt me.
Oct 2014 · 296
Silly Little Lies
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
It's always something little.
I'm just tired.

These little lies that hide the emptiness.
No, really. I'm fine.

That lead to bigger lies and more pain.
Those cuts? My cat.

These silly little lies we tell,
will be the end of us.
Oct 2014 · 295
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I dreamt of you last night.
You offered me a bag of powdered happiness
and took me into your arms.

I thought you had the best of intentions
But things are different now.
That is clear by the position we are in.

A drugged stupor,
trapped under you.
Your hot breath on my neck,
bleeding and broken.

This is a nightmare of good intentions.
A memory of the past.
Don't speak of it, just pretend it didn't happen, for shame is all you'll ever know.
Oct 2014 · 466
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
He told me I was too naive

Someone will take advantage of you. he said.

Innocent and cute, you're going to end up in trouble

How brash,
I was offended.
But he was right
And I should have listened.
Oct 2014 · 386
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I know you forgot my name.
It is not a surprise.
I am not memorable.
How could I resent your nature?
To forget the forgettable.

But someday,
I hope you remember.
For the wallflowers.
I hope you grow bored of your walls.
Oct 2014 · 320
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
Hands held too tight
Eyes too damp
Voices too loud
Happiness too great
Sadness too strong
Music too beautiful
Words too long
Fear too strong
Ambition too high
By the time you read this,
I'm too far gone.
This is what we call life.
A world of too many's
That make something beautiful
And something terrible.
It's times like these that make me hope I didn't forget English.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
I don't believe in prayers.
Of all the things I've seen,
miracles are not one of them.
If life wants to ***** you over,
Or ***** you up,
It will.
And there is not a thing you can do
To save yourself.
Oct 2014 · 690
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
A hand reaches for the glass.
Warm fingers meet cold crystal,
trying to wipe away the imperfections.
As unforgiving as ever,
the flaws remain.
Mirrors are a painful thing, are they not?
Oct 2014 · 251
Untitled #2
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
They drip off your tongue.
Like my crimson blood.
Sweet and salty,
they leave a bitter taste.
You took me to bed with a few simple words.
I regret every word I ever fell for.
Oct 2014 · 296
Untitled #1
Liz And Lilacs Oct 2014
It never made much sense to me.
I watched my closest friends break their bones to fit in the box.
The masks they wore hid them.
I never truly knew them.

But I was always me.
No masks, no fitting in where I wasn't meant.
Yet, I still didn't know myself.

I realized that I wore my own masks
to hide my pain from myself and the world.
No one could know me. Not even myself.
To the girls with the masks: Do you even know yourself?

— The End —