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1.3k · Dec 2014
Lite Dec 2014
Wherever you are,
I've waited for forever.
And it seems as though the walls
that once felt so strong, so stable,
are now crumbling all around me
in a hail storm of
fears, doubts, and futures
that once existed within my mind
that seemed so close that I could have kissed them;
could of held them until the end of time
just as once I thought of you...

No longer can I sit here,
I must get up,
I must move,
I must create my destiny,
not some faceless omnipotent force,
and it's time for me to move.
Time to take up arms against the battle waging within my very being
guns firing so loudly now that I can no longer defend myself
against that which makes me
who I am.

I need no saving.
The white knight coming to save us,
that gallant shining man on his faithful steed...
Is me.

He is woven into the very fabric of my being,
and on that fateful day when we finally meet
you'll see him standing before you.

And maybe he will summon up the courage,
to pull out that chair
sit back down
and meet you there.

Eyes open, clear, renewed once more
because of you.

For after all this time,
and all the work,
the sacrifices,
the pain,
I have and am about to endure...

Please know that I can wait no longer.
Too much time already wasted,
we must get up,
we must move,
We must create our destiny.
905 · Dec 2014
Work Vs. the Lottery
Lite Dec 2014
Why is patience a virtue we hold so dearly
when it only teaches us to do nothing

Perseverance is what you are looking for
and when you have it you don't wait

You just do
take the pain and suffering
accept that things take time
push yourself
make sacrifices
leap over hurdles never thought possible
And always keep going...

— The End —